APPENDIX C: Characteristics of randomized controlled trials included in the systematic review.

Agent / Route of Administration / First Author/
Year / Quality Score / N / Results
Allopurinol* / PO / Budzynska1
2001 / 5 / 300 / Negative
Allopurinol / PO / Katsinelos2
2005 / 4 / 250 / Positive
Allopurinol / PO / Mosler3
2005 / 5 / 701 / Negative
Allopurinol / PO / Romagnuolo4
2008 / 5 / 586 / Negative
Allopurinol / PO / Martinez-Torres5 2009 / 4 / 170 / Positive
Allopurinol / PO / Abbasinazari6
2011 / 4 / 100 / Negative
Antibiotics (Ceftazidime) / IV bolus / Raty7 2001 / 3 / 321 / Positive
Aprepitant / PO / Shah8
2012 / 4 / 73 / Negative
Aprotinine/Trasylol / IV bolus / Brust9
1977 / 4 / 61 / Negative
Beta-Carotene (antioxidant) / PO / Lavy10 2004 / 4 / 340 / Negative
Botulinum / Injection into pancreatic sphincter / Gorelick11
2004 / 4 / 26 / Negative
Corticosteroids / IV bolus / Dumot12
1998 / 4 / 286 / Negative
Corticosteroids / IV infusion / De Palma13 1999 / 4 / 535 / Negative
Corticosteroids* / IV bolus / Katsinelos14
2000 / 4 / 222 / Negative
Corticosteroids* / PO / Budzynska1
2001 / 5 / 300 / Negative
Corticosteroids* / IV infusion / Manolakopoulos15 2002 / 4 / 354 / Negative
Corticosteroids / PO / Sherman16
2003 / 5 / 1115 / Negative
Corticosteroids / IV infusion / Kwanngern17
2005 / 5 / 120 / Positive
Diclofenac / PR / Murray18
2003 / 5 / 220 / Positive
Diclofenac / Oral / Cheon19 2007 / 4 / 223 / Negative
Diclofenac / PR / Khoshbaten20
2008 / 5 / 100 / Positive
Diclofenac / IM / Senol21 2009 / 4 / 80 / Negative
Diclofenac / PR / Katsinelos22
2012 / 4 / 540 / Positive for SS + diclofenac
Diclofenac / PR / Otsuka23 2012 / 3 / 104 / Positive
Epinephrine / Sprayed on papilla / Matsushita24 2009 / 5 / 370 / Negative
Epinephrine / Sprayed on papilla / Hua25 2011 / 5 / 941 / Positive
Gabexate / IV infusion / Cavallini26
1996 / 4 / 435 / Positive
Gabexate* / IV infusion / Andriulli27
2002 / 4 / 630 / Negative
Gabexate / IV infusion / Masci28 2003 / 4 / 447 / Negative
Gabexate* / IV infusion / Andriulli29
2004 / 5 / 1127 / Negative
Gabexate* / IV infusion / Fujishiro30 2006 / 3 / 150 / No difference between high-dose ULI, low-dose ULI, and GAB
Gabexate / IV infusion / Xiong31 2006 / 4 / 200 / Positive
Gabexate / IV infusion / Manes32 2007 / 4 / 622 / Positive
Gabexate* / IV infusion / Ueki33 2007 / 3 / 68 / No difference between ULI and GAB
GTN / SL / Sudhindran34 2001 / 4 / 197 / Positive
GTN / TD / Moreto35 2003 / 4 / 144 / Positive
GTN / TD / Kaffes36 2006 / 4 / 351 / Negative
GTN / SL / Hao37 2009 / 3 / 74 / Positive
GTN / TD / Nojgaard38
2009 / 5 / 806 / Negative
GTN* / TD / Bhatia39 2011 / 4 / 380 / Negative
GTN* / PR / Sotoudehmanesh40 2014 / 5 / 300 / Positive
GTN / IV / Beauchant41
2008 / 5 / 219 / Negative
Heparin / IV bolus, then infusion / Rabenstein42 2004 / 3 / 448 / Negative
Heparin / SC / Barkay43 2008 / 4 / 106 / Negative
IL-10 / IV bolus / Deviere44 2001 / 4 / 144 / Positive
IL-10 / IV bolus / Dumot45 2001 / 5 / 200 / Negative
IL-10 / IV bolus / Sherman46 2009 / 5 / 305 / Negative
Indomethacin / PR / Montano-Loza47 2007 / 4 / 150 / Positive
Indomethacin / PR / Sotoudehmanesh48 2007 / 4 / 490 / Negative
Indomethacin / PR / Elmunzer49 2012 / 5 / 602 / Positive
Indomethacin* / PR / Sotoudehmanesh40 2014 / 5 / 300 / Positive
