September 25, 2006 FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project Activity Report


Johnston, Philip. "The Shadow Cast By a Mega-Mosque." Telegraph (UK),

25 Sept. 2006. At:

[Excerpt: "When Abu Izzadeen, the firebrand Islamist militant, berated John Reid (Home Office Secretary) last week for 'daring' to visit a Muslim area, the Home Secretary bridled, as did many others, at his suggestion that part of London was off limits for a British minister of the Crown. There was nowhere in this country from which anyone should be excluded, Mr Reid said; nowhere that could be called exclusively Muslim.He was speaking just a couple of Tube stops from...the site for the 2012 Olympic stadium, where a huge row is about to erupt over plans to construct a mosque....the largest place of worship in Europe, a gigantic three-storey Islamic centre, with schools and other facilities, able to hold at least 40,000 worshippers and up to 70,000 if necessary."]

Nandy, Pritish. "Euphemisms in Troubled Times." Times of India, September 24, 2006. Accessed at:

[Excerpt: "...even the most secular among us recognize that a new brotherhood of Islam is growing so rapidly-cutting across nations, cultures, financial communities-that very soon the world will be split between those who live by Islam and those who don't."]

Thornhill, John. "The Reality of Islam and the {French} Republic."Financial Times (UK), September 24, 2006. At:

[Excerpt: "A standard riff is developing among the rightwing commentariat in the US when discussing Europe's 15m Muslims: they are the potential enemy. Largely marginalized in low-growth economies, culturally adrift in secular, permissive societies, cut off from their families' roots in North Africa, many of these Muslims are poor, angry, disorientated and prey to radicalization by al-Qaeda extremists. The "intifada" launched by rioting Muslim youths in France's suburbs last November and the murderous bombing campaign conducted by "home-grown"terrorists in London last July are just a foretaste of things to come."]


Associated Press, "Report: Barroso Says EU Leaders Failed To Support the Pope Over Islam Speech." September 24, 2006. Accessed at:

[Excerpt: "The president of the European Commission expressed disappointment that European leaders failed to defend Pope Benedict XVI over his recent remarks about Islam, in comments published Sunday. Jose Manuel Barroso said that while Europe must take the threat of Islamic extremists 'very seriously', it must not confuse tolerance with 'a form of political correctness' that puts others' values above its own."]

Gandolfo, Castel. "Pope Meets Muslim Diplomats." CBS News, September 25, 2006. Accessed at:

Heneghan, Tom. "Turkish Intellectuals Want to Know More on Pope's View of Islam." Turkish Daily News, September 24, 2006. At:

Lagadec, Erwan. "Why Quote A Byzantine Emperor?" International Herald Tribune, September 24, 2006. Accessed at:

[Excerpt: "...he {Pope Benedict XVI} opened a window into his own perception of Islam, one that is under the shadow of a siege mentality - a siege that the Vatican believes it is losing."]

May, Clifford D. "Submit or Die." Scripps Howard, September 20, 2006.

Accessed at:

[Excerpt: "Many commentators are missing the point: These protestors - and those who incite them -- are not asking for mutual respect and equality. They are not saying: 'It's wrong to speak ill of a religion'. They are saying: 'It's wrong to speak ill of our religion.' They are not standing up for a principle. They are laying down the law. They are making it as clear as they can that they will not tolerate 'infidels'criticizing Muslims. They also are making it clear that infidels should expect criticism - and much worse - from Muslims. They are attempting nothing less than the establishment of a new world order in which the supremacy of what they call the Nation of Islam is acknowledged, and 'unbelievers' submit - or die. Call it an offer you can't refuse."]

Pham, Peter. "What We Can Learn From A Medieval Dialogue." Family Security Matters, September 21, 2006. Accessed at:

[Excerpt: "If anything, we should all regret that 'political correctness' in the West and self-censorship in many Muslim communities means that the pontiff is unlikely to have many take him up on his generous invitation to frank dialogue, leaving us all in many respects worse off than the Byzantine emperor and his Persian friend.... There is no record in the Dialogues or in any of the other contemporary sources we have of the period of the qadi (or anyone else for that

matter) organizing street protests-much less attacks on churches or the murder of nuns-in response to the emperor's brusque comments about the prophet of Islam and his legacy. Rather, true to his calling as a learned man, the Islamic jurist answered the emperor point-by-point and was willing to pursue the conversation further."]

Sun2Surf (Malaysia). "Abdullah Calls For Sincere Dialogue." September 21, 2006. Accessed at:

[Excerpt: "Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly yesterday (Sept 20, 2006), the prime minister, who is also chairman of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), said Islam was not the source of intolerance between peoples of different faiths, and urged for the demonisation of Islam to be stopped and Islamophobia removed."]


McGuire, Bill. Dangerous Climate Change: Rising Sea-Levels and Ocean Circulation Changes. Benfield Hazard Research Centre (UK), 2006, 24 pages. Accessed at:


Lloyd's. 360 Risk Project. Homepage:

[About this project from the website: "The aim of the Lloyd's 360 Risk Project is to generate discussion and debate on how to manage risk in today's environment. This is a major issue - and one that will not be addressed easily or quickly. That is why the Lloyd's 360 Risk Project is a long-term initiative addressing different aspects and elements of risk across a range of issues.

The first series is all about catastrophe trends - an issue that concerns not just the insurance industry but everyone with an interest in the future of our planet. This series will run over the coming months and as it evolves we hope to understand more about catastrophe trends and what the insurance industry and indeed the wider business world and society can do to cope with catastrophes. Future series of the 360 Risk Project will address similar important and wide-ranging issues. But, as the 360 Risk Project is all about creating discussion and debate, we want your views on what topics we should be addressing. Send us your ideas on what should be on the agenda by emailing us at ."]


