8th GRADE: Each quarter of the semester includes 2-3 tests followed by a project after each test. Each project incorporates concepts from the corresponding test.

Grades are determined by:

·  Tests/Projects 40%

·  Daily Work/Quizzes 40%

·  Exams 20%

Focus: The Principles of Design

·  Rhythm, Balance, Proportion, Variety, Emphasis, Unity

Introduction: Students create nametags.

Rhythm: Lecture for test

·  Understanding the purpose of the Elements of Design

·  Understanding the purpose of the Principles of Design

·  Understanding Visual Rhythm

·  Motifs

·  The 5 different types of Rhythm

o  Random, Regular, Alternating, Flowing, Progressive

Rhythm Test

Rhythm Project: Students create an artwork demonstrating one of the types of rhythm as described in the rubric. Allow time as needed.

Balance: Lecture for Test

§  Defining balance

§  Central Axis

§  Visual Weight

§  The 5 types of balance

o  Formal, Informal, Symmetry, Approximate symmetry, Radial

§  The 5 techniques used to achieve balance

o  Size and Contour, Color, Details, Value, Position

Balance Test

Balance Project: Students create an artwork demonstrating one of the types of balance as described in the rubric. Allow time as needed.

Proportion: Lecture for Test

§  Defining Proportion

§  The Golden Mean ratio

o  The Divine Proportion, Phi

o  It’s use in architecture, sculpture, and pottery

§  Euclid, the Golden Mean as a mathematical principle

§  How to find a missing value using the Golden Mean as an algebraic equation

§  Scale (2 types)

§  Artistic use of exaggeration and distortion

§  Caracatures

Proportion Test

Mask Project: Students create a mask from Celluclay as described in the rubric. Depending upon time, this project may also be counted as a final exam instead of a project score. Allow time as needed.


Grading Period 1

·  Weeks 1 and 2: Name tags/ Notes on Visual Rhythm/ Review for test

·  Week 3: Test/ Test corrections and retest

·  Week 4: Art Critique/ Explain “Rhythm” project rubric/ Begin sketches for approval (3 ideas)

·  Weeks 5-7: Begin Final Drawing/ Work on and complete Rhythm project drawing

·  Week 8: Project presentation/ Project critique

·  Weeks 8- 9: Notes on Balance/ Review for test/ Test Corrections/ Retest

Grading Period 2

·  Week 1: Explain “Balance” project rubric/ Begin and complete sketches for approval (3 ideas)

·  Week 2-3: Begin final project / Work on and complete Balance project

·  Week 3: Project presentation/ Project critique (if time allows)

·  Week 4: Notes on Proportion/ Review for test

·  Week 5: Test/ Test corrections and retest

·  Week 6: Explain “Mask” project rubric/ Complete sketches for approval (3 ideas)

·  Weeks 7-9: Work on and complete Mask project