Dear students/parents,
Bonjour! Je m’appelle Madame Lainé. I am excited to be teaching French II and III this year and getting to know each of you. As a native speaker, I am passionate about immersing students in the French language and culture, in order to enable them to thrive in a diverse world. I have included some important information about our French class: classroom rules, behavior plan, grading policy, and absent procedure. You can also find this information on my webpage. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Merci!
1. Classroom rules
We are ready to learn everyday.
We are respectful of each other.
We give it our best.
We follow directions/procedures.
2. Behavior plan
Students respectful of classroom rules can expect positive consequences such as a phone call to parents, or a certificate of achievement. More importantly, they are growing skills necessary to successfully work with others and be the leaders of tomorrow.
Students who chose to violate the rules can expect the following consequences:
1. First incident: warning
2. Second incident: warning + discussion with the student + notify parents
3. Third incident: detention
4. Further violation: referral
3. Grading policy
My grading policy is heavily weighted on homework because I believe in rewarding effort.
AssignmentCategory / Description / Weight
Homework / Practice exercises to be completed at home on a daily basis. / 30%
Assessments / Quizzes and tests. / 25%
Classwork / Work to be completed in class. Usually an easy way to boost grade. / 10%
Projects / Individual work to be completed in and outside of class. About 4-6 a year. / 15%
Exams / Mid Term and Final. / 20%
4. Absent procedure
Assignments (tests, homework, etc.), and announcements are posted on progress book on a daily basis. Students have one day per day absent to catch-up on missed assignments (I.e. if you were absent for 2 days, you have 2 days to complete missed assignments).
Mme Cécile Lainé
Room: 303
Web page: staff directory at /