Hsu, Spencer. "Homeland Security Bill Is More Style Than Substance, Analysts Say." WP, 24Sep06.

New York Times. "Chemical Plants, Still Unprotected." September 25, 2006. Accessed at:

[Excerpt: "Congress still has done nothing to protect Americans from a terrorist attack on chemical plants. Republican leaders want to give the impression that that has changed. But voters should not fall for the spin. If the leadership goes through with the strategy it seems to have adopted last week to secure these highly vulnerable targets, national security will be the loser."]


Roberts, Patrick S. "What Katrina Meams for Emergency Management." The Forum, Vol. 3, No. 3, Article 2, 12 pages, November 2005. Accessed at:



Disasters - The Journal of Disaster Studies and Management, Vol. 30, No.

3, September 2006. (Quarterly, Blackwell Publishers, 350 Main St., Malden, MA02148, (800) 835-6770, (781) 388-8232 (fax), URL:


Earthquake Quarterly, Winter 2006. (Western States Seismic Policy Council, 121 Second Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, (415) 974-6435, URL: e-mail: .)

Homeland Protection Professional, Vol. 5, No. 7, August 2006.(Published 10 times a year by A.J. Parrino & Associates Ltd. For information go to:


Schmid, Randolph E. "All U.S. Public Schools To Get Weather Radios."

Associated Press, 25Sep06.

[Excerpt: "...the government planned to announce today that it will supply hazard warning radios to all 97,000 public schools in the United States."]


Have received for review from Dr. William L. Waugh, Jr., editor of this compilation of papers from the 2005 FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Conference, the following material for review and posting:

* Introduction, Dr. Waugh, GeorgiaStateUniversity

* Future Challenges to Human Survival in the 21st Century, Dr. Rick Bissell, U. of MD, Balt.Ct.

* The Future of Emergency Management, George Haddow and Jane Bullock, George Washington Univ.

* Revolutionary and Evolutionary Change in Emergency Management, Dr.

David McEntire, UNT

* The Future of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Dr. Waugh

* The Evolution of U.S. Emergency Management, Dr. Dennis Mileti, Professor Emeritus, UCB

* Designing Educational Opportunities for the Emergency Management Professional of the 21st

Century: Formulating an Approach for a Higher Education Curriculum,Dr. Neil Britton,

Earthquake Disaster Research Centre, Japan and John Lindsay, BrandonUniversity, Canada

* International Disaster Management Cooperation: A Case Study for Turkey & the USA, Dr. DerinUral, IstanbulTechnicalUniversity

* Social Science Hazard/Disaster Research: Its Legacy for Emergency Management Higher Education, Dr's Arthur Oyola-Yemaiel and Jennifer Wilson, North Dakota State University (at the time).

Forwarded all chapters to the EMI Webmaster for upload to the EM HiEd Project website -- Free College Courses and Books tab -- Books section-- where they should be accessible soon.

(10) WAR ON TERROR: "Bill Clinton Roundtable (Transcript)." September 24, 2006. Accessed at:

Greenberg, David. "Spin Doctors." Washington Post, September 24, 2006.

Accessed at:

[A review of New York Times columnist Frank Rich's book "The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth from 9/11 to Katrina."

Greenberg is a professor of history and media studies at Rutgers.]

Stolberg, Sheryl Gay. "`Islamo-Fascism' Had Its Moment." New York Times, September 24, 2006. Accessed at:

York, Byron. "Bill Clinton's Excuses." National Review, September 24, 2006. Accessed at:

[Excerpt: "...the bottom line is that Bill Clinton, the commander-in-chief, could not find the will to order the military into action against al Qaeda, and Bill Clinton, the head of the executive branch, could not find the will to order the CIA and FBI to act. No matter what the former president says on Fox, or anywhere else, that is his legacy in the war on terror."]


Womack, Helen. "You Will Be Driven From Afghanistan Just As We Were, Russian Generals Warn." Telegraph (UK), September 24, 2006. Accessedat:


Hart, Gary. "The October Surprise." Huffington Post, September 23, 2006. Accessed at:

[Excerpt: "It should come as no surprise if the Bush Administration undertakes a preemptive war against Iran sometime before the November election."]


Mazzetti, Mark. "Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terrorism Threat."

New York Times, September 23, 2006. Accessed at:

Shenon, Philip, Mark Mazzetti. "Study of Iraq War and Terror Stirs Strong Political Response." New York Times, September 25, 2006.

Accessed at:


Ansan, Massoud. "Omar Role in Truce Reinforces Fears that Pakistan 'Caved In' to Taliban." Telegraph (UK), September 24, 2006. Accessedat:

CBS News. "Musharraf: In The Line of Fire" (Transcript of 60 Minutes Steve Kroft Interview). September 24, 2006. Accessed at:


Malik, Imaad. "American Muslims and the Global War on Terror." Family Security Matters, September 18, 2006. Accessed at:

[Excerpt: "It is...the moment for American Muslims to infuse Islam with a moderate spirit that will make it an effective counterforce to radical Islam. American Muslims must utilize our intellect and talent to support America in the war on Islamic terrorism. In addition, we can use these same powers to help restore vitality to Islam worldwide, improving its response to the social, economic and political demands of a global society. Since the Iranian revolution, radicalism had spread in Islam. But with the defeat of extremism, Islam may enhance human freedom and human dignity. This is the religious community we American Muslims must create for ourselves and for our children, and for the security of our neighbors, in the common combat against tyranny and for the expansion of freedom."]

B.Wayne Blanchard, Ph.D., CEM

Higher Education Project Manager

Emergency Management Institute


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