Dudley Learning Disability and Obesity Charter Launch

The Ridge Hill Learning Centre Dudley

Wednesday May 30th 2012

Event Summary & Photos

Dudley Learning Disability and Obesity Charter Launch


The event was organised as a direct response to the West Midlands Strategic Health Authority (SHA) launch, on January 31st 2012, of a Learning Disability and Obesity Charter.

The Learning Disability and Obesity Charter was designed to specifically address and outline the ever increasing needs of the Learning Disability population in regards to obesity, covering all age groups and backgrounds. It asked health professionals to review their current practice and be accountable for creating action plans for the future. The Charter is recommended as a national guideline to ensure consistency of treatment across the UK and in the light of the recent government changes it will now be used as a general framework by Public Health.

The event of May 30th served two purposes, firstly, to highlight the current partnership and good practice between the Ridge Hill Health Access Team and Dudley Public Health along with other organisations within the Borough. Secondly, to further support and encourage GP practices, health professionals and other organisations such as Dudley MBC to sign up and become involved in the implementation of the general framework, this will lead to further organisational networking.

This document aims to reflect on the day’s event, evaluate and draw on the suggested conclusions as to the possible way forward.

The Agenda

The event started at 9.30am with delegates’ registration and continued as follows:

Time / Topic / Notes / Name/Lead
09:30 / Arrival / Register and first exercise / All
09.40 / Welcome / Ridge Hill Centre / Darinka Novac
09:45 / Introduction to day / Welcome & objectives / Valerie Little
10:00 / Focus Exercise / How far have we travelled? / Sally Cornfield
10:20 / Success / What have we achieved? / All
10:35 / Health Needs Assessment / Presentation / Karen Jackson
11:15 / Coffee
11:30 / LD Charter Launch / SHA Charter / Self Assessment / Sally Cornfield
12:00 / Case Study / Slimmers Kitchen / Counterweight / Mandy Marsh
Wendy Hillary-Patten
12:45 / Review of the morning / Where next? Sign up to the Charter / All
13:00 / Lunch / Networking opportunity /
Meet the Teams / All
14:00 / Close


For the presentations please see appendix 1-3

Karen Jackson – Health Needs Assessment

Sally Cornfield – The Learning Disability Charter Launch

Wendy Hillary-Patten & Mandy Marsh – Slimmers Kitchen/Counterweight & Case Studies

The Evaluation

Focus Exercise

How far have we travelled?

The aim of this exercise was to establish just how far, we as health professionals in the Dudley borough had come in terms of addressing the learning disability population and obesity.

The Exercise

Using the concept of a road with three points on it, to symbolise positioning delegates were asked to place a dot on the road to determine their current position.

The Positions

Starting Point- Delegates were informed that this point represents just getting started and beginning to set action plans for working in this area.

Dead End - this represented having tried an initiative and either not receiving the required results and stopping or not knowing where to go from that point.

Finish Line – Representing great achievements and setting standards for others to follow.

Once all the dots had been placed, random dots were selected and delegates were asked to give a brief explanation as to why they had placed their dots at that point. Delegates were informed that it did not matter where their dot went as it was to allow us to generate a snap shot of the current situation in the borough and to show the extent of the work that still needs to be done.

How far have we travelled?

Second Exercise

If you could change one thing to reduce obesity in learning disabilities in Dudley what would it be..?

Delegates were asked to write their answers on post its in response to the above question. The results were then grouped into the following headings:

Accessibility to service

Comments were:-

‘To have easily assessable centres based in local hotspots’

‘Speed of access to service’

‘More localised service for large GP practices with large LD base’ – Worcester St Surgery

Information Accessibility


‘All information should be accessible to person involved’


Comments were:-

‘Collaborative working & team work’


Comments were:-

‘More revenue funding to increase the number of physical activity programmes’

‘Increased funding’

Training & Education

Comments were:-

‘Increase knowledge on healthier options’

‘Parent/carer education to bring awareness to healthy living lifestyle/eating issues’

‘Keep practice nurses aware of changes/referrals through more training sessions and education’

Keep GP‘s up to date’ & ‘Increase funding’

‘Educate carers about health treats and eating re exercise awareness’

‘Encourage all practice staff to positively help & refer all obese LD pts’

‘Staff training – to understand about ‘Client choice’ verses ‘Duty of care’

‘Education for home staff on healthy eating initiatives’

Person Centred

Comments were;-

‘Ensuring that LD professionals are empowered to take this forward’

‘Provide advocacy & support for one to one work’

‘Increased awareness to people with LD and their carers about the effects of obesity on health’

‘No decision about me without me’ – include LD people in their care to reduce their weight’

‘Interpreter required/ needs assessment to be addressed’

The Charter

Comments were:-

‘Encourage providers to sign up to the Charter’

‘Put an explicit clause in contracts regarding the obesity charter/weight management’

‘Charter adopted by your health & well being board & included in your JHWB Strategy’


Comments were:-

‘Raise awareness with parents/carers when child is of a young age’

‘For children with LD more information and activity programmes at all special schools’


Comments were:-

‘Screen for Diabetes & Thyroid dysfunction’

‘Make BMI a specific part of all reviews in residential care & a plan to be put in place in BMI increases since last review’

Follow ups

Comment was:-

On-going support following participation in a programme’


Comments were:-

‘Weight loss & positive lifestyle changes’ ‘Healthy food cheaper than junk food’

‘Re obesity stop rewarding with food’ ‘Providers of services to give greater importance to supporting people to eat healthy food’

‘Group activity-‘Weight meeting for LD pt in their own surgeries’

Third Exercise

What have been to most significant successes and achievements of the Launch so far?

