PGCE Secondary

School 2 Checklist

The following check list is provided for trainees but makes a useful aide memoir for mentors. It is not exhaustive but intended for your guidance.

In Advance (and during Serial Placement):

ü  Read Partners’ Handbook pages B1 – B5, B11 – B15, B24 – B34:

ü  Research details of your school from: DfE Edubase website (;jsessionid=EBC91E6B70E0E9B84CD1195C2FBB865B); Ofsted (, and the school’s own web site

ü  Reflect on QTS standards, School 1 Review and School 1 A&E Report – establish targets

ü  Aim to establishes topics to be taught as soon as possible in the serial placement and start planning

ü  Establish timetable with SM as soon as possible – complete timetable template (available on Moodle) and submit to tutor and Lynda by Friday 10th February 2012, including:

o  17 hours (10 hours Instrumental) first subject

o  Second subject

o  Tutor group

o  Meetings, weekly reviews etc

o  Out-of-Hours learning commitments

o  Observations

ü  Collect policies, procedures, staff handbook, other documentation...

ü  Collect “pinks” and attendance register from Lynda

ü  Collect pupil data for classes to be taught – EAL, SEN, G&T, IEPs, etc...

ü  Prepare units of work and first lesson plans for each class you teach

ü  Have all units of work approved (signed) by SM during the serial placement

ü  Prepare and compile Teaching Practice File

ü  Write TPF dates in diary – inform school

ü  Plan the completion of PDF Tasks

ü  Make arrangements for Post 16 visits/teaching, as required

ü  Discuss arrangements for AK3 / SK3 assignment with SM


ü  Register yourself at school and on your own register

ü  Consider the ways in which you adapt your teaching to meet the needs of a diverse society. For example, how will you adapt your teaching to meet the needs of particular groups of pupils: SEN and those with disabilities, EAL, BME, G&T, Early Readers, Behaviour Management? How will your teaching address social, ethnic, cultural, religious diversity? Capture these developments in your QTS Standards Profile

ü  Plan lessons (24 – 48 hours in advance)

ü  Teach and evaluate lessons taught that day

ü  Visit your QTS profile: enter one or two pieces of evidence on white sheets and include any other documentary evidence, as appropriate

ü  Mark / assess pupils’ work

ü  Prepare material and resources for teaching

ü  Contribute to department activities / meetings etc

ü  Attend briefings and other meeting


ü  Complete Weekly Review Sheet (in Templates for University on Moodle) in preparation for Weekly Review meeting with mentor

ü  Prepare QTS Standards Profile for grading and signing by mentors (indicate with a post-it note those that need grading and signing)

ü  Meet with mentor for weekly review – agree targets for following week

ü  Complete PDF tasks by Easter

ü  Meet with Professional Mentor (or other) to cover whole school issue, as timetabled

ü  Address aspects of Subject Action Plan (see SP / AP assignment)

ü  Conduct assessment of pupils for AK3 / SK3 assignment / address SP / AP assignment requirements – see Student Handbook on Moodle

Twice per week:

ü  Prepare pink sheet for subject mentor to observe lesson (more than twice per week where possible)

At Key Points:

ü  Discuss with mentors the completion of the Mid-point Review (pro forma to follow)

ü  Discuss with mentors the Internal School Moderation – where a mentor other than your SM observes you teaching (example and pro forma to follow)

Final Two Weeks of School 2:

ü  Mentor to sign off, at foot of white page in QTS Profile, those Standards that have been successfully achieved

ü  Ensure mentor has final A&E Report for completion and forwarding to Faculty

ü  Draft Career Entry and Development Profile statement (details to follow)

Things to think about:

ü  Ensure all QTS Skills Tests are successfully completed

ü  Plan Research Project, including arranging placement details, where necessary (details to follow) – see Student Handbook Supplement

ü  Check for appropriate jobs and apply – be prepared to travel!
