Selwyn Primary School

Cavendish Road, Highams Park, London, E4 9NG

Executive Headteacher: Maureen Okoye

Head of School: Lisa Bogle

Telephone number: 0208 527 3814 – Fax: 0208 523 3230


28th March 2017

Dear Parent/Carers

Your child enjoyed an exciting assembly yesterday given by the author John Kelly. If you would like to purchase one of his books please see below.

Author Visit…….Monday 27th March

The very talented author & illustrator John Kelly visited our school

talking to pupils from years 1,2& 3

John Kelly’s events are full of fun, with songs, drawing & storytelling

With books about Dragon Knights & a big smelly Giant or a Ship full of Pirates

and friendships its story-time heaven!

Sir Scaly Pants…. When a ghastly giant comes crashing through the Kingdom one day, the townsfolk fear for their lives. He's knocking down the buildings! He's breathing his stinky breath all over the place! He must be stopped! So the King decrees that ALL knights be sent to slay the giant - and whoever succeeds will be knighted BRAVEST IN THE LAND

Beastley Pirates…. this fearsome ugly bunch scour the seas for other pirates they can gobble up for lunch. The scariest sailors on the seven seas. They're a cutlass-toting, pirate-eating bunch of renegades and the list of their dastardly deeds is endless.

Munch, Bunch, Pirate Lunch! If YOU were a pirate, what would you have for lunch? Fish soup? Shark on toast? Not these Pirates! They like something a little munchier, a little crunchier ...a little more 'piratey'…But who will end up on the dinner plate?

Can I Join your Club?….Duck wants to join a club. But he needs to be able to ROAR to join Lion Club, or TRUMPET to join Elephant Club. And all he can do is QUACK! What's a Duck to do? Why, set up his own club of course...where everyone is welcome to join!

Independent book supplier Elaine Penrose will be supporting this event.

Books will be signed by the author. Please return slip below to the school office.


All books will be sold @ £5.50each (rrp£6.99) Buy any 2 books for £10.00

Name...... Class......

Sir Scaly Pants......

Can I join Your Club…………………………………

Beastley Pirates ………………………………………….

Munch Crunch Pirate Lunch………………………..

Cheques made payable to ...... Elaine Penrose