Complaint First Notified / SBE No. / Handled by / Parties/Cllrs involved / PCC or
S’sea TC / Current status/Decision taken by Standards Board / Outcome / Advice to Standards Board Committee
SBE 8391.04 / SK / SK v Rann re failed to declare charity interest / STC / SB letter of 22.2.05 refers (Central reg). On-going - being referred to Adjudication Panel in letter of 4 March 2005 – 15.06.05 - decn disqualify for one year from becoming member of a relevant authority
SBE 5646.03 / SK / Cox -v- Cattermole - rudeness / STC / Closed - SB sd no action – letter of 31.5.05 refers
n/a / SK / Mr Osborne re Owens Garden by-election YPM / STC / Closed - dealt with by correspondence
SBE 5645.03 / SK / Cox -v- Pavey failed comply with Code conduct - rudeness / STC / Closed - SB sd no action
n/a / SK / Hunt -v- Wylie incident with Police / PCC / SK sent Hunt form if he wishes to proceed
n/a / SK / Worley -v- A Bentley re Flint St disabled parking / PCC / Closed with by correspondence
SBE 9018.04 / SK / Hunt -v- Stevens re domain names / PCC / Closed - SB sd in letter dated 19.4.05 & 29 Ap 2005 - No further action reqd letter from St Bd of 6 Sept apologising for not putting on web earlier
SBE 8309.04 & SBE 7942.04 / DB / Cllr M Hancock (Cllr V-J) & Doug Bradbury -v- Worley re disclosure of conf info re chimes / PCC / SB letter 17.9.04 - SB asked for more info -
closed - no action
SBE 8279.04 8401.04 8214.04 Report B / SK / Cllr Marion Winwood v Cllr S Cox re brought STC into disrepute / STC / on-going but PCC not involved in this case – no action letter of 2.6.05 refers letter 28.06.05 no action. Closed
SB letter of 10.1.06 refers
SBE 8401.04
8214.04 – REPORT A
tion Panel
APE 0297/APE 0298 / SK / Mr Youngs/Cllr Winwood’s allegn v Cllr S Cox/Cllr Symes may have failed to comply with STC code of conduct / STC / on-going SB originally decided no action but changed mind nothing to do with PCC - no action – letter of 2.6.05 refers – letter of 28.6.05 refers Reports A and B
Report A re sending copy of a reference - found there was failure by Cllr Cox and Cllr Symes to comply and referral up to Adjudication Panel by a Tribunal. Letter of 28.6.05 refers. Adjudication Panel letter of 11/10/05 decided Cllrs Cox and Symes should receive reprimand. SB letter of 10 Jan ’06 refers. St Bd letter of 10 Feb 2006 refers
SBE 8213.04 / SK / Mr Youngs v Cllr S Cox re defamatory info / STC / Closed - no action - see below 8214.04
SBE 8214.04 / SK / Mr Youngs v Cllr L Symes re defamatory / STC / Full investgn – but no action needed letter of 2.6.05 refers – letter 28.6.05 refers Report A letter of 28.6.05. Faxed letter from Adjudication Panel dated 12 Oct ‘05 saying reprimand for Cllrs Cox and Symes. We sent copy to Cllr Hugh Mason. Adj Panel letter of 19 Oct 05 sending full decision – copied to Hugh Mason. St Bd letter of 10 Jan ’06 refers.
