AT Committee Agenda


1.  Success stories:

Nicole reported that she is using PODD in her ECSE classrooms with success. Starla’s student who had an ipad purchased for her last year is using 2-3 word sentences. Randee reported that a student in the ASD classroom is also using PODD to make requests. Nancy reported about a student who is using the self-advocacy skills that they have been working on in therapy. Michah has a student using a note-taker and the middle school student is using it every single day and it has made a significant difference in his work completion.

2.  Proposals:

Michah submitted a proposal from Sally Burch for a student with visual impairments at Amberly Elementary in Portage. The AT requested is Mountbatten braillewriter. The committee accepted the proposal.

3.  Region 3 report out:

4.  SETT –Doug has uploaded Joy Zabala’s presentation notes from the summer institute to Basecamp.

a.  Practice-the committee decided to review the SETT framework and case studies for next month’s meeting. Laura and Randee from KPS will bring examples from current and recent cases.

b.  Training

c.  What is needed for this year

5.  Workshops/Training

a.  Upcoming

b.  Ones that committee members have attended

c.  Other sharing of information

MITS has decided to hold only two trainings this year for PODD and will not be able to provide the training at KRESA this year.

6.  Subcommittee-break out

7.  Subcommittee report out

a.  PD subcommittee

Planning for Feb.12 PD, will send out a survey monkey to committee members to forward to local districts regarding topics of interest for the PD.

b.  Forms subcommittee

Reported on updates to School Use and Home Use agreements

c.  Website subcommittee

d.  Budget subcommittee

Discussed needs for SNAP media-have committee members bring suggestions from their district monthly rather than waiting until the end of the year. Ideas for making SNAP media more user friendly (e.g., adding pics to descriptions). Possibly feature a few items each month.

8.  Additional Items

Discussed creating a newsletter committee to provide quarterly updates on PD and SNAP media features.

Add a standing agenda item regarding items to be purchased.

Discussed creating an Assistive Technology Committee logo.

9.  Take away from meeting

Start mentioning to local staff about Feb. 12 PD

The survey will be coming

Get SNAP media ideas

10. Next meeting:

November 20, 2015-will discuss/practice SETT

Discuss creating a newsletter committee

Discuss SNAP media needs