Supplementary Materials
Table S1. Ostracod Occurrences among study lakes. Lulu Lake (LL) was the most diverse and least impacted by human activities; Lilly Lake (LY) was least diverse/most impacted. FW = Fowler; MS = Moose; PK = Pickerel; RK = Rock; SPT = Spirit; BT = Big Twin; MT = Montgomery; SPR = Spring; WST = West. Synonyms are primarily from Forester et al 2005; Karonovic, 2006; and Meisch, 2000.
Ostracod species / Known Synonyms / Sites / Lake Sites (N=12)Physocypria globula Furtos, 1933 / 11 / BT, FW, LL, HK, MS, MT, RK, PK, LY, SPT, WST
Cypridopsis vidua (Müller, 1776) / 11 / BT, FW, LL, HK, MS, RK, PK, SPR, SPT, MT,WST
Cypria ophtalmica (Jurine), 1820 / 11 / BT, FW, LL, HK, MS, RK, PK, LY, SPR, SPT, WST
Candona (Candona) inopinata (Furtos, 1933) Karonovic, 2006. / Candona truncata Furtos, 1933
Candona indigena Hoff, 1945 / 6 / HK, LL, PK, RK, SPR, SPT,
Darwinula stevensoni (Brady & Robertson, 1870) / 6 / FW, LY, LL, PK, RK, SPT
Candona (Candona) crogmaniana (Turner, 1894), Karonovic, 2006. / Candona crogmaniana Turner, 1894 / 6 / LL, SPR,WST, HK, PK, RK
Limnocytherina varia Staplin 1963 (Delorme, 1971; Meisch, 2000) / Limnocythere (Limnocytherina) varia Staplin, 1963(Staplin 1963,
Delorme, 1967) / 5 / FW, LL, RK, SPT, SPR
Eucandona rectangulata (Alm, 1914); Karonovic, 2006 / Candona distincta Furtos, 1933 / 4 / BT, FW, HK, LL
Candona (Candona) caudata (Kaufmann,1900), Karonovic, 2006. / Candona caudata Kaufmann, 1900
Fabaeformiscandona caudata (Kaufmann, 1900), Meisch 2000. / 4 / BT, FW, HK, RK
Potamocypris smaragdina (Vávra, 1891) / 3 / BT, FW, LY
Cyclocypris sharpei Furtos, 1933 / 3 / LL, SPR, WST
Cyclocypris forbesi Sharpe, 1897 / 3 / LL, PK, RK
Typhlocypris(Typhlocypris) punctata (Furtos, 1933), Karonovic, 2006. / Candona punctata Furtos, 1933 / 3 / LL, MS, RK
Candona(Candona) ohioensis (Furtos, 1933), Karonovic, 2006. / Candona ohioensis Furtos, 1933 / 3 / HK, MS, PK
Candona (Candona) acuta (Hoff, 1942), Karonovic, 2006. / Candona acuta Hoff, 1942 / 3 / SPT, MT, FW
Cypria turneri Hoff, 1942 / 2 / LL, RK
Candona(Candona) decora (Furtos, 1933), Karonovic, 2006. / Candona decora Furtos, 1933
Candona fossulensis Hoff, 1942 / 2 / FW, MS
Typhlocypris (Typhlocypris) elliptica (Furtos, 1933), Karonovic, 2006. / Candona elliptica Furtos, 1933 / 2 / HK, PK
Typhlocypris (Pseudocandona) albicans (Brady, 1864), Karonovic, 2006. / Candona albicans Brady, 1864;
Pseudocandona albicans (Brady, 1864), Meisch 2000. / 2 / FW, SPT
Candona (Candona) inopinata (Furtos, 1933), Karonovic, 2006. / Candona indigena Hoff, 1942
Candona truncata Furtos, 1933 / 2 / FW, PK
Cypricercus reticulatus Zaddach, 1844 / 1 / SPT
Cyclocypris ampla Furtos, 1933 / 1 / MT
Eucandona obtusa (Bronstein, 1947), Karonovic, 2006. / Candona rawsoni Tressler, 1954; Fabaeformiscandona rawsoni (Tressler, 1957) / 1 / LL
Average Occurrence / 4
Table S2. NMS Ordination Results. Lake scores based on the ostracod presence-absence matrix were correlated with lake variables. Species are listed according to their correlations with the lake scores. Species were excluded from this table if they occurred only once (see Table 1). Pearson correlation coefficients (r-values) were calculated. For the lake attributes and land uses associated with the lake sites (N = 12), the strongest correlations (r > 0.40) with the resultant lake scores (or loadings) are considered important contributors to variability along a given axis and are given below.
Parameter / NMS Axis 1 / NMS Axis 2OSTRACODS
/ r-values / r-valuesPotamocypris smaragdina / 0.989
Physocypria globula / 0.925
Eucandona rectangulata / 0.807
Limnocytherina varia / -0.597
Typhlocypris(Typhlocypris) punctata / -0.753
Cypridopsis vidua / -0.802
Candona (Candona) inopinata / -0.914
Cyclocypris ampla, C. sharpei, C. forbesi, / -0.939
Cypria ophtalmica and C. turneri / -0.988
Candona (Candona)caudata / -0.773
Candona (Candona) acuta / 0.564
Candona (Candona) ohioensis,
Candona (Candona) crogmaniana, and
Typhlocypris (Typhlocypris) elliptica / -0.929
Darwinula stevensoni / 0.229 / 0.250
Productivity Surrogates:Average total phosphorus / -0.534
Spring Chlorophyll a / -0.460
Total dissolved solids / -0.529
Insoluble residues (%) / -0.564
Sediment organic matter (%) / 0.708
Trace elements and pH:
Spring dissolved oxygen (sediment-water interface) / 0.714
Spring pH (sediment-water interface) / 0.713
Summer pH (sediment-water interface) / 0.589
Spring water conductivity / -0.633
Sulfur / -0.612
Spring Conductivity (sediment-water interface) / -0.611
Magnesium / -0.594
Lake Morphometry:
Lake Depth / -0.655
Lake Area / 0.650
Myriophyllum heterophyllum / 0.711
Myriophyllum spicatum / -0.515
Nuphar sp. / -0.603
Nymphaea sp. / -0.645
Potamogeton crispus / 0.551
Potamogeton richardsonii / -0.478
Riparian Forests (deciduous) / 0.471Riparian Wetlands (total) / -0.498
Riparian Forests (conifers) / -0.453
Riparian row-crop agriculture / -0.470
Catchment Wetlands (total) / -0.466 / 0.527
Watershed Forests (total) / -0.509
Watershed Grassland / -0.508