Rowan Class, Term 1
Superhero or Hero?
Maths / Curriculum links
· Place value
· Calculation
Additional information
Linking with our topic, we will study the results of many revered British and international athletes at the 2016 Olympic Games. We intend to focus primarily on place value, as this provides the foundations for conceptual understanding, before progressing to calculation.
English / Curriculum links
· Writing to inform – How to develop the mindset of an Olympic athlete
· Writing to discuss – Superhero or hero?
· Spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG)
· Reading skills
Additional information
Our class text, for Term 1, is ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cottrell-Boyce. This book will fuel discussion and support the writing process, as we look to uncover whether the main character, Liam Digby, is a superhero or hero.
D&T / Curriculum links
· Function of the heart, blood vessels and blood
· How nutrients and water are transported around our bodies
· The impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on our bodies
Additional Information
Through practical science, we will design and create our own circulatory system and investigate the ways in which our bodies function by way of some ‘pulse-raising’ activities!
PSHE / As the old adage goes, ‘With great power comes great responsibility’. We will explore what this well-known saying means and whether it is as relevant to us as it is to Peter Parker, aka Spiderman.
Computing / We will focus on internet safety, effectively using search technologies and creating online comics using sequence, selection and repetition.
Art/D&T / We plan to design and create our own superhero/villain costumes as we develop our craft and design techniques. We would be most grateful for donations of fabric and craft materials to help us produce a range of captivating capes and marvellous masks.
PE / PE will take place every Monday and, when possible, Fridays. Please ensure that children have suitable sportswear, for all weathers, footwear and water bottles.
Homework / Written work (Maths and/or English tasks)
In the main, Homework will link to work undertaken in class – sent home on a Friday, to be returned on a Wednesday. If your child is stuck or needs clarification on the tasks involved, I am happy to spend time with him/her at Break/Lunch on Monday and/or Tuesday, to talk things through.
Reading – You’ve got to be in it, to win it!
To qualify for entry into the school’s reading competition, Reading Records need to be in school on a Monday and countersigned, four times, by an adult.

How to further support my child with Reading, at home
By Year 5, many children are reading independently, so it’s often a case of knowing what to ask, in order to ensure that children are reading for meaning. This year, I am introducing the acronym PEAR. My suggestion is that every few reads, you focus on a question from one of the letters. Over time, your child should become better placed to respond to a range of comprehension questions, irrespective of genre.

P (Point) - What is the point of the story/ book? What was the point of what you just read? What makes you think this?

E (Explain) – Explain what … means. Explain what that paragraph/ chapter was about.

A (Analyse) – Why did the author use that particular word? What do you think the author meant when he/she said…?

R (Reader) - How did that paragraph/ chapter/ book make you feel? Would you recommend this book? Why/why not?

As part of their four entries, I will encourage children to record part of this discussion in their Reading Records, with parents countersigning.

If you are looking for advice on book choices for home reading, then please don’t hesitate to ask.

What our day looks like, in Rowan Class: