L. Mann MacDonald,

Dr. Lunden E. Mann MacDonald

2718 Gaylord Street

Denver, Colorado 80205 * Telephone: 303.556.5643

February 2009

Assistant Professor of Spanish, Metropolitan State College of Denver


Ph.D., Spanish Language and Literature: Princeton University, 2006

- Dissertation title: Joseph Blanco White: An Intellectual Biography, 1775-1814.

- Director: Prof. Eduardo Subirats (New York University); Second Reader: Prof. Ángel Loureiro (Chair, Spanish and Portuguese, Princeton University).

M.A., Spanish Language and Literature: Princeton University, 1997

- Pursued doctoral-level seminars in both Spanish and French.

M.A., Spanish Language and Literature: University of Colorado at Boulder, 1995

- Concentration in Spanish and Latin American Literature, Cinema, and Literary Theory.

Bachelor of Arts: University of Colorado at Boulder, 1993

- Major in Spanish Language and Literature, concentration in French Language and Literature.

- Graduated Cum Laude with a written Honors Thesis and an Oral Defense.


-English: Native speaker

-Spanish: spoken and written with near-native fluency

-French: spoken and written with advanced proficiency

-Portuguese: intermediate command of spoken and written skills

-Galician: intermediate command of spoken and written skills


-Italian: command of basic skills


Fall 2006 to present

Assistant Professor of Spanish, Modern Languages Department, Metropolitan State College of Denver

- Full-time, tenure-track position in a large (over 21,000 students), diverse, urban institution.

- Full course load including lower- and upper-division language, composition, literature and culture courses.

- Fall 2007 to present: Course Coordinator for the 1000- and 2000-level (first- and second-year) sequences. Responsible for managing on average 25 sections and 20 instructors per semester.

- 2007-2008: Completely redesigned the 1000- and 2000-level sequences of introductory courses in Spanish and created new curriculum and standards for these basic courses in the Modern Languages Department.

- Responsible for choosing and ordering books for all courses taught at the 1000- and 2000-levels.

- Responsible for hiring (with Chair), evaluating, and supervising part-time instructors.

- Implementation of a wide range of current technology and ancillary technological tools in all teaching and professional endeavors.

Spring 1998 to Spring 2000, Fall 2005-Spring 2006

Instructor of Spanish, Department of Modern Languages, Metropolitan State College of Denver

- Instructed lower-division language courses and upper-division Latin American Literature, Peninsular Literature and Advanced Composition courses.

-Participated in a Long-Distance Learning Program in conjunction with Colorado Mountain College and funded by a National Education Association Grant.

Summer 1996-2006

Instructor of Spanish, Department of Modern Languages, University of Colorado at Denver

-Developed all pertinent course materials.

-Instructed lower-division language courses and upper-division Latin American Literature, Peninsular Literature, Composition, and Spanish Linguistics courses.

-Multimedia Language Laboratory and technology experience, including Blackboard, at all levels of instruction.

Fall 2002-Spring 2004

Spanish Program Co-Coordinator and Teacher, Stanley British Primary School, Denver, Colorado

- Co-Developed Spanish Program at the middle school level for small, private K-8 academy.

- Responsible for text and materials purchasing.

- Responsible for writing and teaching middle school social studies curriculum that highlights elements of Latin American Studies as an extension of Spanish Program.

- Participated in all aspects of school life including extracurricular events.

- Developed an exchange program (hosting in Denver and travel to Spain) with Colegio Manuel Peleteiro in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Fall 1995 to Fall 1998

Assistant in Instruction, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Princeton University

Academic Years 1992-93, 1994-95

Teaching Assistant, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Colorado at Boulder

Academic Year 1993-94

Visiting Lecturer, Instituto de Idiomas, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

- Selected for a competitive Teaching Exchange Program between the University of Colorado at Boulder and the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

- Provided English language instruction at a private academy affiliated with the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Private Tutor, Burgo das Nacións, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

- Developed an English language curriculum designed specifically for the Assistant Dean of Economics, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

- Translated official documents, Spanish/English and English/Spanish for application in international economic seminars.

- Developed English language and culture programs for university dormitory residents.

- Created English language immersion programs for K-8 [equivalent] academy Colegio Manuel Peleteiro.



Forthcoming: “The Virtual Language Lab: Virtually Painless, Simply Real.”

Accepted for publication by the International Association for Language Learning Technology Journal, Fall 2009.

Contributing Author for Instructor’s Resource Manual to accompany Plazas 3rd Ed.

Herschberger, Navey-Davis, Borrás A. Plazas: lugar de encuentros, 3rd Edition. Boston: Heinle CENGAGE Learning, 2007. Responsible for Grammar Exercises Section.

Spanish Translation of “La próxima etapa en Panamá: la subcontratación de pensiones” (Coley Hudgins). Tuesday, January 23 2007 in La Prensa, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá.

“Feijoo y Blanco White: la construcción del sujeto racional.” In: Eduardo Subirats (Ed.). José María Blanco White: Crítica y exilio. Barcelona: Anthropos 2005.

With Susanne Dittberner, Martin Murphy, Susan Kirkpatrick and Eduardo Subirats. “Dossier. José María Blanco White.” Quimera, Núm. 206, (España, 2001) p. 19-50.

Presentations at Refereed Conferences

International Association of Language Learning Technology Conference, May 2009

- “The Virtual Language Lab: Virtually Painless, Simply Real.” Plenary address.

Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Spring Conference, February 2009

- Invited to present a paper entitled “Are we doing anything Constructive here? Transforming a Behaviorist-approach Literature Course into a Constructivist Learning Experience.”

Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Spring Conference, February 2007

- “Piaget, por favor: Designing a British Primary Immersion Program for Early Learners of Spanish.”

The Mid-American Conference on Hispanic Literature, University of Wisconsin at Madison, October 2007

- Invited to present a paper entitled “The Patriotism of Exile: Blanco White’s El Español.”

The Mid-American Conference on Hispanic Literature, University of Missouri, November 2006

- “Writing the Revolution: Blanco White’s Semanario patriótico.”

Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Spring Conference, February 2006

-“From Curiosity to Confianza: Implementing a Foreign Exchange Program at Your School.”

Blanco White: Intellectuals and Exiles, New York and Madrid, June 2001

- As an invited speaker, presented a paper entitled “Feijoo and Blanco White: The Construction of the Rational Subject” (subsequently translated into Spanish) in both cities at conferences jointly sponsored by the King Juan Carlos Center at NYU, the School of Advanced Studies at the University of London, the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid and the Instituto de Filosofía of Madrid.

Américo Castro: Revisiones de la Memoria, Madrid and Toledo, 1999

- Invited to serve as moderator of all tables of conference organized by Eduardo Subirats and Juan Goytisolo.

The Mid-American Conference on Hispanic Literature, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1995

- “La ambigua tradición frente a la modernidad inevitable: Ganivet, Unamuno y Bienvenido, Mr. Marshall.”

The Graduate Teacher Certification Program Spring Intensive, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1995

-“Implementing a Service-Learning Program in Your Department.”

The Mid-American Conference on Hispanic Literature, University of Kansas, 1994

- Presented paper entitled “The Poetics of Desire: Language, Love and Isolation in the Rimas of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.”

The Graduate Teacher Certification Program Fall Intensive, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1994

-“Deconstructing Service-Learning: Derrida and Experiential Education.”

Research in Progress

- Currently writing an article dealing with the use of Constructivist Methodology and Techniques in an upper-division literature class. Research and investigation based on the implementation of new curriculum and course design in the prior semester’s course load (SPA 3250, Fall 2008). Intended for submission to refereed journals: Spring 2009.

- Currently writing an article on the use of technology to enhance curriculum development in the foreign language university-level classroom. Intended for submission: Spring 2009.

- Currently completing work on a book manuscript dealing with the design and implementation of a British Primary Spanish Language Immersion Program for Early Learners. Based on research and activities completed over the course of many years of using the methods at local preschools. Intended for submission to publishers: Summer 2009.

- Continuing work with Prof. Eduardo Subirats (NYU) on establishing the Cátedra Blanco White. Playing a principal role in the organization of this new center (Madrid, New York and Mexico) dedicated to inspiring productive intellectual dialog between Europe, Latin America and North America under the signs of liberty, tolerance, solidarity and reform which marked the work of José María Blanco White. International participation in the Cátedra Blanco White currently includes authors such as Juan Goytisolo, Carlos Fuentes and Luisa Valenzuela.

- In conjunction with the above, working toward the publication of the Complete Works of Blanco White under the direction of Eduardo Subirats.

Advanced Study

Workshop: “Web 2.0 for Teaching and Learning,” Spring 2009

- Sponsored by the Metro State Center for Faculty Development and presented by Alex McDaniel and Michael Erskine of the Education Technology Center.

