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1 / Newspaper article and pictures: ‘Schools in strife’, by Paula Principal
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2 / Screen shot of an electronic calendar tool from GladHand®.
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3 / Image - water purification found at / Reproduced / OZO2 Only Water Purification Management
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4 / Definition
haemochromatosis - a common inherited disorder which results in abnormal and excessive absorption of iron from food, the iron being then deposited in various joints and organs throughout the body but, in particular, the liver, causing cirrhosis
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6 / Live link:
/ Link to homepage / Department of Animal Welfare, 35 Sylvester Street, Canberra, ACT 2600
/ 21/11/13 / 21/11/13 / Ok to link
7 / How to care for a child’s ankles
5 dot points taken from
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111 Leggitt Lane
Perth WA 6004
Tel: 7010 0002
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8 / Peter Smith (man with red shirt)
Audio and video footage / Audiovisual (interview) / Peter Smith
5 West St
South-East Perth
/ 20/11/13 / 20/11/13 / Blanket Informed consent form signed.
9 / Identify And Respond To Hair Loss, Learners Guide, 2007 WestOne Services / Reference only to book / WestOne Services
Prospect Place
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