
A goodbye letter to girlfriend is written by a boyfriend who is deeply saddened to leave but has to move to another place out of necessity. He bids an emotional goodbye and uses the letter to convey that she means the world to him and holds a special place in his life.

Goodbye Letter to GirlfriendTips

Here are some useful tips to write goodbye letter to your girlfriend:

  • Start by bidding goodbye. Express sadness to leave her.
  • Express hope that she agrees with your decision to undertake this hardship for a secure future and hope she understands importance of financial security.
  • Mention that it is equally hard for you to stay away, but you will always keep her in your heart.
  • Reassure that you are a call away for any help.
  • End by saying you will miss her and will be back as soon as possible.

Sample Goodbye Letter to Girlfriend

13 August 2013

Dear Martha,

I am writing this letter to you, my beloved to bid goodbye. I am sad leaving you, but I hope you stand by me in these trying times. We have to undertake this hardship to secure our future.

Although I could have started with a job here in New York, the opportunity at Canada will prove more beneficial professionally and financially. Despite what people say, we both understand the importance of being financially secure for which I have to take this step.

It is as hard for me as it is for you to stay miles away, but you will always be in my heart. Moreover, this separation is not permanent and I will be a call away in case you need my support.

I am leaving with a hope that you are with me in this decision. I will miss you terribly. I will come back as soon as possible. Till then, take care and goodbye.

Always Yours


Goodbye Letter to GirlfriendTemplate

Date ______(date of writing letter)

Dear ______, (girlfriend’s name)

I am writing this letter to you, my beloved to bid goodbye. I am sad leaving you, but I hope you stand by me in these trying times. We have to undertake this hardship to secure our future.

(Mention that moving out is a better option for you in every way)

It is as hard for me as it is for you to stay miles away, but you will always be in my heart. Moreover, this separation is not permanent and I will be a call away.

I will miss you terribly. I will come back as soon as possible. Till then, take care and goodbye.

Always Yours

______(your name)


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