Human Nutrition Course Outline

Iroquois High School

2011-2012 Academic Year

Instructor: Miss Ferguson

Contact Information:

Phone (Work): 652-3000 ext. 7119


Course Summary

Welcome to Human Nutrition! This course is designed to provide a broad general understanding of the fundamental principles of nutrition. The basic core includes such topics as energy, fat, protein, and carbohydrate requirements. The micronutrients, vitamins and minerals will also be discussed. The use of herbal, holistic foods and supplements will also be examined. Consideration of social, historical, economic, and psychological factors in relation to dietary practices, and how to plan and evaluate personal dietary intake will be studied. Extended areas of instruction including weight control, health foods, performance diets, eating disorders, and nutrition in relation to health and illness will be covered.

Necessary Daily Course Materials

3 Ring Binder – At least 2”

Dividers (8)

Folder - For Exercise Log

Pens and pencils

** I will not hand out pens or pencils to students who do not have them!


Grades will be broken down into the following areas. Each area will comprise a percentage of your final grade.

Tests – 35%

Quizzes – 10%

Homework Assignments – 15%

Lab Activities – 20%

Projects – 20%

Additional Student Expectations

1. You are responsible for getting the notes for any time you miss due to absence(s). These notes are available from the instructor or other students.

2. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or test, you have the amount of time equivalent to your absence to complete any evaluation. If you miss school on only the day a quiz or a test is given, you will be expected to complete it when you return to class. If you fail to complete it at this time, your grade will become a zero for that evaluation.

3. I reserve the right to inspect your notebooks at any time for evaluation. I may grade some or all of the notebooks at any time. I EXPECT YOU TO MAINTAIN SEPARATE NOTEBOOK(S) THAT ICAN COLLECT AT ANY TIME.

4.I expect all students to participate in all laboratory activities.
5. At all times, I expect your work to be your own. Work that is copied from another source or with help that is prohibited will receive no credit for that assignment.
6. If you know you are going to be out of school for an extended period,please arrange with me at least two weeks in advance means to obtain the work you will be missing.
7.Under no circumstances will late homework papers be accepted unless your special circumstances are discussed with me before the paper is due. Students will NOT be allowed to leave class to retrieve homework from their lockers.

8.I expect you to have required texts and materials present in any class or lab.

9. Follow the 5 B’s that are posted in the room.

Be Prepared

Be Prompt

Be Polite

Be Honest

Be Quiet

** Academic Integrity

Any student caught engaging in plagiarism or any other form of intellectual dishonesty will be immediately subject to penalty, including receiving no credit for the assignment/test and/or being awarded a non-passing grade for the course.

Plagiarism is the representation of the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic work. To avoid plagiarism, every direct quotation must be identified by quotation marks, or by appropriate indentation, and must be cited properly according to the accepted format for the particular discipline. Acknowledgment is also required when material from any source is paraphrased or summarized in whole or in part in one's own words.

Classroom Consequences

(5 general consequences, in sequential order to follow)

1. Warning (up to two or three warnings)

i.if signed behavior contracts, review proper behavior

ii.verbal, talk to student privately (during class or after)

iii.written, discuss it with the student and both sign copies of warning

iv. if involves many students, a discussion center, work out problem

2. Time Out / Silent Time

i.detention time, before or after school

3. Loss of an Ability/Responsibility

i.lose center time/activity

ii.lose recess, sit with teacher

iii.clean up – classroom, after- school

4. Written Assignment – how you would correct problem/situation/behavior, so that it will not occur again at home, as homework

5. Contact Counselor, Principal, or Parent

i. review child’s folder, discipline problems, research a way to help

ii. send to counselor if situation calls for this type of intervention

iii. send note/email home

iv. call parent

v. send to principal to cool off and discuss problems/solutions, to enforce

appropriate punishment as I.C.E. or referral to alternative school

vi.have parent-student-teacher conference – include all parties involved, but only at appropriate times, if needed, have student visit another teacher for a moment

Homework Policy

1.) Make-ups of undone or incomplete homework will not be allowed except for extenuating circumstances in the opinion of the instructor only.

2.) Assignments will be given to the class either by a posting in the room or on an assignment sheet at the start of each week. All assignments can also be found online on my webpage.

Extra Credit Policy

Students may watch a science documentary concerning a topic within the field of human nutrition. After viewing the documentary, type a one page synopsis of what you watched. Then, type a one page commentary on what you viewed. In your commentary, you might want to include your thoughts on the topic/documentary, what you learned or found interesting, what impact this topic might have on society, whether the documentary was easy to view or difficult and why. Turn in this paper to receive up to 5 points extra credit (points will be added on to homework or test grades). The paper should be Times, 12 pt font, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins. Students may complete 3 extra credit documentaries per quarter.

Please sign below and return

I, ______(student) am aware of and have read the course description, evaluation policy (on the course outline), extra credit policy, and homework policy for Miss Ferguson’s Nutrition Class for the year 2011- 2012.

Signature (student) ______Date ______