I would like to enter the following categories: / Please complete details in BLOCK CAPITALS:
1 / Best Private Front Garden / Name
2 / Best Private Back Garden
3 / Best Private Courtyard Garden / Contact Address
4 / Best School Garden
Address/Allotment No
5 / Best Business or Statutory Body Display / to be judged
6 / Best Allotment - Middletown
7 / Best Allotment - Broughton Road / Telephone
Entries to categories 6 & 7 are restricted to allotment holders at the Skipton Town Council sites / Do judges need to arrange access in advance? / YES/NO
The competition is open to all residents, schools, businesses and allotment holders within the parish of Skipton. Entry is free of charge into all competition categories. All entrants will receive Gold, Silver Gilt, Silver or Bronze awards, with the overall winner in each category awarded Best in Category.
Judging will take place late June/early July 2016 and judges must be allowed access to assess entries. Judges will work in pairs, wear Skipton in Bloom ID badges and hi-vis jackets and will also leave visiting cards. They will be totally impartial and their decision is final. Photographs may be taken and used for promotional purposes.
All entrants, judges and sponsors will be invited to the Town Gardening Competition Awards Ceremony in September 2016. For further information, please email or telephone 01756 700553. Additional entry forms can be downloaded from www.skiptoninbloom.co.uk.
Please return your completed entry form by email or post to: Town Gardening Competition, Skipton Town Council, Town Hall, High Street, Skipton BD23 1FD by the closing date of Tuesday 31 May 2016. (Entrants’ personal details will only be used for the purpose of this competition and will not be passed on to any third parties.)