Fall District Meeting

The Fall District 4 Meeting was held on Wednesday,September 24, 2014 in Wimbledon, at the former Wimbledon-Courtney School. Registration and social hour started at 5pm followed by a roast pork dinner at 6pm. The Jamestown Drum and Bugler Corp played before and during supper. Registration was $2.50 and supper $10. Thirty-eight unit members attended. Three department officers were present: Arla Roth, Judy Twete and Marlene Boyer.

District 4 President Elsie Goldsmith called the meeting to order. The Colors in place. Hand salute by all. Invocation was given by Sharon Hirchert, New Rockford Unit. 30 second silent tribute for our deceased members. The Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem were led by Deloris Rath, Jamestown Unit. All recited the ALA Preamble.

Welcome was given by Rose Ann Fehr, Wimbledon Unit President. Response by Marlene Boyer, Carrington Unit. Elsie introduced guests Arla Rath, Department President, Bentley, Department Membership Chairman, Judy Twete, McVille and Marlene Boyer, Carrington, Department President Elect and Children and Youth Chairman. Past Department and District Presidents were acknowledged.

President Arla passed around a picture of the 2014 membership chain that adorned the wall at the June convention. She informed everyone of the two ways to report: Impact, reporting impact dollars and hours and Narrative. Narrative reports have a new cover sheet. Mid-year reports are due Dec. 10th. Final reports April 15. Reporting is vital as this information is taken to Congress. All of this information was sent to Unit Presidents.

Arla’s projects for the year are Girls State, Ruth Meier’s Hospitality House and a safety sensor saw for the new shop at the Veteran’s Home in Lisbon. Arla also told us of a book in progress that has stories of WW1 nurses. District page Barbara Bergstedt, Wimbledon passed a jar to collect for Arla’s projects. $76 was collected including $20 thank you gift from the district for her and Judy being our special guests.

Judy Twete spoke on the Stratigic Plan being formulated and the goals we are striving for by the ALA Centennial in 2019. This information was sent to Unit Presidents. She also gave us some history of the American Legion Auxiliary, the purpose of our ALA and why we joined.

Membership is declining. North Dakota has a challenge to get 13,140 member this year. Judy implemented a program entitled “Save to Serve.” Each unit was present a flat box to construct and decorate and bring to unit meetings to collect change. Use the accumulated change to pay dues for a membership for someone new or to reinstate a former member. You now have a new member to serve our veterans. The first four units to have a “Save and Serve” member will receive a free membership.

Department Commander Don Weible spoke on Children and Youth activities. The need is great for repairing the practice huts at the International Music Camp. His goal is to keep more Children and Youth finances in ND and to make people more aware of what comprises Children and Youth.

Marlene Boyer, Children and Youth Chairman had a raffle of ND products with monies earned going to District 4 oratorical contest. Between $75-$80 collected. She also expressed an interest in Service Dogs of America, Jud, and how training pertains to youth and veterans.

President Arla presented membership awards to many units. Also a tissue paper poppy craft kit from former Department President Linda Juntunen to each unit. Elsie presented ‘Superior Unit’ certificates to many units. She also gave each unit a packets of information and readings to use at unit meetings.

Minutes of the spring meeting were accepted as printed. Each one present had a copy with their program as well as a copy of Elsie’s National Convention report.

Elsie asked each unit to send her information on their activities. She will include this in her monthly newsletter at “Sharing Time.”

Many lovely door prizes were presented by the Wimbledon Unit.

October 11th is recognition night in Bismarck. Winter Conference is January 30-Feb. 1, at Ramkota Inn, Bismarck.

Sharon gave the Benediction, colors were retired, meeting adjourned.

We joined the Legionaries following our meetings, for coffee and bars.

Judith Williams

Vice President/Secretary

A copy of the program, spring minutes, National convention report, packet of information and all materials/certificates presented at this meeting will be mailed to units not represented.