Minutes of the Meeting of Tattershall with Thorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday5th September 2017 at 7.15pm in Tattershall Library & CAP.

There were 7members of the public present. CouncillorsMrs Shaw, Mrs Pow, Mr Leggate, Mrs Harvey, Mr Coulber (Vice Chair), Mrs Dawson,Mr R Tracy, Mrs Kay, Mr Fletcher, Mr Brown (Chair), Mr Singleton-Cragg, Mr Langley, D Cllr Mr Avisonand C Cllr Mr Ashton plusclerk Mrs K Elliott.

7.15pm - Public Forum:The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and the Public Forum commenced with the presentation of the Best Kept Garden Certificates and Trophies for Container and Standard front garden categories. Thanks were offered to the Judge this year C Cllr Mr T Ashton. 7 members of the public left the meeting at 7.18pm. Mrs Dawson spoke to the meeting about the Coningsby & Tattershall Rock Hunt and the subsequent litter pickers group which has been set up. Mrs Pow requested that the 2018 armistice commemorations are put onto the next agenda for discussion and also mentioned burglaries locally, forthcoming roadworks on High Street and the River of Red event which is being supported by Guides and Scouts locally. Mr Leggate advised the meeting that the wire fence alongside a public right of way is being removed to enable better access for mowing and maintenance. The disabled parking bay was also discussed and any concerns with regard to this should be reported to LCC as highways matters.

The meeting commenced at 7.33 pm

2017/068Chairman’s Report – TheChairman had nothing to report. It was resolved to change the order of the agenda.

2017/069Reports from County Councillor, District Councillor and Police – Cllr Ashton spoke to the meeting about a review of east midlands trains to enable better connections at Grantham station. He also confirmed that there are unlikely to be junction improvements at Gibbet Nook Garage although LCC are to push for Government funding. 100,000 potholes have been repaired across Lincolnshire in 2016. Cllr Avison spoke to the members about the Louth Cattle Market consultation and urged parish councillors to support the two planning applications before them at the meeting tonight. The Police report was circulated to all present. [Mr Ashton left the meeting]

2017/070Apologies – The parish clerk reported that apologies for absence with valid reasons given had been received from Mrs Harkus, Mr Edwards and D Cllr Mr Foster and it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that apologies be noted with valid reasons for absence be accepted from Cllrs Harkus and Edwards.

2017/071To Receive Declarations ofInterest under the Localism Act 2011– were received from Mrs Harvey for items 21 b) on the agenda.

2017/072To approve as a correct record the Notes of the meeting of the Council – It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVEDunanimously that the official minutes of the last meetingheld on 4th July 2017 having been previously circulated were approvedas a true record of the minutes, Chairman signed and dated.

2017/073Report from ELDC re S106 – the meeting discussed the expected dedication of the land by LCC for the footpath link and the fact that this proposal was unacceptable to the landowners. Mr Avison advised that the public footpath already exists and just needs hard surfacing as far as Curzon Estate. ELDC are holding the money for this project. The clerk was requested to contact ELDC and LCC and advise them of this and organise a site meeting as soon as possible to move this matter forward. With reference to the Market Place/Conservation Area the clerk was requested to get LCC to quote for the improvement work we would like to be done and put this proposal and quote forward to ELDC for consideration alongside the other project which Mr Walker is working on.

2017/074Clerks Report on matters outstanding and correspondence

a)Village Green Agreement – the chair and clerk will prepare this document

b)ELDC Area Forums – Mr Coulber and Mr Singleton Cragg are to attend the Horncastle event on 18th September.

c)Clerks’ appraisal – was carried out and the clerk is working well form home.

d)LALC AGM & Conference – Mr Coulber and Mrs Shaw are to attend on 17th October.

e)Leo Club celebration – Mrs Kay and Mrs Shaw will be attending this event on behalf of the parish council.

2017/075ELDC New Code of Conduct – following discussion it was resolved to adopt the ELDC Modified Code of Conduct.

2017/076Purchase of Paint – it was resolved to approve the purchase of paint for the North Road Bus Shelter.

2017/077Grange Drive Notice Board – it is noted that this has now been painted.

2017/078Delivery of Annual Reports – the meeting discussed this years’ annual reports some of which are still waiting to be delivered and how to better deliver them in 2018. The meeting discussed whether this was a good use of council money and the practicalities of delivering the reports. There was a proposal to produce the reports again next year and use Leo’s or Lions to deliver them with the parish council making a donation for this service.

2017/079Marsh Lane residents complaint – it was concluded that this is a LCC Highways matter.

2017/080Adoption of Data Protection Policy – it was resolved to adopt this policy.

2017/081Councillors email addresses – the parish council discussed the options available to them and resolved that councillors should set up a new email address for themselves for example:

2017/082Parish Council Website – The clerk outlined the options available and following discussion it was resolved for the clerk to be set up as administrator to the LCC provided website as this is free of charge. There will be an agenda item each month and a link to the parish council Facebook page in due course. The clerk was asked to monitor her time whilst dealing with the extra workload. [S Avison left the meeting at 8.45pm]

2017/083ELDC Car Parking Order – the meeting noted that it is not possible to obtain two free car parking tickets when visiting the car parks twice in one day. The costs of administering the Tattershall location were questioned.

2017/084Clinton Park Grass – the clerk has circulated the permitted signs and is waiting for a quote for these signs. The meeting discussed how this area would be monitored and following debate the meeting resolved not to do anything.

2017/085Church Yard Maintenance – following requests from the PCC and having discussed this matter between members of the F & GP committee during the summer, the work has been carried out during August by Glendale as our grass cutting contractor at a cost of £45. Mr Leggate volunteered to manage the situation going forward.

2017/086Venues for Parish Council Meetings – This matter is to be deferred to the October meeting.

2017/087Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony – The tree will be erected on Sunday 26th November and the Lighting Ceremony will take place on FRIDAY 1st December 2017. The clerk will contact the Church and ask the Schools to attend. Barnes Wallis School are to be asked if they have a choir wishing to sing at the event. The clerk will also get quotes for the Trees as soon as possible.

2017/088Planning Matters [Mrs Harvey left the room at 9.15pm]

a)S/175/01485/17 – The old Telephone Exchange – the meeting discussed this application and resolved to support it.

b)S/175/01505/17 – Land off Marsh Lane – the meeting discussed this application and resolved to support it. Although it is noted that there will be an increase in traffic on this single track road. [Mrs Harvey returned to the meeting]

The meeting also discussed the planning application for the Cow Shed at Marsh Lane details of which had been received today and there were no objections to this application.

2017/089Financial Matters – To authorise the signing of cheques and to note income for this month

a)Payment of Accounts – members were advised of the list of payments and it was then proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that payments were made to the sum of £2,757.37 including VAT and income was noted for the month at £1,207.95.

2017/090Reports from outside meetings –there were none.

2017/091Items for next agenda include Costa Cups in the Market Place, report on the Lime Trees and Report on the Church wall. The clerk was requested to number accompanying papers for ease of reading. The date or next meeting is:

a)Full Council Meeting – will be on Tuesday 3rd October 2017at 7.15pm.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.31pm.

Chairman : date: