Perry Wood Primary and Nursery School
Spring Term 2016 Newsletter

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Perry Wood Primary School
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What willPerry Wood Offer this term?
The “Perry Wood Offer” is at the heart of our school vision and encompasses all of the wonderful opportunities that we offer our children to support and enrich their learning. When combined with our first-class teaching of an exciting curriculum, these opportunities enable us to promote the Griffin Schools Trust core values ofProud Traditions,Wide HorizonsandHigh Achievement.
Fri 15 Jan 1-2:30pm / Cross Country Event at the Grange / School Y5 & Y6 pupils will take part in this local tournament during school hours. Letters will be sent out next week to the parents/carers of participating children.
Fri 15 Jan 2:30pm / Celebration Assembly forRec, Y1 & Y2 / Could your child be a star this week?
Mon 18 Jan / Radio 2 500 Words Competition Launch / Children in Years 5will be showcasing their storytelling skills by writing stories in class time to submit to Radio 2 by 25 February.
Mon 18 Jan
3:45-6pm / Quicksticks Hockey Event at Blessed Edward / We are awaiting confirmation of this Y3 & Y4 after-school event from the Sports Cluster group; letters will be sent out next week to the parents/carers of participating children.
Fri 22 Jan 2:30pm / Celebration Assembly for Years 3-6 / Could your child be a star this week?
Wed 27 Jan / Vision check for Reception / These checks will be carried out during the school day.
Thurs 28 Jan
3:45-4:45pm / Netball match against Our Lady Queen of Peace at Perry Wood
Y6 PARENTS/CARERS WELCOME / Y6 pupils will be competing on home turf! Letters to the parents/carers of team members will follow shortly.
Fri 29 Jan 2:30pm / Celebration Assembly for Rec, Y1 & Y2 / Could your child be a star this week?
Wed 3 Feb
3:30-4:30pm / Messy Church / Parents/carers are invited with their children for an hour of fun crafts, stories and songs with Mrs Holt and other church members.
Thurs 4 Feb
8am / PTFA Breakfast Club for all year groups / Children, parents, grandparents, carers – all welcome! Toast/waffles 50p; bacon/sausage roll + drink £1.20
Thurs 4 Feb
9:30-11:30am / Sports Society Meeting at Stanley Road Primary / Our two Y6 Sports Captains will attend this local schools meeting during the school day to agree our school sports values.
DRESSING-UP DAY / This is our annual British Heart Foundation fundraiser. Wear something red in return for a voluntary donation of 50p each (or £1 per family).
Fri 5 Feb 2:30pm / Celebration Assembly for Years 3-6 / Could your child be a star this week?
Mon 8 Feb / Chinese New Year / We will celebrate this festival (the Year of the Monkey) in school.
8-12 Feb / Reception Valentine’s letters trip / Reception will be making their annual trip to post Mother’s Day cards. This will take place during normal school hours.
Thurs 11 Feb
9:15am-3:45pm / Year 4 trip to Weston Park, Shropshire / Y4 pupils will spend an exciting day at this 17th Century stately home, learning about life during WWII as part of their topic work.
Thurs 11 Feb
5:00-6:00pm / PTFA Valentine’s discos
Reception and Years 1 & 2
Years 3-6 / Tickets will be on sale from Monday 1 February.
Please let the office know if you can help the PTFA at this event (eg. by running the tuck shop, music or games)
Fri 12 Feb
Afternoon event / Homework Project Show & Tell afternoon for all classes
ALL PARENTS/CARERS WELCOME / We will be celebrating the results of our first half-term homework project during the afternoon. The precise time for each class will be confirmed shortly. There will be no Celebration Assembly on this date.
MON 22 FEBRUARY / SCHOOL STARTS (Spring Term 2) / Don’t forget PE kits and dinner money!
Wed 24 Feb / Year 4 swimming lessons end / This is the last lesson for Owls & Kestrels.
Wed 24 Feb 11:10am / Musical performance at Nunnery Wood High School / Y5 pupils will be watching Nunnery Wood pupils perform their annual theatre performance.
Wed 24 February
7:30pm / Parent Forum meeting / Topic "Parent views: what does Perry Wood do well and what are the areas for improvement?” Please email: if you would like to attend.
Thurs 25 Feb
3:45-4:45pm / Girls’ football tournament at Red Hill (provisional venue) / Y5 & Y6 pupils will take part after-school and letters to their parents/carers will follow shortly.
Fri 26 Feb 2:30pm / Celebration Assembly for Rec, Y1 & Y2 / Could your child be a star this week?
March / Voices & Visions arts festival / We are hoping to involve some of our KS2 classes in this arts festival, which is exhibited in Worcester Cathedral.
Tues 1 March / St David’s Day / We will mark this Welsh Saints’ Day in school.
Tues 1 March / Weights/measure checks - Y6 & Rec / These checks will be carried out during the school day.
Tues 1 March / School Games at UCW / We are awaiting confirmation of this event from the Sports Cluster group. Letters will be sent to parents/carers of participating children.
Wed 2 March / Year 3 swimming lessons start / Lapwings & Doves will have weekly lessons up to and including Wednesday, 18 May. Letters will be sent out in due course.
Wed 2 March
3:30-4:30pm / Messy Church / Parents/carers are invited with their children for an hour of fun crafts, stories and songs with Mrs Holt and other church members.
Thurs 3 March / World Book Day
DRESSING-UP DAY / We will be celebrating our love of books & reading by dressing as our favourite book characters for the day!
Thurs 3 March
8am / PTFA Breakfast Club all year groups / Children, parents, grandparents, carers – all welcome!
Toast/waffles 50p; bacon/sausage roll + drink £1.20
Thurs 3 March
9:30-11:30am / Arrows (archery) Inclusion Event / Y3-Y6 pupils will take part during school hours and letters to their parents/carers will follow shortly.
Thurs 3 March
1:30-2:45pm / Cross country event at Cherry Orchard / Y3 & Y4 pupils will take part during school hours and letters to their parents/carers will follow shortly.
Fri 4 March 2:30pm / Celebration Assembly for Years 3-6 / Could your child be a star this week?
Sun 6 March / Mothering Sunday / Our Reception classes will be holding their annual tea party to celebrate our fantastic female relatives. Date to be confirmed.
Tues 8 March
3:30-6:00pm / Sharing time (Reception to Y6) / An opportunity for your child to show you their work prior to parents’ evening.
Thurs 10 March
3:30-6:00pm / Sharing Time (Reception to Y6) / An opportunity for your child to show you their work prior to parents’ evening.
Fri 11 March / GRIFFIN SCHOOLS TRUST FOUNDERS DAY / Details of how we are celebrating this anniversary will be confirmed soon.
Fri 11 March / Cross Country Finals / This event will involve the top six runners from the 15 January races.
Fri 11 March 1-3pm / Swimming Gala at Sansome Walk pool / Y5 & Y6 pupils will take part during school hours and letters to parents/carers will follow shortly.
Fri 11 March 2:30pm / Celebration Assembly for Rec, Y1 & Y2 / Could your child be a star this week?
14-18 March / British Science Week / We will be planning lots of scientific activities and experiments in school. Some of our Year 6 pupils will also take part in the Inter-Schools Science Challenge at Worcester Royal Grammar School.
Tues 15 March
3:30-6:00pm / PARENTS’EVENING (Reception to Y6) / You will have the opportunity to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher to discuss their learning.
Thurs 17 March
3:30-6:00pm / PARENTS’ EVENING (Reception to Y6) / You will have the opportunity to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher to discuss their learning.
Thurs 17 March
3:45-4:45pm / Netball tournament at Perry Wood
Y6 PARENTS/CARERS WELCOME / Y6 pupils will be competing on home turf! Letters to the parents/carers of team members will follow shortly.
Fri 18 March / SPORT RELIEF FUNDRAISER / We will be raising money for this worthwhile cause at the same time as enjoying some exercise! Details to follow soon.
Fri 18 March
Time TBC / Tri Golf Event at Nunnery Wood High School (provisional venue) / Y4 pupils will take part during school hours and letters to parents/carers will follow shortly.
Fri 18 March
2:15pm / SPECIAL CELEBRATION ASSEMBLIES Reception and Years 1 & 2
Years 3-6 / Could your child be a star this week?
Reception & EYFS assembly
Y3 and Y4 Easter assembly
EASTER EGG-STRAVAGANZA / Please join us to mark Easter in school. The assemblies will be led by children in Reception & EYFS and Years 3 & 4, although families from all year groups are welcome to attend. Hot cross buns and refreshments will be served afterwards.
We will be celebrating the results of our second homework project during the afternoon. The precise time for each class will be confirmed shortly.
We were delighted with the creative enthusiasm you showed during last year's Easter Eggstravaganza, so we will be holding another Easter Bonnet/Hat Parade and Decorated Egg (real or polystyrene!) Competition. Entry details will be confirmed after half-term.
TUESDAY 12 APRIL / SCHOOL STARTS – SUMMER TERM 1 / Don’t forget PE kits and dinner money!
MON 2 MAY / SCHOOL CLOSED / May Day Bank Holiday
TUESDAY 7 JUNE / SCHOOL STARTS – SUMMER TERM 2 / Don’t forget PE kits and dinner money!
Head’s Lines
Welcome back and Happy New Year! We start this term with a value chosen by the children–helpfulness. Daily certificates will be awarded to children for being helpful and the Values Cup will be awarded at the end of term. We have been thinking about helping others this week.
We will expand the theme of helpfulness to include helping wildlife with our Birdwatch homework project, which has been launched this week. Your child will have brought a letter home on Tuesday outlining the activities for Birdwatch. We hope you will enjoy working on this project together; you will be invited in to a Show & Tell eventto celebrate the project at the end of the half term.
We are delighted to be running a brand new project for families in school: the FAST project. FAST (Families and Schools Together) is a parenting programme which aims to support families, build community relationships and foster high achievement.The first stage of FAST involves training several staff members and parents who deliver the programme. We will keep you updated about the scheme as it progresses.
Applying for places in Reception in September 2016
Applications for Primary School places must be made online by15 January 2016. If you have a child who is due to start school in September 2017, please contact the office next Monday if you have any questions about your application or need help making it
Applications must be submitted via the County Council website at:
Parent Voice: You Said, We Did
Did you know that you canput forward school improvement ideas byusing the feedback box in the front office?We will let you know what action we take following your ideas. Please help us become even more "Perry Wonderful", every day, every term, every year.
Here is what your Parent Voice achieved last term:
When the school asks parents to complete questionnaires, can parents have somewhere confidential to hand them in? / Yes, we will put confidential survey boxes on the playgrounds to collect questionnaires. We will do this each time we ask for your opinions.
Can the "sharing time" slots change so that they are suitable for working parents? / Yes, we have extended the "sharing time" sessions to later in the day so that working parents can also see the progress their children are making each term. Whenever possible, we willtry to find ways toaccommodate the needs ofworking parents and non-working parents.
Homework is not being marked in some year groups. Why? / We investigated and have changed how we approach homework throughout the school. Letters have been sent to all parents/carers to explain our new approach. Thank you for continuing to support your child with their homework.
The gate area at the front of the school seems dangerous. / We continue toask parents to stop using this area to drop off children. Whenever possible, we have a member of staff at the gate and have been working with the Community Support Officers. Parents must not drive onto school premises.
Now that we have newsletters by email, can spare copies of the forms be provided? Can these be available where parents pick up children, as we don't usually go to the office? / We will provide paper copies of forms that parents need to complete. We willmake these available (with a pen) somewhere on the playgrounds whenever we need you to complete them.
Our attendance figure for the academic year so far is 94.7%. This is slightly below the national target and well below the Trust target of 97%. We really need to make every day, every half day and every lesson count this term!
For the week commencing 14 December, the best class attendance in EYFS & KS1 (Reception, Y1 & Y2) was Goldfinch 1 and Kingfishers, both with 97.9% Best class in KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6) was Owls with 98.2%. Well done Goldfinch 1, Kingfishersand Owls!
Every day, every half day and every lesson counts!
Our School Vision: Glad to be a Griffin
Proud Traditions: Things we already do well & things we could do more of to improve the school experience for our children, for example, how we celebrate festivals and national events, our charitable fundraising and our participation in local sports tournaments.
Wide Horizons: Finding opportunities for new & exciting experiences such as meeting visitors, speaking to professionals or experts, trips and events, for example, meeting the Education Secretary and the Mayor and meeting DJs from local radio stations.
High Achievement: Helping all our children to achieve their potential through first class teaching, an exciting curriculum and challenges for learners at all levels, for example, the RWI programme and our new approach to homework.
High Achievement
We are keen to celebrate and share what makes our children Perry Wonderful outside school, as well as inside. Please let us know if you would like to share something that your child has achieved. For example, winning a sporting trophy, an award given by an out-of-school club or a personal achievement such as learning to ride a bike. You can tell the office or email .
Our congratulations go toMohammed-Talha Hussain who, at the end of last term, was awarded two trophies (the American Shootout trophy and Golden Cup) and an FA Cup Medal by his football club, Cornmeadow Lane Premier Soccer Coaching.
Spurred on by the success of our existing Blue Peter badge holders, many of our Year 6 children have applied for their purple Blue Peter badges at the end of last term. We are hoping that their badges will arrive in the post later this term!
Proud Traditions
We are looking forward to celebrating existingtraditions: Celebration Assemblies, World Book Day dressing up, Reception’s Valentine cards and tea party, British Heart Foundation & Comic Relief fundraisers, Science Week, sports tournaments and Easter Egg-stravaganza.
With the half-term homework projects and Griffin School Trusts Founders Day, we are also introducing new traditions.
Wide Horizons: Clubs News
This term’s clubs start during the week commencing 18 January and letters will be sent out next Monday. Once again, we have an exciting range on offer, includingsport, dance, singing, cooking, journalism and community work. Mrs Gauler’sBananagrams Club will also be playing this scrabble-like game and crowning a school champion, who will go on to compete against other schools across the country. Best of all, they are all free to all children!
Please contact the office if your child did not return their club application form but now wishes to join a club; Mrs Bennett will do her best to fit them in if there are spaces available.
In the meantime, Mrs Raza already has Prayer Club up and running! It is open every day between 12:15-12:45pm and children can attend on a drop-in basis – they do not have to sign up.