The Word Within the Word Vocabulary List 1
Lesson # / Word # / Word / Meaning / Language / Sample words1 / 1 / ante / before / Latin / antedate, antecedent, antebellum, anterior, ante meridiem, antipenult
1 / 2 / anti / against / Greek / antiaircraft, antibody, anticlimax, anticline, antitoxin, antithesis
1 / 3 / bi / two / Latin / bilateral, bicycle, binary, bimonthly, biped, bipolar, binocular, bicuspid
1 / 4 / circum / around / Latin / circumnavigate, circumspect, circumvent, circumlocution, circus
1 / 5 / com / together / Latin / combination, comfort, commensurate, common, complete, combo
1 / 6 / con / together / Latin / contract, confidence, confine, confederate, conjunction, contact
1 / 7 / de / down / Latin / deposit, descent, despicable, denounce, deduct, demolish, decrepit
1 / 8 / dis / away / Latin / distract, distort, dispute, dissonant, disperse, dismiss, dissuade
1 / 9 / equi / equal / Latin / equitable, equilateral, equivocate, equinox, equation, equilibrium
1 / 10 / extra / beyond / Latin / extraterrestrial, extraordinary, extravagant, extrovert, extramural
1 / 11 / inter / between / Latin / international, interdepartmental, interstellar, interject, interlude
1 / 12 / intra / within / Latin / intracellular, intravenous, intracranial, intrastate, intrauterine
1 / 13 / intro / into / Latin / introduce, introspective, introvert, introject, introrse, intromission
1 / 14 / mal / bad / Latin / malevolent, malcontent, malicious, malign, malady, malapropism
1 / 15 / mis / bad / Germ. / misfit, mistake, misfortune, misfire, misdeed, misguided
1 / 16 / non / not / Latin / nonstop, nonprofit, none, nonconformity, nonplussed, nonchalant
1 / 17 / post / after / Latin / postgraduate, posthumous, postscript, posterity, posterior, postlude
1 / 18 / pre / before / Latin / prelude, preposition, premonition, premature, predict, predecessor
1 / 19 / semi / half / Latin / semitone, semiaquatic, semicircle, semiweekly, semiannual, semiformal
1 / 20 / sub / under / Latin / subterranean, subtract, subordinate, submarine, subterfuge
1 / 21 / super / over / Latin / supervise, superb, superior, superfluous, supercilious, supernatural
1 / 22 / syn / together / Greek / synthetic, synchronize, syndrome, synonym, synopsis, syntax
1 / 23 / sym / together / Greek / sympathy, symbiosis, symbol, symmetry, symphony, symposium
1 / 24 / tri / three / Greek / tricycle, triangle, triceps, triad, trichotomy, triceratops, trivia
1 / 25 / un / not / OE / unfit, unequal, undone, unequivocal, unearned, unconventional
The Word Within the Word Vocabulary Sentences 1
Lesson # / Word # / Word / Meaning / Sentence1 / 1 / ante / before / The Civil War antedates the Korean War by decades.
1 / 2 / anti / against / The antiaircraft fire shot down the enemy planes.
1 / 3 / bi / two / The two nations have a bilateral agreement.
1 / 4 / circum / around / The circumspect spy is difficult to catch.
1 / 5 / com / together / The two together are an interesting combination.
1 / 6 / con / together / He was confined to the asteroid’s detention center.
1 / 7 / de / down / The lunar lander descended through the atmosphere.
1 / 8 / dis / away / His attention was easily distracted.
1 / 9 / equi / equal / She made an equilateral triangle with three straws.
1 / 10 / extra / beyond / It was an extraordinary achievement.
1 / 11 / inter / between / They were lost in interstellar space.
1 / 12 / intra / within / He received an intravenous solution through a tube in his arm.
1 / 13 / intro / into / The boy was a lonely introvert who kept to himself.
1 / 14 / mal / bad / He looked fearfully at the glowing, malevolent demon
1 / 15 / mis / bad / He had the misfortune to forget his wallet.
1 / 16 / non / not / The foundation is a nonprofit organization.
1 / 17 / post / after / She added a postscript at the bottom of the letter.
1 / 18 / pre / before / Before Romeo left, Juliet had a frightening premonition.
1 / 19 / semi / half / The circle was divided into two equal semicircles.
1 / 20 / sub / under / The lieutenant gave a sharp order to her subordinate.
1 / 21 / super / over / The talkative fool made several superfluous comments.
1 / 22 / syn / together / Please synchronize your watches at this time.
1 / 23 / sym / together / The symbiotic species could not survive without each other.
1 / 24 / tri / three / Rome was sometimes ruled by a triumvirate.
1 / 25 / un / not / Unearned income must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service.
