Ladies Committee Meeting Notes

20th Sept 2016

Brenda Gilbey (BG)
Marion Gatland (MG / Lady Captain
Lady Vice-Captain / Weekend Ladies Friendly Matches / Div 3
Myra Scarbrough (MS) / Handicap Secretary
Maureen Sinclair (MoS) / Senior Ladies Liaison / Fun Day Organiser /
Midweek Ladies Friendly Matches
Aileen Oliver (AO) / Website
Jo Eames (JE)
Anne Burton-Gow / Mixed Friendly Matches
Welcome / apologies:
Apologies received from Jo Eames and Maureen Sinclair
Notes of previous meeting, and review of action points.
i. Notes from the previous meeting approved.
  1. 2 meetings were held on the 1st Sept, to explain the proposed Unified course. 16 ladies in the afternoon and 3 in the evening. Very positive meeting, trial cards will be drawn up and suggested that they will be used at the ladies Tuesday role up. Brenda has spoken to Alan to see how the 6th Tee could be made less challenging when playing off the black. The 18th is more difficult, as they can’t at the moment get a mower over the carry to give an even cut. Will look at getting a working group/ committee together to look at the proposed unified course.
  2. New jumpers. Brenda will put a letter together and send to the committee. The colour chosen will be for the next 5 years.
  3. Quote now received for £365 for the cupboard.
  4. Results from the survey have been put in the ladies changing room.
/ BG
Lady Captains report
  1. Brenda has taken flowers to Jan.

Ladies Handicap Secretary Report
  1. Report handed out by Myra at the meeting.
  2. New member. Hazel Tebbutt, joint Oak.
  3. Questionnaire in ladies changing room, received no comments.
  4. England Golf medal Competition. Final report will be printed out in December 2016. Entries for the Regional Medal finals will need to be in by the end of March 2017. A form will be sent to the club towards the end of the year.
  5. Competition Handicaps. A reminder email was sent out to those ladies who still need to put one or more cards in to activate a ‘competition handicap’. A review of handicaps did not take place, but there will be one towards the end of the year.

Senior Ladies Liaison / Fun Days / Midweek Friendlies / mixed Friendlies
  1. Chartham Park – draw
  2. Mannings Heath – 3-1 lost

Future Events
  1. Captain’s Cup
  2. Ladies Christmas Fun Day 6th Dec

  1. New photos on the Website
  2. Brenda and Aileen will speak to Amanda to raise the profile of the Sweetwoods public website, to hopefully increase membership.
  3. Majority of people now use the website to sign up for competitions.

Any Other Business
  1. Marion will look at setting up a gardening project in the new year, to look at, in particular, the area around the 15 tee.
  2. Barbara Hall has offered to run a quiz on the 11th Nov for the ladies section. Needs to be promoted.
  3. Need to look at sorting out a fund for the Ladies Section. Marion to speak to Geoff.
Rollup roster
1st Nov - Brenda
8th Nov - Myra
15th Nov - Marion
22nd Nov - Aileen
29th Nov - Anne
Date of next meeting: 26th October at 09:30
………………………………….………………. Date………………………….
Brenda Gilbey / MG