Lactated Ringers / IV / Buxbaum50
2014 / 5 / 62 / Positive
Lidocaine / Sprayed on papilla / Schwartz51 2004 / 4 / 326 / Negative
NAC / IV bolus / Katsinelos52
2005 / 4 / 256 / Negative
NAC / PO and IV bolus / Milewski53
2006 / 4 / 106 / Negative
Nafamostat / IV infusion / Choi54 2009 / 4 / 723 / Positive
Nafamostat / IV infusion / Park55 2011 / 4 / 608 / Positive
Nafamostat / IV infusion / Yoo56 2011 / 4 / 292 / Positive
Nifedipine / IV bolus / Sand57 1993 / 4 / 200 / Negative
Nifedipine / PO / Prat58
2002 / 5 / 155 / Negative
Octreotide / IV bolus
SC / Binmoeller59
1992 / 5 / 245 / Negative
Octreotide / IV bolus
SC / Sternlieb60
1992 / 5 / 84 / Negative
Octreotide / SC / Arcidiacono61
1994 / 4 / 229 / Negative
Octreotide / SC / Arvanitidis62
1998 / 3 / 73 / Negative
Octreotide / SC / Tulassay63
1998 / 3 / 2102 / Negative
Octreotide / SC / Duvnjak64
1999 / 5 / 209 / Negative
Octreotide* / IV bolus / Katsinelos14
2000 / 4 / 222 / Negative
Octreotide / SC / Testoni65
2001 / 3 / 120 / Negative
Octreotide* / SC / Manolakopoulos 200215 / 4 / 354 / Negative
Octreotide / SC / Thomopoulous66 2006 / 5 / 202 / Positive
Octreotide / IV infusion / Kisli67
2007 / 1 / 130 / Negative
Octreotide / IV infusion
SC / Li68 2007 / 3 / 832 / Positive
Pentoxifylline / PO / Kapetanos69
2007 / 4 / 320 / Negative
Recombinant PAF / IV infusion / Sherman70
2009 / 4 / 600 / Negative
Risperidone* / PO / Tsujino71
2012 / 3 / 231 / No difference betweenrisperidone + ULI and ULI
Secretin / IV bolus / Jowell72 2011 / 3 / 869 / Positive
Semapimod / IV bolus / VanWesterloo73 2008 / 3 / 266 / Negative
Somatostatin / IV bolus / Bordas74
1988 / 5 / 33 / Negative
Somatostatin / IV bolus / Bordas75
1998 / 4 / 192 / Positive
Somatostatin / IV infusion / Poon76 1999 / 4 / 220 / Positive
Somatostatin / IV infusion / Uzun77
1999 / 4 / 30 / Negative
Somatostatin* / IV infusion / Andriulli27 2002 / 4 / 630 / Negative
Somatostatin / IV bolus / Poon78 2003 / 5 / 270 / Positive
Somatostatin* / IV infusion / Andriulli29 2004 / 5 / 1127 / Negative
Somatostatin / IV infusion
IV bolus / Arvanitidis79
2004 / 4 / 372 / Positive
Somatostatin / IV infusion
IV bolus / Chan80 2008 / 4 / 133 / Negative
Somatostatin / IV infusion / Lee81 2008 / 5 / 400 / Positive
Somatostatin / IV infusion / Katsinelos22
2012 / 4 / 540 / Positive for SS +diclofenac
Somatostatin / IV infusion / Wang82
2013 / 4 / 131 / Negative
Udenafil / PO / Oh83 2011 / 4 / 278 / Negative
Ulinastatin / IV infusion / Tsujino84 2005 / 4 / 416 / Positive
Ulinastatin* / IV infusion / Fujishiro30 2006 / 3 / 150 / No difference between high-dose ULI, low-dose ULI, and GAB
Ulinastatin* / IV infusion / Ueki33 2007 / 3 / 68 / No difference between ULI and GAB
Ulinastatin / IV infusion / Yoo85 2008 / 4 / 231 / Negative
Ulinastatin* / IV infusion / Tsujino71
2012 / 3 / 231 / No difference between ULI + risperidone and ULI
Valdecoxib* / IV bolus / Bhatia39 2011 / 4 / 380 / Negative

PO = per os; IV = intravenous; PR = per rectum; IM = intramuscular; SS = somatostatin; ULI = ulinastatin; GAB = gabexate; GAB/NTG = nitroglycerin; SL = sublingual; TD = transdermal; SC = subcutaneous; IL = interleukin; NAC = N-acetyl cysteine; PAF = platelet activating factor. * denotes comparative effectiveness study.


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