SBE 4138.03 / BPS / Cllr Cox v Cllr Pavey re failed to comply with code / STC / BPS wrote to SB 7.11.03 saying as notfn form now completed they may wish to reconsider & they concurred
SBE 5925.04 / BPS / Cllr Cattermole v Cllr Symes re verbal abuse / STC / closed - no action
SBE 455.02-459.02 / BPS / Cllr Perkins failed to complete reg of interests form / STC / closed - no action but SB recmd. Training
SBE 459.02 / BPS / Cllr Cattermole failed to complete reg of interests form / STC / closed - no action
SBE 1138.02 / BPS / Cllr Sage re article she wrote / STC / closed - no action
SBE 10593.05 & SBE 10594.05 / SK / Cllr Hugh Mason v Cllr Stephen Cox and Cllr Linda Symes – harassment and bullying of staff whose posts made redundant / STC / Not to be investigated – letter of 01.04.05 refers
SBE 10647.05 / SK / Cllr B Rann v Councillor Linda Symes / STC / Not to be investigated – letter of 01.04.05 refers
SBE 10669.05 / SK / Cllr Leo Ciccarone v Cllr B Rann – name calling / STC / Not to be investigated – letter of 4.4.05 refers (Central Reg)
SBE 11625.05 / SK / Cllr M Hancock v Cllr Worley resiting Ad Nelson statue / PCC / Cllr H - SK sent to Standards Bd 28.6.05 ack from SB of 20 June – SB letter of 14.7.05 – NOT TO BE INVESTIGATED
SBE11626.05 / SK / Cllr M Hancock v Cllr L Hunt
Re conservation area – controversial planning appcn by David Murphy re 9 Eastern Pde – PRED Mg. / PCC / Cllr H – SK sent to Standards Bd 28.6.05 – ack from SB of 30 June - SB letter 14.7.05 NOT TO BE INVESTIGATED
SBE10848.05 / SK / Mr John Osborne v Cllr Lee Hunt /


/ Cllr Hunt sat close to Mrs Ross-Richards ( verbal and physical abuse) – being referred to Ethical Standards Officer – letter of 27.4.05 refers letter of 5.5.05 with Janet - SB letter of 1 July ’05 – decn letter of 27 July 2005 refers – no action Standards Bd letter 14 Sep 05 with case summary saying NO ACTION REQD
SBE 10801.05 / SK / Cllr Hilary Collins v Cllr B Rann / STC / Cllr R brought authority into disrepute revealing private mtg details – letter SB of 28.4.05 decd not to investigate
SBE 11177.05 / SK / Mr Neil Bloomfield v Tn Cllr John Hall / STC / Aggressive tone at meeting – not being investigated
SBE11748.05 / SK / Cllr M Hancock v Hunt
Re Cllr Hunt made public, conf info re minimum guaranteed dues payment re Port operator / PCC / Sent by SK to Standards Bd on 7.7.05. Letter from SB of 1 Aug 05 said need more info if to take action. Cllr M Hancock replied 24.8 to say repns shd be made. St Bd letter of 2.9.05 Papers put on central file. SK replying to 6.9.05
SK / Cllr Hancock v Hunt
About Qn to Council re Palmerston Rd / PCC / Sent to Standards Bd 7.7.05 Their reply of 1 Aug which covers P &O and city centre/Palmerston Rd saying need more info. Cllr H letter of 24 Aug says send reprns. Standards Bd reply 2.9.05 saying if info prov they will consider afresh
SBE 12977.05 / SK / Cllr E Baker v Cllr L Hunt re publicity about husband’s health re her selection as Tory candidate for St Jude / Portsmouth City Council / CLOSED – not to be investigated.
SBE 13233.05 / SK / Cllr A Thompson v Cllr Vernon Jackson / Portsmouth City Council / Re Hilsea Lido meeting with developer – S Bd letter of 16 Nov - Refer to Adj Panel SB letter of 29 Nov asking for more info. SK reply of 8 Dec ’05. St B ack of 10 Jan 06. in cabinet . SK sent info 13.2.06. e-mail request for more into 14.2.06 SK sent info 16.2.06 (filed Hilsea Lido) ST Bd letter of 4 April - no action. SK letter ST Bd 6.4.06 SK letter to Cllr Thompson and ST Bd of 25.4.06. S Kingston letter 4.5.06 – Police – SK memo CX 5.5.06 . St letter of 9.5.06 V-J did bring office into disrepute but taking action to ensure does not occur – no action
SK / Cllr Vernon-Jackson (reporting himself) / Portsmouth City Council / Hilsea Lido
SBE 13235.05 / SK / Cllr Leo Madden / Portsmouth City Council / Hilsea Lido. Cllr M letter of 15.5.05 enc SB reply of 15.11.05
SBE 13329.05 / SK / Michelle Miller v Cllr Shaddock / Portsmouth City Council / Awaiting copies of attachments to her statement – she e-mailed to say we get back from SBd in due course SBd letter of 5.12.05 saying they will REFER to Ethical Standards Officer – SB letter 14 Dec referring back to PCC to investigate. ST Bd letter of 18.1.06 (St Bd letter of 18.1.06 re role of dep monitoring officer (in Monitoring officer section).