Workshop: “Voicethread,” Spring 2009

- Presented by the Anderson Language Technology Center (ALTEC) of the University of Colorado at Boulder.

- Day-long workshop that included interactive sessions with other professors and the onsite development and presentation of a Voicethread project.

Workshop: “Education Catches Fire: An Introduction to Learning Communities,” Fall 2008

- Sponsored by the Metro State Center for Faculty Development and presented by Dr. Maurice Hamington, Interim Director of the Institute of Women’s Studies and Services, Metro State.

- Read and prepared all articles distributed by the Center for Faculty Development as complementary information for the workshop.

Certification by the Graduate Teacher Program, University of Colorado, BoulderSpring Semester, 1995

- Completed an extensive program in methodology designed specifically for the Graduate Teaching Assistant. The course involved 20 hours of methodology classes, evaluation by course supervisors, live classroom videotaping, and testing of the candidate designed to heighten awareness of learning and teaching styles.


Service to the Department

Metro State Department of Modern Languages Internal Committees, 2007 to present

- Curriculum Committee, member.

- Technology Committee, member.

- Translation Committee, member.

Departmentally Elected Member of the Metropolitan State College of Denver’s Faculty Senate, ‘06/’07 and ‘07/08

- One of two Senators representing the Modern Languages Department and the School of Letters, Arts, and Sciences at all Faculty Senate meetings and functions.

- Currently serving (Spring 2009) as the Chair of the Senate Elections Sub-Committee and as such a representative serving on the Senate Executive Committee.

- Chosen to be a member of the Faculty Senate General Studies Sub-Committee.

Faculty Co-Sponsor, the Hispanic Cultural Exchange/El Intercambio Cultural Hispano at the University of Colorado at Denver, Academic Year 2001-2002

- Established a University-sanctioned, student-run club and served as faculty advisor from the Department of Modern Languages. The organization’s goal was to build new relationships among UCD students and members of the Hispanic community on campus, in Denver and throughout the world and to heighten awareness of contemporary topics of Hispanism.

- Events and activities include a Film Series, a Spanish Conversation Table, a scholarship drive and a panel discussion entitled “Human Rights in the Americas.”

Spanish Section Coordinator, In-House Tutoring Service, Academic Year 2001-2002

- Served as the Spanish Section director for the Modern Languages Department’s In-House Tutoring Service in conjunction with the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences at the University of Colorado at Denver.

- Duties included hiring and training potential tutors as well as ongoing supervision of the service.

Service-Learning in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Colorado, Boulder,Fall Semester, 1994

- Designed and implemented a Service-Learning Program which replaced the laboratory requirement of first-year language courses with a community service element in a bilingual (Spanish-English) educational facility serving Boulder County school children. The program was subsequently integrated as a permanent component of the first-year syllabus.

Service to the School

Departmentally Elected Member of the Metropolitan State College of Denver’s Faculty Senate, ‘06/’07 and ‘07/08

- One of two Senators representing the Modern Languages Department and the School of Letters, Arts, and Sciences at all Faculty Senate meetings and functions.

- Currently serving as the Chair of the Senate Elections Sub-Committee and as such a representative serving on the Senate Executive Committee.

- Chosen as a member of the Faculty Senate General Studies Sub-Committee.

Co-Chair, Summer General Studies Task Force, Summer 2008

- Worked in tandem with Metro State’s Director of Student Learning and Outcomes Assessment and a select group of faculty and administrators to review, revise, and develop the College’s General Studies Program.

Service to the College

MetroLeads, Academic Year 2008-2009

- Chosen via competitive process to participate in President Steven Jordan’s leadership program internal to the College. As a “MetroLeader,” responsible for attendance at monthly seminars on topics of leadership and institutional advancement. Additional role as team-based creators and organizers of two of these monthly seminars.

Metropolitan State College of Denver Center for Faculty Development Advisory Board, Academic Year 2008-2009

- Invited to join this board with the goal of assisting the Director with the foundation, programming, and advertisement of the Center for Faculty Development.

- Serving as Chair of the Spring 2009 Professional Development Conference Organizing Sub-Committee.

Participant in the Metro State Faculty Specialist Guide, 2007 to present

- Listed as specialist in Spanish Language and Translation as well as SIDS and SUDC reference.

