Good Tuesday morning to you, May 29th 2018---

Memorial Day

I hope you enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend.Unofficially the weekend is regularly seen as kicking off the summer. However, my hope is that you were able to set aside some time to think of those who made the greatest of all sacrifices, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military, and remembering the loved ones they left behind in their ultimate sacrifice.

Originally known as Decoration Day, the holiday originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Often, the day also becomes a day of thanking those who have served and those currently serving. Something we should do regularly. However, those groups have special days set aside to honor their service: Veteran’s Day (those who served) and Armed Forces Day (those currently serving). While I could write a great deal regarding the work we do with veterans, I believe it is important not to lose sight of what Memorial Day really means and lessen the memory and sacrifice of those who gave everything.So, I will close by thanking and remembering those who served and sacrificed for our freedom. Thank you fallen soldiers.


ICC Supporting Students During Finals with Giveaways – Tuesday-Thursday

This is finals week and I want to make sure that our students are focused on finishing strong. Please be extra patient with them and try to reduce their stress. Also let them know that the Inter-Club Council is giving away free Scantrons, food, and drinks in the K-Mall, in support of finals week. They will start the giveaway at 10am Tuesday through Thursday.

Cosmo’s Free Haircuts - Wednesday

This week graduating cosmetology students will be offering free haircuts on Wednesday May 30th starting at noon in the North Tent. Stop by if you get a chance. They do a great job.

Club Couture-Fashion Club – Wednesday

You can also join the fashion club known as Club Couture for its anniversary event on Wednesday. Come on out at 5:00pm and celebrate with students as they show off some of their designs.

Respect Immigrant Students’ Education Club Fundraiser – Thursday

The evening ofMay 31st our RISE Club will hold its annual banquet. These students have decided the event will honor their parents, whom they describe as the “Original Dreamers.” You can still purchase tickets for just $50 in support of critical student scholarships. The event starts at 5pm on Thursday evening in Aspen Hall, Room 101. Your presence would be deeply appreciated. For more information, contact counselor Ana Munoz (see flyer below).

CD9 Latina Conference - Saturday

This Saturday at 9am we are hosting the 9th City Council District’s Latina Conference. It is a free event sponsored by Los Angeles City Councilman, Curren Price. We expect at least 400 attendees. The event will include a job and vendor fair. If you have some time on Saturday, come on out and listen to a great line-up of speakers.

2018 Graduation Tuesday, June 5th

LATTC decided to change the Saturday morning graduation tradition and join the rest of our LACCD colleges with a Tuesday evening graduation. Ours takes place at 6pm on the North Lawn. Trustee Ernie Moreno, who got his start at LATTC, will join us, along with CFO Jeanette Gordon. Our Commencement Speaker is Environmental Justice Leader Angelo Logan, a remarkable student who went through hard times to graduate from Trade Tech and has built a remarkable career from his days living nearby. Please join us and our students. They would love to see you there.


Foster Care/Guardian Scholars Re-Launch

I am going to start this past week with an event that I inadvertently left out of last Monday’s email blast. On Tuesday, May 15th, in honor of Foster Care Awareness Month, our program held a Relaunchon the 20th Anniversary of the Foster and Kinship Care Education Program, and the 10th Anniversary of the Guardian Scholars Program. More than two hundred guests visited the revamped offices in the Tom Bradley Center for Student Life. The big hit of the night was the Kinfolks closet, which is a clothing closet for youth in the Guardian Scholars program, offering free clothes to students in need. Among those attending, representatives from the Los Angeles County Department of Children & Family Services staff and supervisors, 4 foster care group homes, community partners, LACOE staff,LATTC students,staff and administration and 38 Guardian Scholars youth. There was also a special performance by the “Divas of Compton.” The relaunch was followed up by a visit from gubernatorial candidate Antonio Villaraigosa.

