Agenda for Zhouzhuang Scenic Area in 2010

Theme: Meet in World Expo Shanghai, Heart at Zhouzhuang

Time / Theme / Monthly activity / Individual activity / Individual activity slogan / Date / Activity contents / Activity features
January / New @ January in Zhouzhuang
New year, new look / Journey to greet the New Year / New Year’s inauguration / New year, new look / January 1 / 1.  On the New Year’s day, a grand ceremony will be held at the ancient Archway to put Zhouzhuang into operation. “Shen Wansan” will lead his servants and servant girls to offer sacrifice to ancestors and pray for blessings. He will personally open the ancient town to greet guests, lead tourists around the town, and participate in the folk-custom performances of Tiao Hua Lan, Da Lian Xiang, and Dang Hu Chuan.
2.  “Seek perfume pouch and make a wish”: On January 1, the first 200 tourists buying tickets will be granted an Grandma perfume pouch separately, which holds a lot to make a wish. Tourists may write down their wishes for the New Year on the lots. They may choose to A: hang the lots on the vow walls of Chengxu Taoist Temple or Quanfu Temple and, when their wishes are realized, return to redeem the vows; B: take the lots as ornaments for vehicles and bags, allowing the blessing of Zhouzhuang to accompany them. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
Journey to greet New Year / Make a wish, win big prize, and enjoy yourself in Zhouzhuang / January 1 – January 31 / The moon will be devoted to the “journey to greet New Year”.
Quanfu Temple and Chengxu Taoist Temple will set up vow walls to extend blessings and accept vows in the New Year. When the activity is concluded, participants will take part in the online evaluation of “most splendid blessings”. The winner will be awarded with a big prize. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
February / Heart @ February in Zhouzhuang
Reunion of man and heart / Lunar New Year in Zhouzhuang
Month for folk customs in waterside town / Good fortune in Zhouzhuang in Tiger Year / Come to enjoy Lunar New Year in Zhouzhuang / February 7 – February 28 / Come to enjoy the Lunar New Year in Zhouzhuang and experience the large-scale folk-custom activities of Tiao Hua Lan, Da Lian Xiang, dragon and lion dances, and Lantern Festival gathering.
1.  The Zhouzhuang official website will introduce online-booking agenda for “spending Lunar New Year in Zhouzhuang”. Tourists may choose two-day or three-day journeys, accommodate in folk-custom hotels in the scenic spots, and appreciate the splendors of festival scenes. They will taste genuine local dishes and admire the new looks of the 900-year old town.
1  Little New Year Eve on lunar December 24 (February 7): This day is the traditional Little New Year Eve in Zhouzhuang. You may come to Zhouzhuang to enjoy the Little New Year, experience traditional folk customs, and personally produce and taste rice balls blessing happiness next year.
2  Load rice cakes on lunar December 28 (February 11): The rice cake workshops at Shen Hall and Zhenfeng Culture Street will load and deliver rice cakes.
3  Stay up in New Year’s Eve (February 13): Paste spring festival couplets and door-god pictures, eat family reunion dinner, “stay up at night”, set off fireworks, and burn incense and strike the bell at Quanfu Temple after the midnight.
4  First day of the lunar New Year (February 14): “Set off fireworks after opening the door”. Eat sweet water sticky rice balls at breakfast, foretelling sweet life. Enjoy Wansan family feast for supper.
5  Fifth day of the lunar New Year (February 18):
Zhouzhuang Yinzibang is said to be the place for Shen Wansan to bury million yuan worth assets. In this day, Yinzibang will set up the Shen Wansan goldmine to elaborate the origins of goldmine and the history and culture of Shen’s business.
Millionnaire “Shen Wansan” will be in parade praying for blessing and give tourists “gold ingots”.
⑥ Fifteenth day of the lunar New Year (February 28): Taste rice glue balls, appreciate lanterns, and guess lantern riddles.
2.  Any persons, families and groups attending the “Spending New Year in Zhouzhuang” activity, provided leaving personal information (only one), shall have the chance to be a specially invited guest of Zhouzhuang to attend the opening ceremony of Zhouzhuang Scenic Spot at World Expo Shanghai for case exhibition. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
March / Glad @ March in Zhouzhuang
Warm breezes blow to unveil spring / Journey of charm / Water-based Zhouzhuang, water-made women
-- 10,000 women winning 10,000 yuan prize / March 1 – March 31 / 1.  Daughter Powder: Female tourists participating in pearl gathering tours will be awarded a bag of pearl powder grinded on site.
2.  Daughter Colorful: Kunqu performance at the ancient theatrical platform, where tourists will see, hear and appreciate Kunqu apparel show, or take photos with these apparels.
3.  Daughter Red: Come to Zhouzhuang to experience the large-scale folk-custom activities of Tiao Hua Lan, Da Lian Xiang, spinning yarns and weaving fabrics on March 6 through 8.
