St Francis of Assisi Primary School is a community whose function is teaching and learning within the values, traditions and contemporary mission and vision of the Church. The Diocesan focus on Social Justice provides an appropriate context to re-examine commitment to the Church’s missionary endeavors along with the increasing requests for financial support through fundraising activities from a vast array of organisations. Education based on Gospel values and as enunciated in Catholic Social Teaching includes the concept of wealth sharing. Acts of solidarity and opportunities for wealth sharing should be tied to attitudinal formation, which occurs within the curriculum and the co-curricular program of schools rather than an isolated event or activity.


The key principles that underpin the contemporary mission and vision of the Church and guide discernment are:

Human Dignity All people are created in the image and likeness of God

Community and the Common Good We are one Body: when one suffers, we all suffer

Rights and Responsibilities All people have a fundamental right to life, shelter, health care, education and employment. All people have a right to participate in decisions that affect their lives

Preferential Option for the Poor: The moral test of a society is how it treats its most vulnerable members. We are called to look at decisions in terms of how they affect the poor.

Solidarity We are one human family. Our responsibilities to each other cross national, racial, economic and ideological differences. We are called to work globally for justice.

Stewardship of the Earth’s Resources The goods of the earth are gifts from God. We are called to care for these as stewards and trustees, not consumers and users.


Fundraising may be conducted by various groups within the school community. These include, but are not limited to: Parents and Friends Network, Youth Christians Society (YCS), class groups and the Student Sustainability Group (SSG). Individuals are not permitted to fundraise within the school community, but may take suggestions to a relevant group. Any requests for advertising or sponsorship must be made in writing to the Principal.


Fundraising must consider:

  • Financial and any other impacts and obligations on students, parents, careers and school staff.
  • The number of other fundraising or school events, and the timing
  • The issue of equity across the school
  • The commitment and capacity of the organising group to conduct the fundraiser effectively and where a charity is involved the charities purpose reputation and bona fides.
  • All approved fundraising activities are to be documented in the St Francis of Assisi Primary School Leadership minutes. The group must consult the Principal and complete the official fundraising approval form for approval at Leadership. After the fundraiser is completed, the group should advise the community of the amount raised.


The following criteria are the parameters for fundraising at St Francis of Assisi Primary Schoolfor organisations and individuals and groups


  • Is it educational?Is awareness raising the priority and fundraising secondary?
  • Does it offer opportunity for solidarity actions, supporting advocacy campaigns and working towards broader solutions to poverty and injustice?
  • Does is relate to the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching?
  • Is the organization accountable?What percentage of the donated dollar reaches the project? What percentage is spent on education?
  • Is the organization a priority organization?Caritas Australia, Catholic, St Vincent de Paul and the Diocesan Relief Fund.


  • Is the whole group or individual directly related to the School Community?
  • When fundraising for sporting events, has the individual or group reached a National achievement level?


When handling money, a group undertaking fundraising must ensure that: the school finance officer is aware of any proposed fundraising activity and arrangements made regarding the secure storage of money well in advance of the activity or event; at least two adults are present at all times in a secure environment when cash is tallied at the conclusion of the School fundraising activity; appropriate record keeping, revenue and expenditure, including all proof of expense incurred with the Fundraising Activity, e.g. spread sheet; payments for goods and services related to an event should only be made from the School’s account, not directly from the events cash receipts. All money raised must be delivered to the Finance Officer for banking.


How funds raised will be distributed and used must be stated on the St Francis of Assisi Primary School Fundraising Activity form submitted. Funds must be used in a way that is consistent with the group’s role and purpose and communicated to the members. Any minor or major fundraising activities should clearly state the purpose for which funds will be used, when seeking approval and the purpose should be advertised to the school community. This information should be as specific as possible under the circumstances. After the fundraising activity, the exact amount of money raised and how it has or will be spent should be reported at the next appropriate opportunity to the school community.


Reports must be made to the community regarding the amount of money raised. This needs to be done at assembly and in the newsletter. Fundraiser’s must prepare article for the newsletter and make announcements at the assembly. Where appropriate recipients of the fundraiser should be invited to assembly and be presented a cheque.

Event/Fundraiser Request

Name of Student
Name of the Event
Purpose of the Event
What will be sold?
What will the price be?
Is there a cost for the event?
What school facilities will be required?
Is there a requirement for teacher/parent help?
Proposed Date
Proposed Time
Parent signature: Student signature:
Follow up and reporting back to the community will include:

**** Note: This form must be submitted to Friends of St. Francis completely filled out a minimum 14 days prior to the event date ****