Popley Way, Basingstoke

Hampshire. RG24 9DX

Headteacher Tel : 01256 473379

Mr A Murray


2nd April 2015

Dear Parents,

Mrs Mallaby

Our congratulations to Mrs Mallaby who, following a rigorous selection process, has been appointed as substantive Headteacher of Four Lanes Infant School in Chineham. My thanks to Mrs Mallaby for her years of loyal and professional service at St Bede’s. We wish her every success and happiness in her new role.

Mrs Short

We welcome back Mrs Short, who returns from her Maternity Leave. Mrs Short will spend the Summer Term working with Year 5H while Mrs Herring continues her convalescence following her operation.

Staff Changes

Mr Overton will be leaving us on 1st May, having taken the decision to leave the teaching profession. We would like to thank Mr Overton for his work with the children, and wish him well for his future endeavours.

Mrs Brewster will be leaving us at the end of July as she, and her husband, are relocating to Kent. Our thanks for all her hard work at St Bede’s and we wish her well for the future.

We will also be saying goodbye to Miss Wilson at the end of July, as she returns to Ireland to be closer to her family. Our best wishes to Miss Wilson for her future success, and our thanks for all she has given to St Bede’s.

Joining us in September to teach in Upper Juniors will be Mr Cox. We welcome Mr Cox to St Bede’s and wish him every joy and success in his new role.

Final Year Trainee Placements

We are fortunate to be able to offer a number of final year teaching placements to trainees undertaking the Primary Catholic Partnership Teacher Training Programme. We will have two trainees in school throughout May and June. They will be based in Year 2 and Year 5. A special welcome to Miss Williams and Miss Courtney.

Parent Governors

As you are aware, we recently held an election for two new Parent Governors. We had six very good candidates, and after counting the votes cast by parents, the following two parents were successfully appointed to the Board of Governors – Mrs Katie Strickland and Mrs Caroline Hartgill. Our congratulations to both of them.

School Website

Our school website is up and running well. You will find up to date information about the curriculum, as well as details of all clubs, assemblies and updated policies. You will now also find details for on-line payments and absence forms for you to download.

Drop Off Zone

Please note that if you arrive at school in a taxi to drop your child off, or collect them at the end of the school day, the same rules apply as they do for driving your own car. The taxi will not be granted access to the school car park, and will need to park off site to allow you to walk into school to collect or drop off your child.

Rocksteady Music School

Rocksteady lessons on the electric guitar, drums, keyboard or vocals are currently available. Lessons take place during the school day and offer the opportunity to play modern pop and rock songs with other children in a band and perform in Rocksteady concerts. Lessons are available to all year groups. Places are limited and available on a first come first served basis. To secure your child’s space or get their name on the waiting list, please call Rocksteady on 0845 094 1259 or visit their website

Summer Uniform

The children are welcome to return to school wearing Summer uniform. All children are expected to be wearing Summer uniform by half-term at the latest.

Uniform requirements are set out below.


Dark blue check summer dress.

Navy/white/grey knee length socks (short socks in summer – optional).

Hair bands, ribbons etc:– navy/white in summer

Plain black/brown/navy flat-heeled, sensible shoes.

(NO trainers/fashion shoes allowed).


White short-sleeved polo shirt.

Grey school shorts or long, grey school trousers.

Navy/black/grey/white socks (plain, not patterned).

Plain black/brown/navy flat-heeled, sensible shoes.

(NO trainers/fashion shoes allowed).


Our final INSET day for this academic year will be Monday 6th July.

Looking ahead to the next academic year, INSET days will take place on Tuesday 1st September 2015 and Wednesday 2nd September 2015, meaning the children will return to school on Thursday 3rd September 2015.

School Photographer

The photographer will be in school on Monday 22nd June First Holy Communion and Class photos. Please remember that Year 6 will need to be in their Winter Uniform with their red ties, so remember to keep a white shirt for the photo!

WOW! Certificates

WOW! (Work of the Week) Certificates were awarded to the following children recently to recognise their outstanding work, which was displayed on the WOW! board in the Entrance Area. Congratulations to: Esosa Okunseri, Vinita Vanni, Miley Attridge, Amelia Dempsey, Thomas Saunders, Grace Stephens, Joshua Joseph, Lisa Fernandes, Calder Bibby, Hannah Jackson, Alvin Tony, Annette Joshy, Martha Wynne, Allen Joshy, Joseph Thomas, Abigail Pullen, Gabriel Doniesiewicz, Jasmine Cain, Callum Stritch-Little, Heidi Sewell, Cabhan York, Lawrence Alvarado, All of 6RT, Gabriela Della-Savina, Stacey Anne Mukoyi, Eunice Mortos, Ryan Rajesh, George Watson, Caspar Lampard, Jairah Jose, Zsofia Cordial, Noel Joseph, Antoinette Cruz, Benji Suarez-Reis, Noah Thomas.

Mission Hearts

Congratulations to the following children who have recently received Mission Hearts: Fabio Pereira, Sean O’Sullivan, Samuel Stephenson, Thomas Saunders, Ieuan Howell, Ethan Levendale, Noah Shorey, Henry Goodier, Szymon Kwasniak, Noah Thomas, Ayana Santhosh, Theo Fernandes, Aidan Andrew Guanchez, James Strickland, Adam Kubica, 4W, Amber Farooqi, Orla Scully, Daniel Babu, Aleksandra Trusczynska, Veronica Estrada, Raphaello Dela Cruz, Charlie Nicholson, Thomas Higgins, Luca Talhadas, Jeff Biju, Mia Smith, Francine Garcia, Arthur Taylor, Aine Pickford, Jan Blocki, Antoni Pawlicki, Savinien Thiriet, Joseph Lyons, Nisal Pun, Boyd Jno-Lewis, Georgina Kinge, Michael Dahlen, Julia Braciszewska, Caitlin Dela Cruz, Blake Routledge, Leon Adomako, Archie Dempsey, Emily Roche, Florence Bautista, Elonore Thiriet, Simon Tubesa, Tatijana Studd, Theo Reynolds, Mikayla Gascoine-Leopold, Sean O’Sullivan, Jan Blocki, Aleks Kowalczyk, Julia Miksztal, Lucas Horta, Vinita Vanni, Edward Hartley, Amelia Aves, Cameron Robinson, Martha Wynne, Alphonsa Joseph, Joshua Cain.

Magnificent Maths

Magnificent Maths certificates are awarded to children who have shown particular achievements in Maths: Gerard Palmer, Farrah Attridge, Taome Fennell, Tilly Vincent, Leah Wilby-Smith, Chantal Wolosz, Hannah Jackson, Leo Liversage, Toby

Mitchell, Sam Suresh-Kumar. Reginae Griffiths, Alistair Smales, Isaac Escott, Michalina Wiech, Nevin Antony, Riyong Rai, Alexandra Cruz, Luke Osborne.

Super Scientist

Super Scientist certificates are awarded to children who have shown particular achievements in Science: Alina Tony, Aaron Bala, Gabryel Gibson, Jasmine Cain.

Big Write Certificate

Big Write certificates are awarded to children who have produced an excellent piece of work linked to the Big Write initiative: Toby Hawkes, Cabhan York, Naiobe Williams-Graham, Kevin Peralta, Allen Joshy, Freya Ind, Leon Adomako, Blake Scully, Genette Ndlovu, Zachary Escott, Farrah Attridge, Adaeze Obieli, Ramzell Oliveros, Ella Pearson, Tia Loader, Taran Cravo, Teniola Owodunni, Amelia Dempsey, Nathan Yabut, Annette Joshy, Isaac Estrada.

Easter Mass times

The Easter Masses at St Bede’s Church are as follows:

Thursday 2nd April 8pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Friday 3rd April 3pm The Passion of the Lord

Saturday 4th April 8.30pm Easter Vigil

Sunday 5th 9am and 11am Please note there will not be a 6.30pm Mass on Easter Sunday

Diary Dates

Monday 20th April Children return to school

Tuesday 5th May May Assembly

11th – 15th May SAT’s Week

19th May Bishop Philip visiting School

Monday 22nd June First Holy Communion Mass

(all parents welcome)

Monday 22nd June First Holy Communion & Class Photos

Friday 26th June INSET Day

Thursday 2nd July Sports Day

Friday 3rd July Y6 Transition Day

Monday 6th July INSET Day

Thursday 9th July Reserve Sports Day

Thursday 16th July Open Afternoon

Tuesday 21st July Year 6 Production

Wednesday 22nd July Leavers’ Mass

Yours sincerely,

A Murray

Mr A Murray