Hearing 30 Mar 07. Result :Cllr S found to have breached the code; he was censured and told to take anger management course and customer care training. He would be suspended for a month if he did not satisfy the committee that he had taken these courses. S Kerr to write to St Bd informing them of the outcome of hearing.
12946.05 / SK / Marion Headicar v Cllr A Thompson re his leaking of info to The News / PCC (10/37) / That Cllr A divulged conf info re Tower and ext lift – refer to Ethical Standards Officer – SB letter of 31 Oct 2005 refers SB letter of 10 Nov 05 and SK reply of Dec 05. ST Bd letter of 26 June ’06 encl draft report
SBE 13336.05) /


/ Cllr Lee Hunt v Cllr G Vernon-Jackson re Cllr VJ improperly used his posn at leader instructing officers on eve of gen election to withdraw a plan appcn tennis courts / SB letter of 5.12.05 to REFERon to Ethical Standards Officer SBd letter of 15.12.05 asking for more info. SK reply to some questions 23.12.05. SB chaser dated 12 Jan . SK letter of 19.1.06 refers. Jessica Stockton e-mail of 14.2.06 and SK reply of 16.2.06 file on Hilsea Lido. St Bd letter of 4.4.06 – no evidence of failure to comply with Code of conduct. Letter from St Bd 28 April confirming no evidence of failure to comply with Code. St Bd letter of 8.5.06 sending case summary saying Cllr V-J did not misuse his posn.
SBE 13337.05) / SK / Cllr Lee Hunt v Cllr Terry Hall
Linked to one against Leader withdrawing plan appcn tennis courts / PCC / SB letter of 5.12.05 -NOT BE INVESTIGATED. Further SB letter of 23 Dec (SK desk) saying they came to correct decn
13338.05) / SK / Cllr Lee Hunt v Cllr Mike Hancock –linked to one against Leader re withdrawing plan appcn tennis courts / PCC / SB letter of 5.12.05 – NOT TO BE INVESTIGATED. Further SB letter of 23 Dec (SK desk) saying they came to correct decn
SK / Cllr Tom Blair re Cllr Thompson leaflet showing LM and RC at Tower – impartiality question / PCC / Tom Blair letter of 9 Dec and SK 12 Dec. Form provided to Cllr Blair to consider
SBE 13434.05 / SK / Cllr Mike Hancock CBE MP –v- Cllr Alistair Thompson re that Cllr Thompson fabricated allegations that council’s CX has accused complainant of bullying her. – re council question - disrespectful / PCC / ST Bd letter of 15 Dec 2005 – Not to be investigated
19/12/05 / SBE 13428.05 / SK / Cllr Lee Hunt –v- Cllr Gerald Cllr Hunt v Cllr Vernon-Jackson re residential care home for people w. mental health probs. – improper use of his posn to give adv. to Cllr MTH before election. / PCC / St Bd letter of 19 Dec 2005 refers will be investigated. Letter of 19 Dec from St Bd (cabinet). St Bd letter of 10 Jan ’06 refers cabinet. – SK reply of 23.1.06 – J Stockton e-mail of 14.2.06 refers (filed Hilsea Lido). St Bd letter of 12 April 06 refers. SK replied 18.4.06. St Bd letter of 27 Ap ’06 refers CLOSED St Bd letter 8.5.06 case summary saying Cllr V-J did not misuse his posn.
SBE13429.05 / SK / Cllr Lee Hunt –v- Cllr P Shaddock re care home for people with mental health probs. Unfair Cllr MTH before election / PCC / St Bd letter of 19.12.05 WILL NOT BE INVESTIGATED
SBE13430.05 / SK / Cllr Lee Hunt –v- Cllr M Hancock CBE MP – re residential care home – adv in run up to election / PCC / St Bd letter of 19.12.05 - WILL NOT BE INVESTIGATED
SBE 13685.05 / SK / Cllr M Hancock v Cllr Lee Hunt saying Cllr Hunt used ST for England as a way of highlighting Members’ activities in a malicious way mainly without foundation / PCC / St Bd letter of 16.1.06 WILL NOT BE INVESTIGATED
Letter from St Bd 2.2.06 saying uphold their decn and matter closed.
