The Graduate Council held its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 in Plaster Student Union, Room 308. Council Chair Ching-Wen Chang called the meeting to order at 3:32.
Members Present: Drs. Bakker, Buchanan, Buyurgan, Calihman, Carr, Chang, Dillon, Dollar, Duitsman, Ghosh, Gibson (for Wilson), Goerndt, Goodwin, Gouzie, Haggard, Kemp, Kim, Llewellyn, Maddox, G. Masterson, J. Masterson, Moses, Nelson, Penkalski, Prescott, Ragan, Salinas, Stanojevic, Williams, Williamson, Wittenberg, Worman and Zimmerman; Ms. Miller
Members Absent: Drs. Harsha, Hickey, Kaula, Schick and Tomasi; Ms. Cardin, Ms. Cleveland and Ms. Porcelli
Guests: Dr. Vollmar
Approval of Minutes
An amended was made to correct the spelling of Dr. Chang’s name in the section of “Report of the Council Chair”. A motion was made by Dr. Williamson and seconded by Dr. Worman to approve the corrected minutes from the September, 2016 meeting. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Committee Reports
Report of the Council Chair – Ching-Wen Chang
No report.
Report of the Graduate Dean – Julie Masterson
A. Announcements: For a complete listing of announcement and deadlines, see the “Graduate College Update” at http://graduate.missouristate.edu/facultystaff/Council.htm under the “Graduate Council Archives” section.
B. The 3-minute Thesis (3MT) Competition. Each College should be holding a competition to determine winning students to send forward to the University competition. Approximately 20 of these winners will participate in the 3MT competition on Friday Nov 4th at 4:00 in the Welcome Center. Participating graduate students do not have to be completing a thesis. This experience is for students doing any student research or meaningful experience.
C. McNair Assistantships. It was announced at the September Graduate Council meeting that the Graduate College would no longer be able to award the McNair Assistantships because of financial constraints. Instead, the Graduate College will award up to 15 McNair Fellowships. Departments who admit McNair students and offer them GA positions will be able to apply for the Fellowship through the Graduate College. Students receiving this award will be given an additional $2000 on top of the GA stipend. Dr. Tomasi and Misty can help departments identify McNair scholars in their discipline to help with the recruiting process.
D. Recruitment Trips/Career Fairs. Misty has gathered data related to the recruitment events/fairs we have attended and the number of students we have admitted from those schools. For future recruitment events, we need graduate faculty attending along with Misty. Faculty members are “the face” of the program and potential students should meet them in person at recruitment events. Misty will be contacting program directors about upcoming events that are likely to be good recruitment sites for their program.
E. GA Fee Waiver. There has been discussion about allowing more than the 110% for a fee waiver when a student is pursuing a graduate degree along with one or more certificate programs. After conversations within the Graduate College and with Provost Einhellig, it was decided to stay with the current 110% policy so that more students can be served.
F. Graduate Admissions Guide Book. Misty needs two exceptional graduate students to be featured in the Graduate Admissions Guide Book. Council members were asked to send an email to Misty or Dr. Masterson giving information on any student they wish to nominate (name, M#, program, brief description of why the student should be chosen).
G. Recruitment/Retention/Diversity. Headcount Enrollment Summary reports were emailed to Graduate Council members prior to the meeting. Dr. Masterson announced that this information should be used as a place to begin conversations and planning. She and Provost Einhellig have carefully reviewed the information and will determine a few programs that may be struggling with enrollment numbers. She will begin conversations with these programs to see how the department and the Graduate College can work together on a plan. Each program director was asked to also carefully review the information and begin making plans for their individual situation.
Report of the Graduate Faculty Membership Committee – Erin Buchanan
The following faculty were approved for full graduate faculty status:
Amber Abernathy PSY Research
Faith Benzer ART Research
Kimberly Ireland CSD Professional
Sarah Jones CSD Professional
Matthew McKay GGP Research
Alicia Walker SOC Research
Anne Winkler PAS Professional
John Zastoupil MUS Research
The following were tabled by the committee:
Department Criteria for Agriculture
Ronald Del Vecchio AGR Research
Report of the Graduate Grievance Committee – Scott Zimmerman
No report.
Report of the Graduate Scholarship Committee – Kyoungtae Kim
The winner of the Aileen and Keith Ford Endowed Scholarship is Michaela Fisher (Psychology). Michaela will receive $1,800.
The winners of the Basil and JoAnn Boritzki scholarship are Victor Mitchell (Elementary Education) and Jennifer Alkire (Elementary Education). Each student will receive $3,000.
The scholarship committee will now review the submissions for the MSU Distinguished Thesis Award.
Report of the Graduate Screening Committee – John Prescott
The following Non-Substantive Proposals were approved:
Course Change
ANT 600 Applied Anthropology – change title
DTN 744 Practicum in Area of Concentration – change description
The following Substantive Proposals were approved:
Program Change
MM – change Music Education Concentration admission requirements and course requirements
MS, Project Management – change program description and degree requirements; change admission requirements for accelerated option
Graduate Certificate in Finance – add additional course to list of electives
New Course
AGB 694 Agricultural Entrepreneurship
ANT 705 Anthropological Theory and Practice
CSC 611 Algorithms and Advanced Data Structures
CSC 612 Advanced Database System Concepts
CSC 613 Computers Systems Fundamentals
CSC 701 Seminar I
CSC 702 Seminar II
CSC 735 Data Analytics
CSC 742 Evolutionary Computing
CSC 745 Advanced Multimedia Programming
CSC 746 Human Computer Interaction
CSC 747 Multimedia Communications
CSC 765 Ubiquitous Computing and Internet of Things
CSC 790 Graduate Topics in Computer Science
ENG 654 Topics in Ethnic American Literature
JRN 607 Media Law
SWK 643 Nonprofit Management in the Health and Human Services
Course Change
ENG 652 American Romantic Literature – change title and description
ENG 656 American Realism – change title and description
ENG 659 Modern American Literature – change title and description
MED 667 Screenwriting – change title and description
MUS 618 Choral Arranging – change hours
MUS 675 Band – change description
MUS 775 Band – change of description
REL 675 Archaeology and the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible – change title, prerequisite &
SPE 780 Contemporary Issues in Special Education – change title, description and periodicity
Course Deletion
REL 676 Archaeology and the New Testament
Unfinished Business
New Business
The meeting adjourned at 4:09. The next meeting of the Graduate Council will be on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 in Plaster Student Union, room 313.
Ching-Wen Chang, Chairperson