ITC Meeting Minutes 1.14.2016

In Attendance: Angela Neria, Randy Roberts, Barbara Herbert, Liz Mascher,

Tracey Mussa, Erin Sullivan, Joe Ensch, Bruce Dallman, Sara Peak, Brenda Frieden, Josh McElhaney (conferenced in), Dai Li, Peter Rosen, Lee Young, Khamis Siam, Melinda Roelfs, Hilary Unruh.

Angela Neria started the meeting –


·  1. Campus IT Updates

·  2. SWOT Analysis Results and Group work.

Barbara Herbert and Angela shared Campus IT Updates

·  ERP Update – There are four stages to the Oracle Cloud implementation. 1. Finance 2. Human Resource 3. Budget and 4. Talent Management.

o  Barbara stated the testing part of finance has been completed, testing and configuration for Human Resource (HCM) will begin February 1st and continue through February and March. Oracle will be on campus for three weeks. This is a completely different group of Oracle people and workshops than Finance. They will go over how the system works, the different screens used, and testing configuration.

o  HCM will go live once configuration has been analyzed.

o  Goals and performance management will begin once HCM goes live. Barbara Winter, Jim Hughes and staff have been heavily involved. Barbara and Jamie Compton will begin a traveling “roadshow” to talk to departments in small groups.

o  The accounting process and chart of accounts will change through Oracle.

o  Student tuition assessment and payment is being tested. There will be student communication and modification so they will not be impacted in a negative way.

o  Melinda Roelfs asked if students will continue to pay by CashNet. Barbara answered yes, and the experience for the student will be similar but better. Student invoices will be easier to read for the students.

o  Lee Young asked if there will be processes changed in the area of residence hall payments. Barbara said the assessment process will be on our end. We will assess, review the bill, send information to Oracle, and if there is an error the student will be able to see what the error was on their bill.

o  Angela added that we have to look at data and make sure it is clean and correct.

·  ABC Event System –

o  ABC SignUp is who Advancement purchased the new event system though.

o  We have 20 licenses available for purchase. Please contact Denise Quier @ 620-235-4762 or for more information.

o  Becky Qualls has been offering trainings on the new system. 30 people have attended so far.

o  There have been 30 events entered in the system, some are live events and some are examples for training.

o  Popular features include copying an old or existing event, printing name tags, labels and signup sheets. The ABC Event Systems offers great reporting, and setting a limit for people registration.

o  Gorilla Geeks will help set up events for those departments that only have one or two events per year.

§  Liz Mascher asked if old events can still be seen in the old GUS event system. Barbara said yes, the event system in GUS has been disabled but old events can still be seen.

·  My GUS Portal – Angela said the new My GUS Portal will go live Jan. 21, 2016.

o  Feedback – there has been lots of positive feedback, especially from students.

o is where you can find the system in beta now

o  SSO – Anything with a white check mark is single sign on.

§  Khamis Siam asked how long the single sign on is open for until it times out. Angela said she will check with John Kuefler but believes that it varies. GUS times out after 40 minutes. Zimbra does not time out. Etc.

o  Search Feature – Log into My GUS to access the search feature.

o  Favorite Features – Search and bookmark favorite apps. There will be an online video available and a brown bag lunch will be offered for trainings on the new features.

o  Angela showed examples of what she created under her Favorite Apps. The new features seem very easy to use and are mobile friendly.

·  GusPrint –

o  Lessons learned – Students liked using their mobile devices but did not like having to pre choose their print location. Now there is a new feature: Print Anywhere. They can print from any mobile device, select Print Anywhere, and release the job at ANY GusPrint release station once they arrive at the station of choice.

o  The three library print stations are being used heavily but other locations such as the student center are not being used as much.

§  To draw more attention to other locations there will be a PSA ran on CAPS 13.

§  Brett Dalton will send out messages on social media

§  Table tents will be placed in the student center.

o  Tracey Mussa said there has been some usage in Hughes but not a lot. There was also complaints about color copy printing prices.

·  IT Survey Results

o  There was good feedback and the data is now being formatted into a more readable document.

o  Vision for wifi/dorms – There is a rule against wireless printers and routers in the dorms. If there is a wireless issue, 95% of the time it is because they or their neighbor have a device that is interfering with the signals.

§  87% of internet use on campus is from dorms. There has not been a price increase on internet fees in 14 years.

§  It was determined that cable is not being used as heavily in dorms, students are primarily streaming Netflix.

o  Bruce Dallman asked what the distribution of fees is. Angela stated that the fees are based on the number of wired drops each department had 14 years ago. It’s based on the number of lines, not usage fees. Angela suggests internet fees become like a utility fee.

o  According to the IT survey, students have no interest in attending IT trainings that are offered on campus outside of class

·  IT Lifecycles Considerations –

o  This is a concern that was identified by the ITC several years ago and is now getting some traction due to the importance of moving EOL items (especially OSs) off of the network for security reasons.

o  We have a continued issues with supporting EOL items on the University network, which puts us in great danger as there are no security patches for these items.

o  Surveyed techs and their current practices for end of life on software, hardware, etc.

o  The hope is to create a policy focused on ensuring that campus is secure, hence the policy would focus on Operating Systems (OSs) and browsers at this time. The policy would need to be reviewed each year in order to stay abreast of threats, etc.

Next Angela went over the SWOT Results

·  SWOT analysis report – Emerging themes :

o  Related to collaboration

o  Related to IT manpower

o  Related to training clients, learning spaces, instructional design, etc.

o  Related to campus culture as well as client skill/demands/comfort

o  Related to mandate (KBOR, state, fed, accreditation, etc.)

o  Related to budgets

o  Related to IT standardization (systems, processes, etc.)

o  Related to IT stability (systems, planning, disasters, threats)

o  Related to communication efforts towards campus

o  NOTE: Need more information to determine what the member was trying to express.

Angela broke everyone up into three groups.

Group Work:

·  Define items in black. Give feedback for those items.

·  Review Themes

o  Are they accurate?

o  How do they relate to PSU Goals?

o  Does your group see any goals emerging from the themes? Please list.

The next ITC meeting is March 3rd 1:30 in the CTLT.