SBE13747.06 / SK / Cllr Lee Hunt v Cllr Shaddock between June 2001 and Dec 05 that Cllr Hunt has been threatened and verbally abused and occasional physical force – “I’m going to get you”. / PCC / St Bd letter of 20.1.06 REFER TO ESO to decide whether investigation to be locally or centrally. St Bd letter of 7.2.06 SK desk asking for more info re Cllr Shaddock. SK replied 8.2.06. St Bd letter of 30.5.06 saying wish to interview a Cllr and 2 staff.
St Bd letter received 27/11/06 enclosing draft report and findings.
Investigation completed – letter of 15/12/06 from Standards Bd rec’d. Report enc’d. No action to be taken. Email rec’d from Saulet 20/12/06 to say the report is out under ref. 13747.06 and awaiting payment.
Letter (15 Jan 07) and case summary rec’d 16 Jan 07.
SBE13552.05 / SK / Cllr Hunt v Cllr Vernon-Jackson re keeping local parks open – withdrawn at p/a meeting before election / PCC / St Bd letter of 3 January 2006 refers
14789.05 / SK / Cllr A Thompson –v- Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson – released report to press / PCC / St Bd letter 11.5.06. St Bd letter 24.5.06 (enclosure awaited) – refer to Police.
Update:Letter dated 10/7/07 states Cllrs Thompson and Vernon-Jackson were interviewed by police who decided no further action was to be taken, due to lack of evidence.
St. Bd. concluded no further action would be taken.
14909.06 / SK / Mr and Mrs Dougmore –v- Cllr Vernon –Jackson - lie re article about their hsing in News / PCC / No action - CLOSED
April 06 / SBE
14940.06 / SK / Cllr Shaddock / PCC / No Action to be taken. Case summary 15 Nov 06
15240.06 / ML / Mr Edwards –v- Cllr Linda Symes - she made deputation on behalf of an application – pers friend / STC / St Bd letter of 22.6.06 - local investigation: to be completed Nov / Dec 2006
Letter rec’d dated 20/2/07 from St. Bd requesting update on progress.
10 July 06 / SBE 15499.06 / ML / Head of HR –v- Cllr Shaddock – failure to treat with respect / PCC / St. Bd. letter of 31.08.06
Report to ESO.
Letter 4/12/06 received with draft report from Steven Kingston
Letter from S Kingston rec’d dated 4/1/07 with final report.
Letter from S Kingston rec’d, dated 8 Jan 07 which supersedes previous letter – decided to refer matter for adjudication by a tribunal. Letter from Rebecca Strickson dated 29/01/07 rec’d. Tribunal set for 24/4/07 at Hilton Hotel, Portsmouth.
Letter of 5 Feb 07 from St. Bd. rec’d notifying of adjournment to 14 May 07.
Email from R Strickson notifying new date of 17th May 07 for tribunal.
Email (3/4/07) from R Strickson confirmed date changed to 18 May 07. Venue: Hilton, Farlington.
Decision: Disqualification for 3 calendar months.
Full decision rec’d 31/5/07.
12946.05 / ML / CX- v - Cllr Thompson / PCC / No action
SBE 16337.06 / ML / Mr Burnett v Cllr Mason – failure to declare interest / PCC / No action
Oct 2006 / SBE
16859.06 / ML / John Pike/Cllrs Henderson, Blake/Baker / PCC / No action. Letter (14/12/06) from Cllr Henderson rec’d with Decision Notice attached. Letter dated 4 Dec 05 rec’d from Tim Brackpool with Decision Notice
November 2006 / SBE 16725.06 / ML / Cllr Jezz Baker / PCC / Letter rec’d from Standards Bd dated 8 Dec 06 – referred to ethical standards officer. Letter dated 9.01.07 rec’d from Katherine Finn. Allegation referred to S Kingston for investigation.
Standards Bd letter of 13 Dec 06 received. Letter 2/5/07 from St. Bd. rec’d. Provisional Finding: No evidence of failure to comply with the Code of Conduct.
Letter dated 21/5/07 stated no evidence of failure to comply with Code of Conduct. Case Summary dated 1/6/07 rec’d 4/6/07
14940.06 / ML / Cllr Shaddock v PCC / PCC / Letter rec’d from Standards Board dated 11/12/06 – no action to be taken.