The Word Within the Word Vocabulary List 2
2 / 1 / archy / government / Greek / monarchy, oligarchy, hierarchy, anarchy, matriarchal, patriarch
2 / 2 / ard / always / Germ. / drunkard, coward, braggart, laggard, dullard, sluggard
2 / 3 / cide / kill / Latin / herbicide, homicide, matricide, suicide, regicide, genocide, fratricide
2 / 4 / ician / specialist / Latin / technician, musician, beautician, physician, statistician, clinician
2 / 5 / itis / inflammation / Greek / appendicitis, tonsillitis, bursitis, arthritis, gastroenteritis
2 / 6 / aqua / water / Latin / aquarium, aquatic, aquaplane, aqueduct, aquifer, aqueous, semiaquatic
2 / 7 / audi / hear / Latin / audiophile, audience, audition, auditory, audiometer, audit, audiology
2 / 8 / bell / war / Latin / bellicose, belligerent, rebel, casus belli, counterrebellion
2 / 9 / cap / take / Latin / capture, captive, captor, captious, captivate, captivity, caption
2 / 10 / cise / cut / Latin / excise, incisors, incision, circumcise, incisive, precise, concise
2 / 11 / bio / life / Greek / biography, biology, biomorphic, biochemistry, exobiology, biogenesis
2 / 12 / auto / self / Greek / autobiography, automobile, autograph, automatic, automaton
2 / 13 / port / carry / Latin / transport, import, report, porter, deport, important, portage, portly
2 / 14 / scrib / write / Latin / scribble, inscribe, scribe, describe, conscription, transcribe, ascribe
2 / 15 / logy / science / Greek / biology, anthropology, geology, entomology, philology, mythology
2 / 16 / dict / say / Latin / dictionary, predict, malediction, dictation, addict, interdict
2 / 17 / cred / believe / Latin / credit, incredible, incredulous, discredited, credibility, credo
2 / 18 / cent / one hundred / Latin / century, bicentennial, centimeter, centipede, centurion
2 / 19 / neo / new / Greek / neologism, neophyte, neon, Neolithic, neoclassic, neonatal
2 / 20 / ad / to / Latin / adhesive, adapt, addendum, addition, adherent, addict, advent
2 / 21 / cede / go / Latin / recede, precede, antecedent, proceed, secede, concede, intercede
2 / 22 / miss / send / Latin / dismiss, remiss, missile, admission, missionary, emission, promissory
2 / 23 / centri / center / Latin / centrifugal, centripetal, centrist, concentric, decentralize, eccentric
2 / 24 / biblio / book / Greek / bibliography, bibliophile, bibliolatry, bible, bibliomania, bibliophobia
2 / 25 / anthropo / man / Greek / anthropology, anthropomorphic, anthropoid, lycanthrope
The Word Within the Word Sentences 2
Lesson # / Word # / Word / Meaning / Sentence2 / 1 / archy / government / England is, or once was, ruled by a monarchy.
2 / 2 / ard / always / The dullard was always boring everyone to tears.
2 / 3 / cide / kill / In killing his father, Oedipus was guilty of patricide.
2 / 4 / ician / specialist / Mustafa is an electronic technician.
2 / 5 / itis / inflammation / The dermatitis on his skin was painful and unpleasant.
2 / 6 / aqua / water / Balthazar, the scuba diver, collects aquatic species.
2 / 7 / audi / hear / The deaf moose had an injured auditory nerve.
2 / 8 / bell / war / Belligerent nations gain nothing from their many wars.
2 / 9 / cap / take / The hostile island tribe captured captives.
2 / 10 / cise / cut / The design was incised into the oaken door with a knife.
2 / 11 / bio / life / Biomorphic abstract sculpture resembles living shapes.
2 / 12 / auto / self / The general wrote a tedious autobiography about his exploits.
2 / 13 / port / carry / The porter will carry your bags to the train.
2 / 14 / scrib / write / Please inscribe my yearbook.
2 / 15 / logy / science / Since he loved insects, he studied entomology.
2 / 16 / dict / say / the grand jury returned a robbery indictment against him.
2 / 17 / cred / believe / A credulous person will believe anything.
2 / 18 / cent / one hundred / Fortunately, the centipede wears no shoes.
2 / 19 / neo / new / Homer was a neophyte in the business world, but he learned quickly.
2 / 20 / ad / to / The adhesive allowed the poster to stick to the wall.
2 / 21 / cede / go / At last the flood waters began to recede from the land.
2 / 22 / miss / send / The unfortunate missionary was sent to the cannibal tribe.
2 / 23 / centri / center / The ripples on the pond spread out in concentric circles.
2 / 24 / biblio / book / The quick-reading Hortense was a lifelong bibliophile.
2 / 25 / anthropo / man / The unsympathetic grouch was sometimes called a misanthropist.
