General Directions: Read pages 167 – 179 in the textbook entitled Earth Science by Holt McDougal. I will inform you as to how long it took you to complete the selection. Record this time in the space provided on the response sheet. Close your book and answer the first question. You may then open your textbook to answer the remaining questions.

Student Response Form

Reading Time: _11 _ min. ___ sec.

I.  Directions: Close your book and answer the following questions: In your words, what was this selection about? Use as much space as you need to complete your answer. You may continue onto another page.

This passage consisted of 2 sections. The first section consisted information of minerals and ores. Ore was a major vocabulary word and the text spoke of mineral extraction. In this section, there was a table listing the various functions minerals can fill. In this table, functions such as graphite making lead were listed as a way to describe the importance of minerals. The second section was mainly about renewable and nonrenewable resources. The focus was on nonrenewable resources, which take a long time to replace. Examples of nonrenewable resources are petroleum and coal. Nuclear fission and fusion are also discussed.

II.  A. Directions: Open your book and answer the following true/false questions.

1.  Ores have mineral deposits which may be removed from them profitably.

a.  True

b.  False

2.  A lode is a type of mineral deposit which is heavily veined throughout its entire region.

a.  True

b.  False

3.  Gemstones are nonmetallic minerals.

a.  True

b.  False

4.  Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are all examples of fossil fuels.

a.  True

b.  False

B. Directions: Answer the following multiple choice questions.

1.  The splitting of the nucleus of a small atom into two or more smaller nuclei is called:

a.  Nuclear fission

b.  Nuclear fusion

c.  Electricity

d.  Geothermal Energy

2.  The first step in a nuclear fission reaction is

a.  Released neutrons strike other nuclei.

b.  The nucleus splits, forms new elements, and releases neutrons pus energy.

c.  The intact nucleus is struck by a neutron.

d.  The nuclei split and release more neutrons and energy.

3.  Nuclear fusion is the process by which

a.  Hydraulic power is produced.

b.  Energy from the Sun reaches planet Earth.

c.  Fusion reactors are built.

d.  Energy on the Sun is produced.

C. Directions: Answer the following short answer questions.

1.  Look at Table 1 on page 169. What are some important uses for minerals (give examples for metallic and nonmetallic)?

Important uses for minerals include functions in car batteries, in coins and jewelry, and dental work for metallic minerals. For nonmetallic minerals, important uses include functions in pencils, gunpowder, medicine, and rubber.

2.  Look at figure 5 on page 175. At which step is an electric current generated?

During step #3 an electric current is generated as steam is directed against the turbine, setting it in motion. Then, the turbine sets the generator in motion, generating electricity.

3.  Look at Figure 2 on page 172. What are the 4 stages of coal formation? The four stages of coal formation are Stage 1: Peat, Stage 2: Lignite, Stage 3: Bituminous Coal, Stage 4: Anthracite.