Jan 07 / SBE 17268.07 / ML / Brian McInally v Cllr April Windebank / PCC / Letter and Decision Notice dated 24/1/07 rec’d 26/1/07. Matter closed – letter from St. Bd rec’d dated 12/3/07
Jan 07 / SBE
17269.07 / ML / Brian McInally v Cllr Margaret Foster / Letter and Decision Notice dated 24/1/07 rec’d 26/1/07 Matter closed – letter from St. Bd rec’d dated 12/3/07
Jan 07 / SBE
17270.07 / Brian McInally v Cllr Jacqui Hancock / Letter and Decision Notice dated 24/1/07 rec’d 26/1/07 Matter closed – letter from St. Bd rec’d dated 12/3/07
Mar/Apr 07 / SBE
18352.07 / ML / Cllr E Scott v Cllr Martin /


/ Decision Notice rec’d dated 14/5/07. Decision was: insufficient information provided to determine if it should be referred for investigation.
Cllr Scott intends to pursue this matter and wrote to St. Bd on 11/6/07 saying she would provide them with the information they had requested. ML has offered to meet with Cllr Scott.
Spring 2007 / SBE
18353.07 / ML / Cllr E Scott v Cllr Symes / STC / Decision Notice rec’d dated 14/5/07. Decision was: No potential breaches of code of conduct are disclosed.
Spring 2007 / SBE
18354.07 / ML / Cllr E Scott v Cllr H Collins / STC / Decision Notice rec’d dated 14/5/07. Decision was: no potential breaches of the code of conduct were disclosed.
Spring 2007 / SBE
1835507 / ML / Cllr E Scott v Cllr B White / STC / Decision Notice rec’d dated 14/5/07. Decision was: no potential breaches of the code of conduct were disclosed.
22 Mar 07 / SBE
18558.07 / ML / Cllr Jezz Baker v Mrs M Leighfield / PCC / Letter dated 6/6/07 rec’d from St.Bd. Breach of Code of Conduct wrt 27 South Parade. Decision to refer to ethical standards officer. Letter from St. Bd dated 7/7/07 passed to Ian Clark on ML’s instructions. ESO will either review the allegation or send to MO.
Letter from St. Bd. dated 18/6/07 rec’d referring the matter to ML for investigation. Richard Ivory from SCC to be the investigating solicitor. St. Bd. notified on 11/7/07.
June 2007 / SBE
18828 / ML / Cllr Lee Stevens v
Cllr Linda Symes / PCC / Decision Notice rec’d 15/6/07 – allegation not considered serious enough to warrant referral for investigation by an ESO.
May/June 2007 / SBE
19072.07 / ML / Mr Esmaili v Cllr Stevens & PCC / PCC / Decision notice dated 10/7/07 states the allegation should not be referred for investigation as no potential breach of the Code of Conduct was disclosed.
May/June 2007 / SBE 19073.07 / ML / Cllrs Gare, Ciccarone, Lowery, Sage, Strange, Symes & White v Cllr Les Stevens & PCC / PCC / Decision notice dated 11/7/07 states the allegation should not be referred for investigation as no potential breach of the Code of Conduct has been found.
May/June 2007 / SBE
19088.07 / ML / Mr Ali Pero v Cllr Hunt / PCC / Decision Notice dated 9/7/07 stated this case could not be referred. There is no information to suggest that the comments were allegedly made by Cllr Hunt in his capacity as a member of PCC but rather as a private member of the Conservative party.
May/June 2007 / SBE
19089 / ML / Cllr J Ciccarone v Cllr Lee Hunt / PCC / Decision Notice dated 9/7/07 stated the complaint would not be referred. There is no information to suggest that the comments were allegedly made by Cllr Hunt in his capacity as a member of PCC but rather as a private member of the Conservative party.
May 2007 / SBE
19111.07 / ML / Cllr Les Stevens / STC / Decision Notice dated 30/7/07 stated the allegation would not be referred to an ESO for further investigation. No potential breach of the code of conduct was found.
May 2007 / SBE
19112.07 / ML / Cllr Hugh Mason / STC / Decision Notice dated 30/7/07 stated the allegation would not be referred to an ESO for further investigation. No potential breach of the code of conduct was found.
May 2007 / SBE
19113.07 / ML / Cllr David Butler / STC / Decision Notice dated 30/7/07 stated the allegation would not be referred to an ESO for further investigation. No potential breach of the code of conduct was found.

Last updated 09 August 2007