ASO Townhall Gives Students Voice

Robert Peacock, our ASO President, did a great job soliciting questions and moderating the discussion from 11:30-1pm last Monday in the ASO headquarters. A special thanks to all the students who came out to have their voices heard, and a special thank you to Vice President’s Leticia Barajas, Jim Lancaster, and Kaneesha Tarrant who joined me in the discussion.

Final College Council of the School Year

The campus managed to continue its year of hard work in its final session. Among a number of discussions, the Council voted to align its Facilities Master Plan (and its upcoming Environment Impact Report Addendum) with its Strategic Educational Master Plan (SEMP, focused on its Guided Pathways effort called PACTS here at LATTC). The Tree Names will be replaced over the next two years with buildings named after the Pathways they house, and a couple named after the functions they house. Thank you to our stakeholder-appointed leadership body for another year of work and progress. And now on to the College Council Retreat set for June 29th.

LAVITA Graduation

Last Tuesday morning in the South Tent, we were fortunate to host twenty-plus students as they received their Los Angeles Violence Intervention Training Academy (LAVITA) diploma. This certification makes chosen ex-gang members eligible to work with an LA City GRYD (Gang Reduction Youth Development) Zone Intervention contractor. One of the special surprises for the students was a visit from gubernatorial candidate Antonio Villaraigosa who started this program back in 2007. Before the graduation, Mayor Villaraigosa had heard about our Rail Maintenance Training program and wanted to meet the students who are benefiting from the rebirth of rail under his watch, some welding students who will be benefiting from the many Project Labor Agreements with Local Hire provisions, and stopped by the WorkSource Center which benefited from the policy which prioritized co-location with community colleges.

LATTC Retirement Luncheon

A big thank you to the Academic Senate for a fun lunch last Tuesday in Aspen Hall, Room 101. We got to greet our returning retirees and retirement does not sound half bad. We will have a hard time recovering from these departures but as it has for over 90 years, Trade Tech will continue to shine.

Veterans Culinary Arts Graduation

Also on Tuesday, we honored the eleven graduates of our Veterans Culinary Arts program in partnership with our Supervisor Hilda Solis, our City and County WorkSourcesystems in Patriotic Hall. Great stories were shared and we owe a debt to our partners, as well as our Culinary Department.

LACCD Annual Black Graduation Celebration

Many of you know Trade Tech student, Andrea Robertson. She has that voice that stretches over campus with her infectious smile and a determination to finish her degree that is unique. She was excited to be one of the recipients of the LACCD BFSA $500 scholarship. She was chosen to read her essay, "The Resiliency of African Americans in War" at the AAOI Black Graduation Celebration at First AME church. The first link below was when she was awarded the scholarship and the second link is of her reading of the essay. She has a beautiful testimony and gives Trade a big shout out that prompted a standing ovation from the students, chancellor, vice chancellor, 2 college presidents, and Pastor Boyd. Congratulations Andrea. You inspire us.

ICC Annual Banquet Outdoes Past Years

This past Wednesday the Inter-Club Council held its annual banquet in the South Tent honoring the student clubs on campus. The number of student clubs at Trade Tech has increased along with the school spirit and participation on so many levels. So, the ICC leadership club officers and advisors gave away numerous awards for a truly incredible year. The Performing Arts Club came away with Club of the Year and the UMOJA English Expression Club garnered the Event of the Year for its Winter Coat Giveaway. It was a remarkably thoughtful and professional student-driven event and we will miss the student leadership that put it together as well as the work they have contributed to our campus all year.

Pinning Ceremony

Then last week on Wednesday evening, the traditional nurses’ pinning ceremony took place in the North Tent. This is a tradition that goes back to Florence Nightingale and welcomes students into the nursing profession. I understand Dean Ann Hamilton did a great job as the keynote encouraging the students to move on to reach their dreams. Congratulations to our nursing students and our Nursing Program and faculty for another solid year.

