Keep more of your hard-earned money!
This tax season, there are two ways to file your taxes fast & free…in-person with a volunteer or online.
For households and individuals with incomes up to $54,000:

·  Dial 2-1-1 for an appointment in Greater Hartford, Enfield or the Windham Region at a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site. An IRS-certified volunteer will work with you to prepare and file your taxes at no charge and determine qualifications for tax credits and refunds. Visit for more info and to make your appointment online. For a New Britain VITA site operated by Human Resources Agency of New Britain, dial 860-612-3983.

Or file online from the comfort of your home. Households and individuals with incomes up to $62,000:

·  Go to It's safe and secure, and help is available online.

Last season, nearly 11,400 taxpayers were assisted by more than 300 IRS-certified volunteers in our region, resulting in$29.1 million in federal refunds and credits. YOU could be next!

Be sure to check taxes off your to-do list early this year and keep more money in your wallet. And, help spread the word about these free tax preparation services.

VITA is provided in central and northeastern Connecticut by The Village for Families & Children and United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut.


Choose your tax preparer wisely

She may be great with dogs, but would you hire her to prepare your taxes?

There are currently no legal standards for tax preparers. Anyone can claim to be a tax preparer, including people who charge unfairly for their service and want a piece of your return - pawn shops, loan sharks, check-cashing outlets, anyone.

There's a better way. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (or VITA) program recruits and trains hundreds of volunteers each year to help low and moderate income wage earners prepare and file their taxes for free. VITA volunteers are IRS-certified and trained each year on current tax laws. They can identify credits you may be qualified to claim, including the Earned Income Tax Credit, which can be worth $6,269 from the IRS for some workers. Can your dog groomer do that?

VITA is available to individuals and families with annual household incomes up to $54,000. Sites are located throughout central and northeastern Connecticut. To find out if you qualify and to schedule an appointment, call 2-1-1 and press 3, or visit

In addition, people earning up to $62,000 can file their own taxes online for free at

VITA is provided in central and northeastern Connecticut by The Village for Families & Children and United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut.


You work. Let EITC work for you!

For the last 40 years, the Earned Income Tax Credit has made life better for millions of workers. You may have extra money waiting for you. If you qualify and claim the credit, it could be worth up to $6,269 from the IRS.

Don’t be the one in five that misses this credit. If you or someone you know earned less than $53,505 last year, check it out.

It’s easy to find out if you qualify and find free tax help to prepare and file your taxes. Call 2-1-1 and press 3, or visit Or, if you earned up to $62,000, you can file your own taxes online for free at

VITA is provided in central and northeastern Connecticut by The Village for Families & Children and United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut.