Tuesday October 4, 2005

SGA Senate Minutes

I. Call to Order 7:05

II. Roll Call

a. See Lindsay if you have not been receiving Senate emails.

III. Announcements/Open Forum

Celebration committee meeting downstairs 7:30 Wed.

Elections will be held from 10/5 – 10/7


Minutes passed

6 Abstentions

IV. College Community Service Initiative

a. Hannah Durrant, Assistant Director of Residence Life

Hannah presents campus community service program and the sustainability efforts program.

Houses can choose which one they would like to do.

At the end of March houses will put a portfolio together about what they have done.

Committee will choose a winner.

That house will be given $1,000 to donate to the charity of its choice.

V. Senate Goals

a. What goals can we accomplish?

New goals introduced:

·  A quad bus stop, or Green St. PVTA

·  Campus Center Senate Board and campus center suggestion box.

·  Senate column in the “Sophian”/ senate publication – discussion tabled

b. What goals can we delegate to other bodies, i.e. HPA?

·  The goal College Guest policy, house guest policy will be delegated to public safety and residence life.

·  Intramural sports program to Athletic Association and HPA

·  Gender safe spaces to Tangent

·  Food allergy concerns to Dining Committee

·  Increased house community for houses without dining to HPA

·  Increased dining hours to Dining Committee

Deleted goals include:

·  Environmental policy

·  24 hour one card swipe in

·  More PVTA bus stops

c.  What are our 3 most important goals for the year?

·  More lighting, safety on campus

·  Campus Center Senate Board and Campus Center suggestion box

·  Visibility of Senate, including Senate/house connections and in house suggestion boxes

**Guest speakers we are planning to invite include: Kathy Zieja, Carol Christ, Becky Shaw, Mayor Mary Higgins, and Paul Ominsky

VI. Parliamentary Procedure

Asks senators to look over handout

Brief outline for parliamentary procedure

Explanation of Agenda

Actions that senate members can take are presented

Senators participate in quiz

VII. Committee Check –In

a. Find a place in the room to check in with your committee.

b. Make sure that each committee has at least one chair.

c. Which goal are you going to focus on from now until Thanksgiving?

VIII. Closing Announcements

Sports that need meals on weekends should see Amanda Taus. Includes club sports

IX. Adjournment 9:02


A look ahead to our next meeting . . . .

o  There is NO meeting on October 11th – Enjoy your Fall Break!

o  Before we meet again make sure that you have gotten in contact with your committee and are working on an objective to aid you in accomplishing your main committee goal for October/ November.

Meg’s Office Hours:

Mondays 5-6pm

Tuesdays 9-10pm

Please come visit me in the SGA Office – I need YOUR help to make Senate great!