2012 New York State APSE Awards

Submit your nominations!

Deadline: March 16th 2012

The New York State APSE Board is soliciting nominations for the 2012 Best Practice Award and Personal Achievement Award. The awardees will be recognized at the 2012 New York State APSE conference held in Lake Placid from April 29th to May 1st.

The Best Practice Award recognizes an agency, an individual employee (job coach, job developer, employment specialist), or a family or family member that exhibits strong commitment and creativity to best practices in employment of individuals with disabilities in one or more of the following areas: individualized planning and job supports, creative use of natural supports, job development or marketing, strengthening of bonds between employer and employee, innovative funding arrangements, successful adaptations of supported employment to address “new and different” disability issues, innovative advocacy strategies, sustainable initiatives that may be replicated in the future.

To submit a nomination, send a letter to Andy Karhan that includes the following information:

  • Name of nominee (individual, agency or family).
  • Name of nominator, agency or affiliation, e-mail address and phone number.
  • A description of the agency, program, family or individual that you are nominating.
  • How do you think this effort made a significant difference to individual(s) served?
  • Why do you think this effort surpasses or is distinct from current or usual way of doing business?
  • Why do you think this effort involves a new or creative approach, method or idea?

The Personal Achievement Award recognizes a supported employee for outstanding achievement in employment. Your nomination letter should include the following:

  • Has the nominee been employed at least 6 months?
  • Explain the type of work the nominee performs.
  • Obstacles the employee has overcome to be employed.
  • List at least 2 goals the nominee has achieved.
  • What are the nominee’s long-term goals?

Please submit all nominations to Andy Karhan, NYS APSE Co-President at or by fax 518 640-3401. Thank you!