Hawaii State Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) 2015 Convention

Code of Conduct

Good conduct and a good reputation enable members to take pride in their CTSO organizations. This CTSO Convention is an official DOE function; therefore all DOE rules will be enforced throughout the event. In addition, the following rules will apply. Advisors should read this and the school Code of Conduct to all members. Members should understand each item before the convention.

1. I will behave in a professional manner at all times and reflect positively on myself, my school, and my organization.

2. I will keep my advisor informed of my whereabouts at all times.

3. I will wear my official convention nametag at all times.

4. I will adhere to the dress code during the entire convention.

5. I will attend and be on time for all general sessions and activities that I am assigned to and registered for.

6. I will show respect to those on stage as well as those in the audience.

7. I will at all times respect all public and private property, including event facilities.

8. I will not smoke or chew tobacco or purchase, consume, or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs at

any time. I understand that violations are subject to school disciplinary action and legal consequences.

9. I will only take medication prescribed by a licensed physician. If I am required to take medication, I will have a

copy of the prescription with me at all times.

10. I will report any accidents, injuries, illnesses, or incidents to my advisor immediately. (Advisors should report

these incidents to the state coordinator.)

11. I know that inappropriate or profane language is not acceptable.

12. My conduct shall be exemplary at all times.

13. If I disregard the rules I will be subject to disciplinary action and will be sent home immediately. My parents or

guardian will be responsible for picking me up.

For Students Staying Overnight at a Hotel, the following applies:

1. I will spend the night in my assigned hotel room.

2. I will strictly abide by the established curfew and shall respect the rights of others by being as quiet as possible

after curfew.

3. I will not enter the room of anyone of the opposite sex.

4. I will not leave the hotel without the express permission of my advisor. Should I receive permission, I will leave a written notice of where I will be.

5. My parents or legal guardians and I will be responsible for paying any additional room charges – phone calls, movies, food, etc.

6. My parents or legal guardians and I will also be responsible for any charges incurred for repair for damages or vandalism to private or public property, or theft.

I have read the above Code of Conduct for the Hawaii State 2015 CTSO Convention and agree to abide by these rules.

Print Name of Student Student Signature Date

Print Name of Parent/Guardian Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Print Name of Advisor Advisor Signature Date

Advisors shall retain this form. Submittal will be noted on the Assurances of Compliance form.