NOVEMBER ‘O7 NEWSLETTER--Ken & Melli Johnson

USA ADDRESS: 5404 Sharon Trail AFRICA ADDRESS: B. P. 122

Lakeland, FL 33810-5831 Bujumbura, Burundi, AFRICA

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Support address: Christian Missions In Many Lands (CMML), P. O. Box 13, Spring Lake, NJ 07762-0013

“Mommy, mommy! Don’t go!” wailed Cindy. (8)

Dear Friends and Family, November 7, 2007

A month ago Sarah, Carly and I were leaving Burundi for Kenya to start the adventure of “getting processed” (not so unlike being put through a meat grinder) by the regional office of the U. S. Embassy so that the girls could come to the USA, acquire “automatic” U.S. citizenship, and be home schooled with my sister, MaryLu. Little Cindy, left behind, was hugging me and crying, “Mommy, mommy, don’t go!” I pulled her arms away and looked into her teary eyes and said, “Well, dear, it’s either me or Daddy.” She brightened up and said, “YOU go, Mommy.” And that was that.

The process for gaining the immigrant visas through the US Embassy in Nairobi was complicated and at times stressful as we located offices, caught taxis, buses, matatus (sardine-packed vans with blaring music and erratic drivers). Once, as I was seated next to an open window, just as the vehicle began to move, a thief reached into the matatu hoping to grab my backpack. All he got was my gold necklace which broke leaving the cross pendant in my lap.

In spite of all the hassles, we did make it—with the help of the Lord all the way! The girls are in Florissant, Missouri (St. Louis suburb) with Bob and MaryLu Cannon and have already made friends with some of the kids at their church. What loving, caring and nurturing people! Sarah and Carly began their studies today, and I’m so excited for them. Thank you everyone for your prayers for the trip, for my girls and this new experience for all of us.

While I’m away, Ken is “holding the fort” in Burundi. And according to Cindy, Daddy does a great job. I know I’m missed but thankful that all is well there. Sort of gives me a new perspective on things to go away and realize that life goes on without me. Ha.

Special prayer request: Jesse Johnson’s wife, Joy (living at Kigobe Mission and pregnant with their 2nd child) experienced contractions at only 19 weeks and must take special precautions to prevent losing the baby. Please pray for God’s protection of both mother and baby. God’s promise in Philippians 4:7 is reassuring: “The peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Lots of Love, Melli, Ken and kids

P.S. To see the girls in their home school, click on over to the Picture Gallery.