Transfer Celebration Highlights Student Success

On Thursday, Aspen Hall Room 101 was packed as we joined in the annual Transfer Celebration luncheon. We all realize that this college is known for its career education programs, but the transfer education aspect of our campus is thriving and inspiring. Dozens of transfer students and some of their families joined in the excitement of seeing how many of our students are headed to four-year universities all over the state and across the country.

Performing Arts Club Stages Wizard of OZ Straight Out of Compton

One day after winning Club of the Year at the ICC banquet, the Performing Arts Club presented a play called Wizard of Oz Straight Out of Compton. It was an interesting take on the traditional story about Dorothy in the land of Oz. I understand it was a great performance, and I want to thank the PAC and advisors Mitchell Horn and Jearold Mock for a great year of presentations to the campus.

Tools for the Trades Dinner Captivates

One of the most inspiring events of the year is our Tools for the Trades dinner. Following the announcement of the scholarship winners at the Tools Rally, we held a dinner this past Thursday evening in the South Tent where the tools “scholarships” were given out. Almost fifty students from our pathways/departments/programs of study are given tools as a way to support their success. The tradition has been going on since “Tools for Success” was started in 1991 with the support of the Miller Brewing Company and has continued for all but two years, making this occasion our 25th Tools Dinner. A huge shout out needs to go to the LATTC Foundation for making this their signature event as they focus on bringing success to our students. Congratulations also goes to our student winners, to the faculty members who help guide this wonderful program, and to our co-chairs: VP Leticia Barajas and Design and Media Arts faculty member Carole Anderson. Below is a link to all of the photos from this very special night. Check out the photos of three of our amazing retiring faculty who have collectively given 92 years to our campus and our students.

Use the Password: LATTCAccess

Child Development Graduation

Our CDC children are always so cute, but it’s especially exciting to see the oldest children “graduate” from our CDC, as they head to kindergarten. This year was no different as CDC director La Tanga Hardy, her teachers and staff put together a great graduation ceremony. I pointed out that these students will be the high school class of 2031! Can’t wait.

Gold Thimble Dazzles

Our Gold Thimble Spring 2018 runway show was held outside of Magnolia Hall to the cheers of more than seven hundred supporters. This year’s theme was Retrospective and it paid tribute to the many years of Gold Thimble shows during Carole Anderson’s tenure, shows that inspired our current students for their theme creations. The designs this year had all of the models, male and female, adults and children, walking with amazing confidence and poise. Every presenter of the Gold Thimbles was asked to come up with one word for Carole (this being her last show as full-time faculty), when they got to the mic. The one-word descriptions ranged from fierce, tenacious, and wise to Joe Guerrieriwho could not boil it down beyond two words which were for him “Trade Tech.” It was an emotional evening for all. Thank you to all of you who came out and supported the students, because it made this night so very special for the graduating students. Here are some photos and we have more that will be sent out and placed on social media. Congratulations to all of the winners.

Student Highlight

For our Student Snapshot, many of you know returning Trade Tech student Andrea Robertson. She has that voice that stretches over campus with her infectious smile and a determination to finish her degree that is unique. She was excited to be one of the recipients of the LACCD BFSA $500 scholarship. She was chosen to read her essay, "The Resiliency of African Americans in War" at the Black Graduation Celebration at First AME church this past Thursday. The first link below was when she was awarded the scholarship and the second link is of her reading of her essay. She has a beautiful testimony and gave Trade a big shout out that prompted a standing ovation from the students, chancellor, vice chancellor, 2 college presidents, and Pastor Boyd. Congratulations Andrea. You inspire us.

This has been an extremely busy week and the excitement is building toward graduation on Tuesday June 5th at 6pm on the North Lawn. Please encourage all of our graduating and completing students to attend. This is their day and we want to leave them with a memory they will never forget. Looking forward to it.


Larry Frank

President, LATTC

College to Career, It’s All Here

L.A. Trade - Technical College