Falmouth Age Concern Newsletter: May 2016

Falmouth Age Concern is anindependent, localcharity working to

help the elderly in Falmouth, Penryn and the surrounding area.

Hello everyone and welcome to our latest newsletter.

Our AGM will be held on Monday 16th May, 2:30, at The Methodist Church on The Moor. Everyone should have received their invitation. If you have not yet replied can you please do so as soon as possible.

Falmouth Age Concern Fund Raising

We have been fortunate enough to be given £6,000 from a London-based foundation that works to support elderly and disabled people in the south west. We put in the application in January and have just received the good news. We’ve also just received notice that Falmouth Town Council are supporting us again this year with an grant of £1,000. Thanks go to Steve Eva, our representative on the council, and all those who voted for us to receive the money.

And don’t forget, our 3c’s co-ordinator Debra Clarke is running the Gothenburg Half Marathon on 21 May. Debra will be raising funds for Falmouth Age Concern, so can you help by donating or taking one of her sponsorship forms? Please contact Debra or Elaine for further details.

Older People’s Day

The 1st of October has been designated UK Older People’s Day to coincide with the UN International Day of Older Persons. The main aim for the day is to be a celebration of the achievements and contributions that older people make to our society and the economy. Older People’s Day supports the campaign to challenge negative attitudes and outdated stereotypes. There is a website (ww.olderpeoplesday.co.uk) which celebrates the achievements and contributions that older people make to our society and tackle negative attitudes and outdated stereotypes.


A new report has suggested that banks and building societies better consider the needs of older people and to become more ‘age-friendly’. The closure of nearly 10,000 bank branchesin the last 25 years(over half of all branches across the UK) hasleft hundreds of thousands of older people without access to basic banking services, according to Age UK as it launches its new report ‘Age-friendly banking – what it is and how you do it’. Faced with the decline of traditional banking and the rise of new approaches including online banking FAC are considering one-to-one computer classes for the elderly in our area. If anyone would like more information, contact Peter at the office.


We will be running a number of summer excursions again this year. Trips are being planned to Trelissick and Potager gardens, Princess Pavilion grounds and Pendennis Castle. If anyone has a favourite destination that they’d like us to organise a trip to, please get in touch.

Cornwall Tapes have a library of tapes which they are able to send out by post to people who are housebound or who are unable to get out and about easily. The tapes include recordings of books, recollections, documentaries and music. Uniquely, they also produce their own “CHAT” tapes which take the form of unscripted, spoken letters. These are recorded one-to-one by “Chatters” and sent to specific listeners, taking into account their personal interests so they feel part of a group of friends.

We have a number of leaflets available in the office (please contact Elaine) or to find out more visit the website www.cornwalltapes.org.uk


Voluntary transport providers TAP are now able to help with social transport as well as Hospital and Doctor appointments (subject to availability and capacity). A small charge is payable.

For more details call 01872 223388

Living with Sight Loss Course, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Treliske, Truro.

The aim of the free course, run by Action for Blind People, is to provide practical knowledge, information and support whilst empowering visually impaired people to gain confidence and independence. The courses provide an opportunity to meet professionals from a range of services to discuss topics like mobility and daily living, eye health and low vision.

The course will run for 2 days on Wednesday June 8th and Wednesday June 15th from 10am to 3pm.

If you wish to take part in the course please contact Action for Blind People on: 01392 458060. Or contact course co-ordinator Ben Gavan on 07738854842

The course is limited to 15 course users so please contact us now to avoid disappointment.

Meet me at the Potager – dementia friendly activities

The Potager is running 2 sessions on Thursday 26th May and Thursday 23rd June, from 10:30 – 12:30, in conjunction with the Sensory Trust for people living with dementia and their carers. There will be a dementia friendly activity and free refreshments.

For more details or to book a place call Bridget on 01726 222900 or email

Ten Years a Befriender by Tony McGarr

“I started befriending with Age Concern in 2006 and I was introduced by Peter to May Thomas, who was 92 when I first met her. She celebrated her 102nd birthday on April 3rd of this year.

I asked May if she was happy for me to write a piece about her for the newsletter and she said that she wanted me to make it clear that she is Welsh and very proud of her country of birth. She was born in the small town of Aberaman in South Wales in 1914.

She came to Falmouth in 1940 with her parents and has lived here ever since. She had a number of jobs, including hotel work at the Greenbank Hotel, work at the Post Office and on a flower farm. She also did war work with the ambulance service and clearly remembers the air raids on Falmouth.

Her faith has always been very important to May and she attended Penwerris Church for many years. She ran the Sunday School and was on the church council. She still receives regular communion from a local priest.

May had a stroke some years ago and moved, somewhat unwillingly, into a care home. Firstly she lived at Bethany and when it closed she moved to the White House in Dracaena Avenue.

She misses her home very much and also misses the company of the various dogs she has owned. She puts her long life down to lots of long dog walks and a healthy diet!

I have enjoyed being May's befriender. She always has stories to tell and has such a good sense of humour!”

Would anyone else like to share their experiences of befriending with Falmouth Age Concern? Please contact Elaine.

Befrienders meet up

The usual informal volunteer get-together, held upstairs at the Courtyard Deli café in Falmouth, is on this Saturday, 7th May, from 10.30 to 12:00. All volunteers are very welcome, whether currently befriending or not. Please just come along or if you need any more information contact Angela 01326 212490.