Delegates were asked to write their answers on post its in response to the above question. The results were then grouped into the following headings:

Physical Activity

Comments were:-

‘Opportunity for sports for those with LD and Obesity’

‘Would like to explore more opportunities to expand current programme’ & ‘Have involvement at a steering group level’ – Rachael McKienan Doyle

Staffing & Public Awareness

Comments were:-

‘Produce a notice board in the surgeries with the differing services that are appropriate for pt with LD to understand’ - Louise Goodman

‘An open day or numerous open days in local areas to do short presentations on service availability’

‘Now more aware of services available – referral to appropriate agencies’

‘Easier Access: with the option of specialist support to access mainstream opportunities’

‘Enable me to make links with other service providers. Focus my mind on what the priorities will be in my service’

Exit Routes

Comments were:-

‘KIDS Orchard now offering Zumba classes – possible exit route post programme also perhaps we could offer the same activities as pts receive during programmes’

‘KIDS Orchard will to offer LD children support to participate in mainstream programmes e.g. Jumping Beans etc’

‘Re Early years prevention KIDS Orchard would welcome referrals to physical activity programmes outside of the SEEKERS programme for children of a younger age’

Safe Guarding

‘Don’t forget Safe Guarding as a last resort’

Early Intervention

Comments were:-

‘Early input from Health Visitors and increased collaborative working between Health Visitors/School Health Advisors & experts in dealing with children with LD and behaviour management’

‘Encourage early referral by all health care professionals as soon as BMI 30+ don’t wait any longer it only gets harder’


Comments were:-

‘Perhaps widen out the training to local authority colleagues (social worker & assts)’

‘Would like to consider participation in 6 week training course offered to carers as armed with more knowledge can possibly advise better’ - Practice Nurse

‘Making the information available to all staff across the borough’

‘Good support provided to staff and clients’ & ‘To continue to inform & support GP surgeries and

Practice nurses’

‘To improve carers awareness in their role in the healthy lifestyles of their clients’ & ‘ To ensure all appropriate LD referrals are referred on appropriately’

Commercially ‘Weight Watchers need to look at our programme material & specialise training for leaders’

Importance of Data

Comments were:-

‘Health Data from DES health checks recorded on GP computers should be shared with yourselves including BMI/BP/Bloods/weight etc to support data collection’

‘SNR can collect some of the data, you need to let me know & let’s discuss the Charter’


Comments were:-

‘Explicit targets within contracts with LD specialist providers’

‘We will start to monitor BMI scores through contact monitoring process. – LD Commissioning’


Comments were:-

‘Help to support lose with LD to be involved in supporting others with weight issues in whichever way they feel able’

‘Are there any service users/carers on the Steering group, if not could they have some input to this process?’

‘Need to consider ways of involving volunteers in LD programmes to increase the service user/carer input & provide valuable support & encouragement’

Assessment & Evaluation

Comments were:-

‘It is important to look at Mental Health & Wellbeing with regards to : - why does someone become obese & what is the impact on self esteem of clients (pre & post assessment)’

‘I think it will be well worth considering/exploring “Five ways to wellbeing” as an evaluation framework for measuring impact on mental wellbeing, esp of the weight management initiatives implemented’

‘LD services to follow up on health check info & encourage carers’

The Commitment

Comment was:-

‘Commitment of groups & individuals in writing & implementing the Charter’


Comments were:-

‘Commitment of groups & individuals in writing & implementing Charter’

‘Success stories so far were excellent and encouraging’

‘The Successes are fantastic & a way to share this wider amongst our colleagues’

Launch Recommendations

From the evidence collected at Dudley’s Learning Disability and Obesity Charter Launch, we can conclude that on the whole, work within the learning disability population has begun, with varying levels of success. As we continue on our journey the following areas have been highlighted for additional review if we are to attempt to start using the framework and sign up to the Charter.


Training at all levels both with professionals and service users/carers.


We are aware that these programmes may cost more to implement and continue to explore different avenues of funding

Collaborative working

This is of major importance so that we continue to share good practice and ensure continuity of service across the borough, as well as share expertise and ideas.


The continued collection, reporting and sharing of data is essential if we are to make any in roads in this area.

Person Centred

We must continue to make services person centred and involve service users in all programme development and evaluation

Mental health & wellbeing

To ensure that all aspects of the patients’ health and wellbeing are addressed, we would like to offer training to all health professionals


We should continue to celebrate our successes in order to promote more awareness.