Job Description of WASH Officer (WASH Of.)

The WASH Of. of Support Organization (SO) should understand evolution of the Fund Board, its objectives and strategies as well as key components and project development objectives of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project (RWSSIP). In the above background, the WASH Of. should carry out and accomplish the following tasks and responsibilities in the contracted scheme of RWSSIP.


The WASH Of. shall accomplish his/her responsibilities as per overall Terms of Reference of the Development Phase. Mainly,the WASH Of. should lead and guide WASH M and WASH T to carry out overall software activities such as community mobilization/organization, motivation, increasing capacity of the community to plan the scheme, monitoring and supervision as well as collection of upfront cash and O&M fund. Furthermore, s/he should conduct HSE session, WTSS, Gender sensitivity awareness program etc. and other aspects for its target groups e.g. WSUG/WSUC, Mother/Tap stand groups, Teacher and Student groups, beneficiaries etc.


  1. WASH close assistance of WASH M and WASH Tshould arrange a general meeting of all beneficiariesensuring representation of all sex, caste, religion and marginalized populationwithin the scheme cluster to communicate about the contract provisions and Fund Board norms (working procedures/process). The WASH Of. shall inform the community about the schemes approved from the Fund Boardand discuss the existing water and sanitation problems so as toidentify related demand of the community;
  1. WASH Of. should assist WASH M and WASH Tin the preparation of a clear and understandable community map and lay out plan indicating existing good as well as problematic health and sanitary issues within scheme cluster;
  1. WASH Of. should train WASH M to identify and collect basic and baseline health and sanitation information in the community using participatory SARAR tools. Further, training must focus on to prioritize identified health and sanitation problems for intervention as well as monitoring, evaluationand reporting of the health and sanitation parameters;
  1. S/he with support and assistance of WASH M, WASH T and beneficiaries should prepare a participatory Community Action Plan (CAP) on the basis of identified and prioritized health and sanitation issues for development phase;
  1. WASH Of. should assist in the formation of different groups ( such as WSUC, Mother and Child Tap stand Group, Teacher & Student group and WTSS group). At the same time, s/he should lead WASH M in introducing role and responsibilities of the different groups to conduct health and sanitation activities and women technical support services in the community;
  1. WASH Of. should understand software components of RWSSFDB and transfer knowledge and skill to the subordinates and respective groups in respect to the following activities:
  1. Mother and child health
  2. School health promotion
  3. Household and village level environmental sanitation
  4. Women Technical Support Service ( WTSS)
  5. GESIawareness and activities
  6. Capital contribution and O&M fund
  7. Community mobilization, local materials collection, non local materials procurement, transportation, storage and supervision.
  1. WASH Of. should assist WASH M to prepare a HSE action plan including details e.g. what (content), why (Objective), How ( methodology), Where ( Place) whom ( Target group) when ( Time) and expected achievement that could be incorporated with development as well as implementation proposal;
  1. WASH Of.should supervise WASH M while conducting health and sanitation education (HSE) sessions to the respective target groups such as WSUC, Mother tap stands, teacher and student group and practical demonstration education on household visitsin the development phase as per HSE manual;
  1. WASH Of. should assist WASH M to give health and sanitation education using various method emphasizing practical demonstration to individuals and different target groups such as MCTG, WUC, teacher and student group and beneficiary households at least once a month;
  1. WASH Of. is responsible to ensure WASH M deliver personal, domestic, household and environmental health and sanitation education to the community and its progress report is incorporated in Progress Report to the Fund Board;
  1. WASH Of. should assist WASH M to form teacher and student group if there is a school within scheme area and assist to undertake school health and hygiene program at least once a month with WASH M and other special program such as health drama, wall paintings, demonstration on clipping nails, Bathing, teeth brushing, other campaigns etc. and if there is any serious illness refer to Health Post/Hospital keeping record of such illness;
  1. In school and home visits, WASH Of. should help WASH M to demonstrate and make clear that how to prepare jeevan jal ( ORS) correctly at least once a month and aware them about possible causes of diarrhea, transmission of diseases, cleanliness of latrine and its maintenance;
  1. WASH Of. should assist WASH M to facilitate school teacher, students group and guardians to conduct and sustain regular health and hygiene program at school such as use of latrine, clean hands with soap/ash, cleanliness of latrine and its maintenance;
  1. WASH Of. should supervise and monitor software activities in all schemes during development phase and coordinate with D-WASH-CC, V-WASH-CC and I/NGOs in hygiene and sanitation matters of the scheme; and
  1. WASH Of. should assist WASH M to identify households of 0-5 years old children and pregnant mother in the scheme area and encourage to make follow-up visits at least once a month in those households to measure Nutrition status of 1-5 years old children with (MUAC Tape) and give appropriate advice.