Clients awaiting support

We currently have five clients on our waiting list for volunteers, up from 3 last month. We have a number of volunteers who have recently received their DBS clearance and should be able to match them with clients shortly. We continue to advertise in the West Briton for more volunteers to help us with clubs, classes, and transport as well as befriending visits but if anyone knows of a potential volunteer, perhaps a friend or relative, please get in touch.

Clubs and classes

The Games Club, Film Club, Book Club and Art Class continue to run as normal (see dates below). The Film Club is extremely well attended with more people wishing to attend than there are places available.

We are still hoping to start the walking group as soon as the weather is a little warmer. We still need more volunteers to walk with the clients and to help with transport.

For more details about joining or helping with these sessions please contact Debra particularly if you are able to help with transport.

Dates for your diary:

Book club Tuesday 31st May Palacio Lounge 10:30 to 12:00

Art club Tuesday 17th May and 7th June at the Maritime Museum 2:30 start.

Film club Thursday 12th May at the Phoenix Cinema 12 noon start. This month’s film is Carousel, the film adaptation of the Rodgers and Hammerstein stage musical, staring Gordon MacRae and Shirley Jones.

Games club Wednesday 25th May at Princess Pavilion 2:30 start.

Many thanks to everyone who submitted items for this newsletter. If you would like to share any news or upcoming events with other volunteers please let Elaine know by Monday 30th May.

If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please email Elaine (details below) to unsubscribe.

Contact details:

Peter Maxted, Manager Elaine Proctor, Administrator Debra Clarke, 3Cs co-ordinator

Falmouth Age Concern

First Floor

Day Centre

Falmouth TR11 3PX
TEL: 01326 313620


Falmouth Stroke Club provides support, entertainment and outings for anyone who has had a stroke in our area. Club meetings are held twice a month in St Mary's Catholic hall (just off Killigrew St).Further information please contact either Brenda Wilkes on 01326 312392 or Caroline Drake on 01872 573235.

The ABLe Club (Active Blind Leisure) supports blind and visually impaired people to get involved in leisure activities such as indoor bowls. They also run occasional events and outings. Please contact Jean Smith on 01326 313413 for more details.

The Red Cross’ ‘Active Living’ service provides mobility aids and short-term support at home after hospitalisation or illness. Contact: 01872 272878.

Dementia help: There is a telephone befriending service for people with dementia and their carers in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. The befriending service aims to improve quality of life for people living with dementia, their carers, family and friends. Contact 01872 277963.

Online Today is a new Big Lottery funded project led by RNIB, and delivered in partnership, to help people with sensory loss across the UK get online. For more details or see the RNIB website.

‘Poppy Calls’ is a service that is designed to help members of the ex-Service community be more independent in their own homes. It offers help with awkward jobs around the house, such as minor repairs, adaptions or fitting essential devices such as smoke detectors and community care alarms. The service is available for free to those who have served in the Armed Forces or their dependents, are aged 75 and/or are receiving a means-tested benefit. Contact 0808 802 8080 between 9am to 5pm or email:

The Abbeyfield Society sharing lunches scheme offers a home-cooked meal during the week to those aged 55+ at a cost of just £5 per person. Places need to be booked in advance by telephoning the housekeeper on 01326 314832 or by calling into the house;

3 Stracey Road, Famlouth TR11 4DW.

50 Plus Leisure & Social Club takes place at the Dracaena Centre every Monday afternoon (except Bank Holidays) between 1 and 3pm (free tea and coffee available from 12:30 onwards). The club is aimed at lonely and isolated older people in the community. The indoor activities (including short mat bowls, New Age kurling, indoor golf, beetle drives, Boccia and Bingo) are facilitated by military veterans. No need to book, just drop in. Contact them on 01326 319414

United Response, Imagine sessions are held each Wednesday at Falmouth New Life Church, Dracaena Avenue between 1:30 to 4:30. The sessions are designed for anyone with memory concerns or dementia. Experienced dementia support workers and professional artists offer a variety of activities, music, singing, dancing, art, pottery, storey-telling and reminiscence. Costs vary depending upon the level of care and support required but start at £6. Free “taster” sessions are available. Price also includes all materials and refreshments. Contact Julie or Jane on 01872 250150 or email

The Phoenix Cinema run Silver Spoon Performances most Thursdays at 1:30. Information is updated on the website every Tuesday. For details and booking contact the Phoenix Cinema directly on 01326 313072

Hairdressing & Reflexology at the Age UK Day Centre on Thursdays and Fridays at reduced rates. Contact Alwyn on 07748 827216 for Hairdressing and Gill on 07854 807415 for Reflexology and Indian Head Massage.

Falmouth Memory Café on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at the Emmanuel Baptist Church from 2 until 4pm. Thanks for the memory, at the same venue on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays of the month, again from 2 to 4pm. Both are aimed at helping people with memory loss improve their quality of life and slow down the effects of dementia. For more details contact Rita Buck on 07901 688578 or

Knitting groups:

Knit and Knatter - held at the Create Café [next to the Maritime Museum] every Friday 10.30 - 12pm . No need to book. All levels of experience welcome.

A Piece of Cake - monthly knitting class held at the Art Gallery on 2nd Friday of month from 10 am to midday.

Countryside Mobility All-terrain mobility scooter hire is available locally at the National Trust properties of Lanhydrock, nr. Bodmin; Penrose Estate, nr. Helston and at St Michael’s Mount, Marizion as well as Trebar Gardens nr. Mawnan Smith. They also have a Wheelyboat at Stithians Lake Country Park.

For more information go to www.countrysidemobility.org/locations/cornwall