Williams / Abstract Noun Project / English 11

We all know a noun is a person, place, thing or an idea. Most people, places or things are considered concrete—that is, it is possible to see it, touch it, hear it, taste it, or smell it. However, most ideas are more abstract—that is, they are intangible. Ideas exist only in mind as defined by other ideas or concepts. It is impossible to see an idea, taste it, touch it, hear it or smell it. For example, the idea of freedom is abstract; therefore, freedom is considered an abstract noun. It is not possible to see freedom, touch freedom, taste it or smell it.

Literature often uses language to express these abstract ideas, concepts or feelings. For example, the poem “Dreams” by Langston Hughes. A dream is an example of an abstract noun. Hughes uses metaphors and similes to make the abstract idea of a dream/goal more concrete.

This project revolves around making an abstract noun—an idea or concept—into something concrete. This project requires you to make a visual representation of an abstract noun or concept and present it to the class.

  1. Choose an abstract noun to work with such as freedom, beauty, nature, etc. It must be an abstract noun.
  2. Decide how to visually represent the abstract noun and design it in the form of a mobile that can hang from the ceiling of our classroom and represent your definition of the abstract noun.
  3. Write a detailed paragraph about the abstract concept explaining how your graphic representation is an accurate representation of your topic. Be sure you explain why the materials you chose help you represent the topic.
  4. Prepare a brief presentation for the class that thoroughly explains the significance of your creation.

You will be graded on the following:

Topic (noun)

Creativity (use of color/texture/materials etc.)



The final project will be a test grade. Due: Tuesday, August 24

Williams / Abstract Noun Project / English 11

We all know a noun is a person, place, thing or an idea. Most people, places or things are considered concrete—that is, it is possible to see it, touch it, hear it, taste it, or smell it. However, most ideas are more abstract—that is, they are intangible. Ideas exist only in mind as defined by other ideas or concepts. It is impossible to see an idea, taste it, touch it, hear it or smell it. For example, the idea of freedom is abstract; therefore, freedom is considered an abstract noun. It is not possible to see freedom, touch freedom, taste it or smell it.

Literature often uses language to express these abstract ideas, concepts or feelings. For example, the poem “Dreams” by Langston Hughes. A dream is an example of an abstract noun. Hughes uses metaphors and similes to make the abstract idea of a dream/goal more concrete.

This project revolves around making an abstract noun—an idea or concept—into something concrete. This project requires you to make a visual representation of an abstract noun or concept and present it to the class.

  1. Choose an abstract noun to work with such as freedom, beauty, nature, etc. It must be an abstract noun.
  2. Decide how to visually represent the abstract noun and design it in the form of a mobile that can hang from the ceiling of our classroom and represent your definition of the abstract noun.
  3. Write a detailed paragraph about the abstract concept explaining how your graphic representation is an accurate representation of your topic. Be sure you explain why the materials you chose help you represent the topic.
  4. Prepare a brief presentation for the class that thoroughly explains the significance of your creation.

You will be graded on the following:

Topic (noun)

Creativity (use of color/texture/materials etc.)



The final project will be a test grade. Due: Tuesday, August 24