Active Participation with Metro State ACCESS Center, 2007 to present

- Collaborate with Center to provide assistance to students with disabilities or special needs.

Co-Chair, Metropolitan State College of Denver’s Fall Professional Development Conference, August 2007

- Worked directly with the President of the Faculty Senate to plan and orchestrate the conference. Over 400 in attendance.

Faculty “Friend” to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Organization, University of Colorado at Denver, Fall 2002

- Sponsored a table at the annual event honoring supporters of the organization.

Faculty Representative, Student Fees Budget Committee, University of Colorado at Denver, Academic Year 2001-2002

- Served with students, University Deans and UCD Student Life representatives on Committee responsible for hearing presentations and determining budgetary increases in Student Fees, which would fund University programs and activities.

Judge, EAST Essay Contest, Academic Year 2001-2002

- Invited to serve as evaluator for a contest sponsored by the Office of Extended Studies at the University of Colorado at Denver, which promoted foreign exchange programs in Moscow, Katmandu and Beijing.

Faculty Community Outreach Project through “CU Succeeds” at the University of Colorado at Denver,Spring Semester, 2000

- Developed and co-taught a college-level course (“Erasing the Solitude and Building Community: Latin American History, the Literature of Gabriel García Márquez, and the Social Politics of Denver’s West Side”) at La Academia at the Denver Inner City Parish as part of a project designed to introduce at-risk high school students to the fundamentals of University study while providing a bridge between secondary and post-secondary academics. The students received three college credits at the University of Colorado at Denver upon completing the course.

Community Service

- Co-Chair of Josh and Gus’s Run for a Reason—an annual benefit to raise funds for SUDC (Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood) research and programs. Since its inception in 2004, over 4,500 participants and more than $270,000 raised. Please see

- Invited by the CJ Foundation for SIDS to speak at the National Spring Conference, February 2006 and October 2007, detailing national fundraising efforts with Josh and Gus’s Run for a Reason.

- Current translation of SUDC and SIDS materials into Spanish for the CJ Foundation for SIDS.

- Organized Lecture Series (2005) hosting researchers from the San Diego Children’s Hospital SUDC Research Program at local hospitals. Received extensive local print and television media coverage.

- Peer contact for the SUDC Program.

- Asked to deliver talks on SUDC to the University of Denver Child Development Program, 2005 and 2006.

- Realized a community theater project for students of La Academia (grades 6-12) at the Denver Inner City Parish, a non-profit organization serving the primarily Hispanic community of West Denver, Colorado. Wrote the script for a stage adaptation of Julio Cortázar’s “La noche boca arriba” and directed the stage production. The production included the Grupo Tlaloc Aztec Dancers and was designed as a combination fund-raising event and tribute to the Hispanic culture of West Denver residents. Fall 1999.

Professional Organizations

- Modern Language Association (MLA)

- Golden Key National Honor Society

- Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT)

- American Association of University Women (AAUW)

- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)

- International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT)

Consulting Positions

- 2009: Contracted by Pearson Educational Publishing, World Languages Division to be a Faculty Advocate for the MySpanishLab product.

- 2009: Assisted Pearson (Prentice Hall) Educational Publishing with product development for an online instructional system, MySpanishLab.

- 2008: Provided pro bono translation services to Solutions West, a local firm directing political campaigns involved in primary, secondary, and post-secondary education.

- 2008: Provided pro bono consulting to Stanley British Primary School to assist with the creation and development of their Spanish Curriculum.

- 2008: Provided pro bono consulting to Polaris at Ebert (Denver Public Schools) to assist with the creation and development of their afterschool Spanish Program. Served as the only bi-lingual member of a parent committee involved with interviewing and hiring a teacher for the program.

- Monthly translation into Spanish of the Whittier Neighborhood Association newsletter, 2005-2007.

- 2005: Developed and taught a pilot program at Paddington Station Preschool (Denver, CO) entitled “Spanish for Toddlers.”


- Spring, 2009: Runner-up award for the Henderson Prize for my paper on “The Virtual Language Lab: Virtually Painless, Simply Real” at the IALLT Conference in May, 2009. As the recipient of this award, I was invited to give the conference’s plenary address.

- Fall, 2008: Named by Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper one of “Denver’s 150 Unsung Heroes” for civic work with the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Program.

- Fall, 2008: Named to the Cambridge “Who’s Who in America” list.

- Spring, 2002: Nominated by UCD Modern Languages Department for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teacher of the Year Award.