The Word Within the Word Vocabulary List 3
Lesson # / Word # / Word / Meaning / Language / Sample words3 / 1 / homo / same / Greek / homogenize, homonym, homophone, homologous, homozygous
3 / 2 / spec / look / Latin / spectacles, specter, specious, spectrum, respect, inspect, prospectus
3 / 3 / duct / lead / Latin / conduct, ductile, induct, product, reduction, deduction, reproduction
3 / 4 / fer / carry / Latin / transfer, infer, refer, defer, conifer, Lucifer, aquifer, auriferous
3 / 5 / pend / hang / Latin / pending, pendulum, pendant, impending, depend, pendulous, suspend
3 / 6 / micro / small / Greek / micron, microscope, microwave, microphone, microcosm, microbiotic
3 / 7 / hydro / water / Greek / hydroplane, hydroponics, dehydrate, hydrant, hydrogen, hydrophobia
3 / 8 / photo / light / Greek / photograph, photometer, photon, photogenic, photosynthesis
3 / 9 / pan / all / Greek / panorama, panoply, pandemic, pantheism, pantheon, Pan-American
3 / 10 / penta / five / Greek / pentagram, pentagon, pentameter, pentathlon, pentarchy, pentahedron
3 / 11 / tele / far / Greek / telescope, telephone, telekinesis, telepathy, teleology, telex
3 / 12 / vid / look / Latin / video, invidious, Montevideo, evidence, provide, videogenic, vide
3 / 13 / omni / all / Latin / omnipotent, omnivorous, omniscient, omnibus, omnipresent
3 / 14 / ex / out / Latin / exit, except, excise, exculpate, elucidate, exorbitant, eccentric
3 / 15 / poly / many / Greek / polyphony, polygyny, polygamy, allopolyploidy, polyvalent
3 / 16 / re / again / Latin / return, review, retouch, reiterate, retail, revive, regenerate
3 / 17 / hypo / under / Greek / hypodermic, hypocrite, hypotenuse, hypothermia, hypothesis
3 / 18 / pseudo / false / Greek / pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudomorphic, pseudoscience, pseudoevent
3 / 19 / neuro / nerve / Greek / neuron, neurosurgeon, neurosis, neurology, neuralgia, neurotomy
3 / 20 / tomy / cut / Greek / tonsillectomy, appendectomy, dichotomy, anatomy, lobotomy
3 / 21 / hema / blood / Greek / hematic, hematite, hematology, hematoma, hemal, hematogenesis
3 / 22 / proto / first / Greek / protoplasm, prototype, Protozoa, proton, protohuman, protomorphic
3 / 23 / phon / sound / Greek / symphony, telephone, phonetic, phonograph, euphony, cacophony
3 / 24 / mono / one / Greek / monotonous, monomania, monocular, monogamous, monolithic, monotone
3 / 25 / viv / life / Greek / vivid, vivisection, vivacious, convivial, bon vivant, viva, viviparous
The Word Within the Word Sentences 3
Lesson # / Word # / Word / Meaning / Sentence3 / 1 / homo / same / The English language contains many homophones like two and too.
3 / 2 / spec / look / It was a specious argument, but it sounded convincing.
3 / 3 / duct / lead / The youth was inducted into the army.
3 / 4 / fer / carry / The transfer was made in the darkness of a moonless night.
3 / 5 / pend / hang / The patent is still pending on that product.
3 / 6 / micro / small / The two bacteria were only a micron apart.
3 / 7 / hydro / water / The fire hydrant stood in front of the school.
3 / 8 / photo / light / An overexposure to the sun’s photons gave her a sunburn.
3 / 9 / pan / all / The god Apollo was a member of the Greek pantheon.
3 / 10 / penta / five / He wore a pentagram on his sleeve, not a pentagon
3 / 11 / tele / far / The strange boy could move distant objects by telekinesis.
3 / 12 / vid / look / The kids played video games for hours.
3 / 13 / omni / all / The all-consuming furry muncher had an omnivorous appetite.
3 / 14 / ex / out / The surgeon was able to excise the tissue with a scalpel.
3 / 15 / poly / many / Johann Sebastian Bach composed polyphonic music.
3 / 16 / re / again / His new novel was carefully reviewed by the literary critic.
3 / 17 / hypo / under / The crash victims suffered hypothermia on the frozen tundra.
3 / 18 / pseudo / false / The amoeba uses its pseudopods to move across the surface.
3 / 19 / neuro / nerve / The brain is said to contain over 100 billion neurons.
3 / 20 / tomy / cut / The clown received an emergency appendectomy in the medical tent.
3 / 21 / hema / blood / Iron ore is called hematite because of its deep red color.
3 / 22 / proto / first / Single-celled animals are known as the Protozoa.
3 / 23 / phon / sound / Musicians play together in a symphony.
3 / 24 / mono / one / The German prince peered through his gold-rimmed monocular.
3 / 25 / viv / life / Laws against vivisection prevent cruelty to animals.
The Word Within the Word Vocabulary List 4