4.  From March 1 to 30, female tourists buying tickets to tour Zhouzhuang and leaving valid personal information for contacts at the ticket stubs will have the chance to win the lottery, separated for every 10 days, in early April under the supervision of the Kunshan Notarization Office. Three women will have to luck to win 10,000 yuan prizes respectively. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
April / Enjoy @ April in Zhouzhuang
Fairyland of beautiful flowers and sweet odors / Journey of spring / Tomb-sweeping Day, go for a walk in southern Yangtze River watery town / Mourning for the dead in Zhouzhuang / April 1 – April 30 / 1.  Tomb-sweeping Day activity: On April 3 through 5, buy kites and disconnected snipes at Handicraft Southern Yangtze River handiwork shop, taste green rice balls, and flow river lamps.
2.  Zhouzhuang rape flower festival:
1  Fly kites in rape flower fields
2  Play with cowboys and buffaloes in fields
3  Sponsor Zhouzhuang Impression photo appraisal activity. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
Zhouzhuang in All Seasons put on show / Zhouzhuang in All Seasons upgraded in performance to look fresher and charmer / April 10 / China’s first large-scale water-based real scene performance Zhouzhuang in All Seasons upgraded. Tourists watching the first 10 shows will enjoy 50 percent discount of accommodation at designated hotels with their entrance tickets (need to make reservation). / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
15th China Zhouzhuang International Tourism Festival inauguration and folk custom activities / Meet in World Expo Shanghai and passions for Zhouzhuang / About April 11 – April 30 / 1.  Inauguration of 15th China Zhouzhuang International Tourism Festival
2.  3rd Ancient Town Protection & Development Forum
3.  Large-scale folk-custom activities of Tiao Hua Lan, Da Lian Xiang, dragon and lion dance, and water-based lanterns. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
May / Fragrance @ May in Zhouzhuang
Fragrance extends in colorful festival / Zhouzhuang · World Expo Shanghai
Journey of riverside town / Experience folk customs in Laborer’s festival / Celebrate joyous festival in Zhouzhuang / May 1 – May 3 / Large-scale folk-custom activities, including Tiao Hua Lan, Da Lian Xiang, dragon and lion dance, and water-based lanterns. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
Enjoy World Expo Shanghai, tour Zhouzhuang leisurely / Come to World Expo Shanghai and Zhouzhuang / May 1 – May 31 / 1.  Come to Zhouhuang in May to learn what the Waterside Impression is at World Expo Shanghai.
2.  Zhouzhuang is the pavilion beyond pavilion of World Expo Shanghai. The Zhouzhuang Tourism Service Center will take the lead to sponsor a World Expo Case Photo Show since May.
3.  Haibao, the mascot of World Expo Shanghai, will personally come to Zhouzhuang to join tourists in the activity of “Q&A for World Expo Shanghai. Tourists leaving correct answers and personal information will have the chance to win a ticket for the World Expo Shanghai.
4.  On May 20, Zhouzhuang in All Seasons tour performance will make its debut in the World Expo Shanghai quarter. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
June / Star @ June in Zhouzhuang
Exhibit in World Expo Shanghai, shine in Zhouzhuang / Zhouzhuang · World Expo Shanghai
Journey of stars / Meet in Zhouzhuang to greet Dragon-boat Festival / Enjoy Dragon-boat Festival in Zhouzhuang / June 14 – June 16 / Come to Zhouzhuang to enjoy the multi-taste rice dumplings and participate in the folk custom activity of sculling fast sailers in the Dragon-boat Festival. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
Zhouzhuang · World Expo Shanghai, best city exhibition case / June 13 – June 14 / 1.  Zhouzhuang admitted to the World Expo Shanghai quarter as a case for best city exhibition. Zhouzhuang will attract audiences with its legacies handed down over 900 years.
2.  Zhouzhuang in All Seasons tour performance will serve as a prelude of Wu Culture to the general public at World Expo Shanghai. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
Zhouzhuang · World Expo Shanghai, impression of riverside town / World Expo Shanghai live in Zhouzhuang / June 1 – June 30 / In June, the Zhouzhuang case will be exhibited live in the World Expo Shanghai quarter. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
July / Letter @ July in Zhouzhuang
Fly in blue sky and extend letters far / Journey of learning / Enjoy in Zhouzhuang / Enjoy yourself in World Expo Shanghai? Go on with it in Zhouzhuang / July 1 – July 31 / 1.  Zhouzhuang Water Splashing Festival: Zhouzhuang’s water, small creatures and rock-climbing in Fugui Garden.
2.  Access the Zhouzhuang website to join the “World Expo Shanghai & Zhouzhuang” Blog Contest, deliver as many videos, photos and texts as you like, and win big prizes.
3.  Tour Zhouzhuang at 20 percent discount with tickets for World Expo Shanghai. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
Riverside town folk custom show / July 15 / Southern Yangtze River Waterside Folk Custom Show, a must-come event in the World Expo Shanghai quarter. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
August / Bright @ August in Zhouzhuang
Shining sun rises for smiling faces / Journey of family / August 1 – August 31 / 1.  Zhouzhuang Water Splashing Festival: Zhouzhuang’s water, small creatures and rock-climbing in Fugui Garden.
