Move to Amend Salt Lake

Canvassing & Tabling Plan


Goal: To raise funds and awareness of the campaign through the design and distribution of materials.

·  Yard signs distributed by end of August (quantity dependent on price)

o  Printed by June 13th for pub quiz

o  Posted in prominent and diverse places over town

o  At least 3 major traffic areas in each city council district

·  Flyers (pub quiz, events, and other campaign needs)

o  Saturate community bulletin boards and flyering locations (list of 30-40 places) 2-3 weeks before events

·  Buttons

o  250 1” buttons

o  Use left overs of last year for pub quiz

o  New when we get rid of old

·  Stickers

o  250

o  By pub quiz

Resources needed:

·  Designs (see resources already available from National – Submit new finished designs to National)

·  Graphic designers

·  Printer people (free printing available from Westminister)

·  Poster posters

·  Materials logistics and distribution czar

Canvassing and Tabling

Engage community members in neighborhoods and public spaces to:

o  Educate people on our campaign and solicit their participation as campaign volunteers or through the listening project

o  Distribute yard signs in 2 high-traffic locations in each City Council district

o  Map out neighborhoods and identify 2 key locations , and identify upcoming tabling events

o  Canvass with each council person at least once

o  Recruit district captains and canvassing volunteers

o  Train them on pitches, talking points, greetings, hooks, and asks

o  Set weekly petition goals

o  7 total canvassing events (every other week)

o  1 district/ canvassing event

o  2 locations within each district (14 total)

o  2nd and 3rd Saturday of the month

o  Check in with captains with needs

o  Debrief volunteers

Resources needed:

o  Google doc with locations and to track where we went (and where we need to go)

o  Canvassing captians (who resides)in each district

o  Propose the locations

o  Train their volunteers

o  Yard signs and materials

o  Listening project materials

o  District Map

o  Coordinate with legislative liaison to get city council members out to our canvass

o  QUESTION FOR GROUP: if council members ask, would we promote them for reelection

o  Bandwagon?