Math/Bio 490: Mathematics and Disease

Spring 2017


Dr. Katia Koelle, Associate Professor of Biology (BioSci 258; )

Dr. Jim Nolen, Associate Professor of Mathematics (Physics 243; )

Course synopsis and organization:

The study of disease has over the past decades benefited tremendously from the field of mathematics. This is in part due to the increase in the availability of clinical and epidemiological data and in part due to more effective training of researchers at the interface between medicine, mathematics, and statistics. The aim of this course is to expose you – a student interested both in the field of medicine and in quantitative analysis - to how mathematics has furthered our understanding of human disease. The course will cover mathematics critical for the study of human diseases as well as applications of this content to human disease. Mathematical content will include topics from ordinary differential equations (linear and nonlinear systems, stability, bifurcations) and stochastic processes (Markov chains and branching processes). Biological applications will include infectious diseases (e.g., ebola, HIV, measles, tuberculosis) as well as non-communicable diseases (e.g., cancer, cardiovascular disease). The class with include both lectures and discussion of the primary literature.


Math 216 (linear algrebra), or equivalent, and Math 230 (Probability). The probability course may be taken concurrently or may be waived with consent of the instructor.

Course structure:

Class discussions will alternate between mathematical and biological topics. There will be regular assignments including reading, problem sets, and modeling exercises. Students will make periodic presentations in class about the reading assignments.


30% take-home assignments

15% in-class participation

20% midterm exam

35% final project {25% paper; 10% presentation}

Frequently asked questions:

-Will this course be taught again next year? Probably not.

-Will we have to do proofs? No. You will be asked to justify answers mathematically using appropriate terms and ideas, but we won't be doing formal mathematical proofs.

-Is there any biology background required? No.

-Is there a final exam? No. There will be a final project.

-What will the regular homework assignments be like? There will be some problem sets and some modeling exercises. You'll have to read some papers and prepare for class discussion.

-Do I have to know how to program a computer? No.