2.  Access the Zhouzhuang website to join the “World Expo Shanghai & Zhouzhuang” Blog Contest, deliver as many videos, photos and texts as you like, and win big prizes.
3.  Tour Zhouzhuang at 30 percent discount with tickets for World Expo Shanghai. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
August 18 / Southern Yangtze River Waterside Folk Custom Show, a must-come event in the World Expo Shanghai quarter. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
Love in Chinese Valentine Day and in Zhouzhuang / August 16 / Lovers will tour Zhouzhuang at night and accommodate at designated hotels. Leave personal information, and you will have the opportunity to attend the waterside town wedding custom activity – fetching the bride with fast sailer -- in September for free. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
September / Excitement @ September in Zhouzhuang
Grand occasion at moonlit night / Deep affections in journey to Zhouzhuang / Mid-autumn Festival, offer sacrifice to Moon Palace / Enjoy bright moonlight in Zhouzhuang, cherish memories through all eternities / September 22 – September 24 / Kunqu Opera Moon Night Party at the theatrical stage: Wansan Gourmet Festival at the same time. Large-scale folk-custom activities, including Tiao Hua Lan, Da Lian Xiang, dragon and lion dance, and water-based lanterns. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
Wansan cruise of God of Wealth / Come to join cruise of God of Wealth in Zhouzhuang, and seize goldmine / September 11 – September 12
September 18 – September 19 / Millionnaire “Shen Wansan” will be in parade praying for blessing and give tourists “gold ingots”.
Large-scale folk-custom activities, including Tiao Hua Lan, Da Lian Xiang, dragon and lion dance, and water-based lanterns. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
Wedding customs at riverside towns / Stage a lasting love story with your lover / About September 11 – September 30 / When wedding ceremonies are held in Zhouzhuang, the Zhang Ting and Shen Ting will be decorated with lanterns and colorful ribbons. Drums and gongs will beat boisterously. The party will go on in full blast. Fast sailers will deliver the brides to the Shen Ting great hall for wedding ceremony. After that, the newlyweds will course the Double Bridge, Fu’an Bridge, Taiping Bridge, implying they will enjoy peace, wealth and happiness in their life. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
Zhouzhuang in All Seasons tour performance into World Expo Shanghai / September 21 / Zhouzhuang in All Seasons tour performance reproduced in World Expo Shanghai quarters / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
October / Hot @ October in Zhouzhuang
Hot turns sweet in bumper harvests / Zhouzhuang · World Expo Shanghai never ends / Golden week holiday · rejoicing waterside town / October 1 – October 7 / Local people will organize large-scale folk-custom activities, including Tiao Hua Lan, Da Lian Xiang, dragon and lion dance, and water-based lanterns, to celebrate the National Day. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
World Expo Shanghai never ends -- Zhouzhuang / Place beyond World Expo pavilions presents 1,000-year grace / October 1 – October 31 / While the curtain falls for the World Expo Shanghai, Zhouzhuang, an ancient town of 1,000 years old, will have the melody linger about long after the performance.
On October 5, Zhouzhuang in All Seasons tour performance will be presented for the last time for World Expo Shanghai. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
Safety in Zhouzhuang
grateful Double Ninth Festival / Visit Zhouzhuang in fine autumn days, exactly like Double Ninth Festival / October 16 – October 18 / In the Double Ninth Festival, drink the Wansan rice wine or liquor, taste the Double Ninth cakes and Wansan family feasts. Zhouzhuang in All Seasons will help you regain youth. Domestic house-based hotels will allow you realize wishful dreams in this present life. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
November / Blind date @ November in Zhouzhuang
Tour ancient town with stepping dance / Journey of blind date / Blind date in Zhouzhuang / November 11 / Large-scale blind dates in the Bachelor’s Festival. You will enjoy all the charming scenes of southern Yangtze River in Zhouzhuang. If you are single, gentlemen, why not come to the riverside Zhouzhuang to look for your Ms Right? / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
Handicraft exhibition week in ancient town / November 20 – November 28 / The Southern Yangtze River Craftwork Shop will exhibit finished works. Zhenfeng Culture Street will show how to make these handiworks. You may join to spin yarns, weave fabrics, brew wines, work with iron and other folk custom arts and crafts. / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade
December / Firewood @ December in Zhouzhuang
Pass firewood to complete the journey / Journey of fervent heart / Christmas Day & Torch Festival in the riverside town / December 17 - December 31 / 1.  Hang greeting cards at Christmas tree. Santa Claus will interact with tourists. Gifts will be sent. Tourists checking in at designated residence-based hotels in Zhouzhuang in Christmas Day will enjoy 20 percent discount if they book the rooms one month in advance. They will also get a satisfying reaction in their rooms.
2.  In December, the folk custom activity “riverside town Torch Festival – Da Tian Cai” will be held in the fields in Zhouzhuang. Tourists will fulfill their long-cherished wishes of “fanning the flames” and experience carnival in the folk custom (need to make a reservation, totaling 500 members). / Folk-custom grade
Experience grade