The Lenni Lenape Shopping Catalog

Grade Level: 3-5

Lesson Creator: Laura Oliynik, Grade 4, White Rock School, Jefferson Township NJ

Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how the Lenni Lenape lived.

NJ Core Content Social Studies Standards:

6.1.4.B.8 Compare ways people choose to use and divide natural resources.

6.1.4.C.2 Distinguish between needs and wants and explain how scarcity and choice influence decisions made by individuals, communities and nations.

6.1.4.D.1 Determine the impact of European colonization on Native American populations, including the Lenni Lenape of New Jersey.

6.1.4.D.10 Describe how the influence of Native American groups, including the Lenni Lenape culture, is manifested in different regions of New Jersey.

6.1.4.D.11 Determine how local and state communities have changed over time, and explain the reasons for changes.

Common Core Standards:

RI.4.10 Read and comprehend informational texts…

W.4.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly

W.4.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose and audience

W.4.7 Conduct short research project that builds knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic

Essential/Focus Questions:

How does geography influence how people live?

·  How did Native American of New Jersey and the Northeast region interact with the environment?

·  How do people make choices about using natural resources? (lumbering, shipbuilding, fishing and whaling, use of water power for textiles, farming, dairy farming)

·  How does where people lived in the past influence how those people lived?

How and why do people use and change the environment?

·  How do people’s choices about how they use natural resources modify the environment?

·  Why is it important to take care of the earth?

·  How do physical features of the land affect people and their use of the land?



The Lenni Lenape who once lived in New Jersey are now gone, but most of the natural resources they used for daily life are still here. You have researched their culture and now know how the Lenni Lenape utilized the land in New Jersey to meet their needs.

You are a storeowner who specializes in selling items that the Lenni Lenape would use. Create a Lenni Lenape themed shopping catalog that names and describes different items that would be sold in your store.

You will work independently to create your catalog. You can use the sources and links from the magazine project to create your shopping catalog. The catalog will feature items for food and drink, clothing, and tools for hunting and building.


1.  Each student will receive a directions sheet and a blank shopping catalog for the activity.

·  Lenape Shopping Catalog Directions Sheet

·  Lenape Shopping Catalog

2.  Students will be instructed to come up with a creative name for their store, and should be encouraged to use creative marketing from modern day to use for their store. (i.e. students can create coupons or sales for their store)

3.  Students will use resources and links from the magazine project to choose four items to sell for each category: Food and Drink, Clothing, and Tools for Hunting and Building

4.  For each category, students will draw and color the item, write the item name, and a short description of how the item is made or used. Each item will have a price that will be counted in the form of “wampum beads”.


Student shopping catalogs should be graded using the following rubric:

Beginning 1 / Developing 2 / Accomplished 3 / Exemplary 4 / Score
Front Cover / Catalog has a poorly designed front cover. / Catalog has a store name, but is missing a picture. / Catalog has a more general store name and picture for cover. / Catalog has a creative store name and resembles a modern day shopping catalog.
Lenape Food and Drink Page / Includes less than 4 items or repeats items, and may be missing descriptions or pictures / Includes 4 items, but with a short or poor description for each with unclear pictures / Includes 4 items with a general description and picture for each / Includes 4 distinct items with detailed descriptions and pictures for each
Clothing Page / Includes less than 4 items or repeats items, and may be missing descriptions or pictures / Includes 4 items, but with a short or poor description for each with unclear pictures / Includes 4 items with a general description and picture for each / Includes 4 distinct items with detailed descriptions and pictures for each
Tools for Hunting and Building Page / Includes less than 4 items or repeats items, and may be missing descriptions or pictures / Includes 4 items, but with a short or poor description for each with unclear pictures / Includes 4 items with a general description and picture for each / Includes 4 distinct items with detailed descriptions and pictures for each
Work Quality / Writing is difficult to read, and there are at least 5 spelling/grammar errors. / Writing is not neat, and there are at least 4 spelling/grammar errors. / Writing is mostly neat, and there are at least 3 spelling/grammar errors. / Writing is neat with little or no spelling/grammar errors
Time Management / Project is handed in significantly late and the work reflects poor usage of time to complete project. / Project is handed in late and the work reflects an inadequate usage of time to complete project. / Project is handed in on time and the work reflects the time given to complete project. / Project is handed in on time and the work reflects going above and beyond to complete project.


Lenni Lenape Shopping Catalog Directions!

Now that you have learned so much about the culture of the Lenni Lenape, imagine that you owned a store that sold goods that the Lenni Lenape made and used.

Your job is to create a shopping catalog that describes items that are sold in your store. Use the given website links and other Lenape readings for information!

Your Catalog must include:

1. A colorful cover with a creative name for your store

2. A “Food and Drink” page with 4 items for sale

3. A “Clothing” page with 4 items for sale

4. A “Hunting and Building” page with 4 items for sale
Each item must have a name and description, and don’t forget to list the price in wampum beads!
Use the following pages to design your catalog. Be creative!

Come and shop at:______

Questions? Contact the Store Owner: ______

Food and Drink Items:

Item: / Description:
Price:_____ wampum beads
Item: / Description:
Price:_____ wampum beads
Item: / Description:
Price:_____ wampum beads
Item: / Description:
Price:_____ wampum beads

Clothing Items:

Item: / Description:
Price:_____ wampum beads
Item: / Description:
Price:_____ wampum beads
Item: / Description:
Price:_____ wampum beads
Item: / Description:
Price:_____ wampum beads

Hunting and Building Items:

Item: / Description:
Price:_____ wampum beads
Item: / Description:
Price:_____ wampum beads
Item: / Description:
Price:_____ wampum beads
Item: / Description:
Price:_____ wampum beads