Sigma Chi Alpha Kappa Chapter Contingency Plans for Adverse Situations Occurring at Social Gatherings 2012-2013
Risk Manager, Ryne Bessmer: 402-305-5152
Consul, Andrew Smith: 719-339-9885
House Director, Debra Nevins: 517-425-4655
Hillsdale College Campus Security: 517-607-2454
Hillsdale Fire Department: 517-437-6451
Hillsdale Community Health Center: 517-437-4451
Hillsdale Police Department: 517-437-2753
Created August 2010
Revised February 2013
Table of Contents
Emergency Numbers 3
General Response Protocol 4
Action Offices 5
Emergency Response
Emergency Alcohol Response
7Alcohol Poisoning
8Drunk Driver
9Violation of Party Policy’s
Criminal Activity Response
10Assault / Murder / Hostage
11Fight (Mutual Assault)
12Deadly Weapon
13Rape / Sexual Assault
Utilities and Structural Response
17Loss of Electricity
17Loss of Gas
17Loss of Water
17Collapsed Building
Medical and Chemical Response
18Accidental or Natural Death
18Infectious Disease
19Suicide: Threatened or Attempted / Emotional Breakdown
20Hazardous Chemical Spill
Severe Weather
21Severe Winter Weather
Emergency Numbers
Campus/Community Numbers
Hillsdale Police911
Hillsdale Police Non-Emergency(517)-437-2753
Hillsdale County Sheriff(517)-437-7317
Michigan State Police(517)-849-9922
Poison Control1-800-222-1222
Campus Security(517)-607-2535
William Whorley – Director of Campus Security(517)-825-9931
Dean Petersen(517)-607-2330
John Lovinger – Go to Lawyer(517)-437-7210
Alpha Kappa Officers
ConsulAndrew Smith(719)-339-9885
Pro-Consul Aaron Snider(810)-569-2190
Risk Manager Ryne Bessmer(402)-305-5152
Public RelationsTom Lundberg(517)-610-1331
EMTJames Markman(517)-803-8667
General Response Procedures
These procedures may not be appropriate in every emergency situation. They provide guidelines to follow and may be modified according to circumstances.
In an emergency you may use the emergency response folders.
Step 1: Assure Human Safety
- Assess seriousness of emergency
- Call 911 if emergency is life threatening. Call campus security at 517-398-1522.
- Alert the Risk Manager, Consul and House Director.
- Before help arises, assure the safety of the persons in the chapter house. Evacuate if necessary. Attempt to stabilize injured persons if qualified.
Step 2: Minimize Damage of Facility
- It may be necessary to remove valuables.
- Clean anything which if left unclean would permanently damage it.
- Contact the House Manager and inform him of any damages.
Step 3: Coordinate Communications
- Notify the appropriate officers. I.e. The Consul, Pro-Consul, Risk Manager, House Manager, Public Relations Officer, IFC Representative etc.
- The appropriate officer will then contact college officials, family and friends. If the situation is not imminently threatening allow the appropriate officer to act as the representative for the fraternity.
Step 4: Minimize Legal and Financial Risks
- The Consul will contact the House Corps members as needed to make them aware of the situation.
- Fill out and incident report for every emergency situation.
Action Offices
The following officers have authority if present in emergency situations. If an officer is cited as involved, he should assume the responsibilities outlined below. In most cases, the complete list of responsibilities will not be repeated for each emergency. The rank of authority in emergency situations is as follows: Consul, Pro- Consul, Risk Manager.
Brother / Pledge
- First contact.
- Assess seriousness of situation, requests assistance from the appropriate brothers and officers in the house and from outside agencies (i.e. the police and campus security).
- Contacts individuals responsible for the area of campus and appropriate chapter officer depending on the nature of the situation.
- If the designated officer as outlined in each scenario is unavailable, locate another member of the executive committee to assist with the emergency.
- Coordinates administrative actions taken on behalf of the Chapter in dealing with the emergency at hand.
- Contacts the Dean of Students and Housing Corporation as appropriate.
- In some emergencies, contacts families.
Pro Consul
- Assists the Consul in the execution of his duties. Assumes the duties of the Consul in his absence.
- Coordinates evacuation of the Chapter House as needed and accounts for the members living in the Chapter House.
- Contacts counseling services as needed.
- Contacts and coordinates the executive committee as needed.
Risk Manager
- Coordinates the execution of the emergency action plan.
- Assesses the extent of the medical attention needed and provides treatment in conjunction with the house EMT.
- Coordinates with emergency personnel in the community as needed.
- Fills out incident reports for all emergency situations and gathers copies of police reports as needed.
House EMT:
- In the event of a medical emergency, assesses the condition of the victim(s) and administers necessary treatment and alerts the Risk Manager and coordinates the Pledge Class First Responders.
- Manages the triage area in conjunction with the Risk Manager.
Public Relations Officer:
- After contact from the Executive Committee, determines the nature and extent of communications. Will consider: seriousness of emergency, appropriate audiences for information, appropriate or possible vehicles of communication, and legal constraints.
- Refers all media inquiries to the Dean of Men or Vice President of Student Affairs.
- Coordinates communications as necessary with parents, prospective students, Alumni, Faculty and Staff, and other appropriate audiences.
Alcohol Poisoning
- If one is suspected of having alcohol poisoning, ensure he or she is not lying directly on his or her back or face.
- Signs of Alcohol Poisoning are:
- Cold, clammy, pale, or bluish skin
- Unconscious or unable to be roused
- Slow or irregular breathing
- Puking repeatedly or uncontrollably
- Assess the situation. Send another person immediately to report to the Risk Manager, Consul, and the House EMT while someone stays with the victim.
- If the victim is unconscious, having difficulty breathing, out of control, a potential danger to self or others, or otherwise medically unstable, call 911 and then call campus security at 517-607-2535.
- If the victim is conscious but ill or disoriented, monitor his/her vital signs and assess his/her condition further as necessary.
If the decision is made to go to the hospital, it must not be delayed.
Drunk Driver
If anybody is visibly intoxicated, it is the BROTHER’SResponsibility to take their keys and/or otherwise prevent them from getting behind the wheel of a car.
Drunk Driving is one of the biggest risks Sigma Chi faces, and should be handled with the utmost seriousness.
- Ask for their keys, and give them to the Consul, Pro-Consul, or Risk Manager.
- If they will not give you their keys, volunteer to walk/drive them home.
- If they refuse this, ask if they want campus security to take them home.
Upon refusal, call campus security and have them escort the person home.
Violation of Party Policy
Open Source of Alcohol
- Alert Risk Manager and Consul before any action is taken.
- Risk Manager and Consul will remove the source
- Risk Manager and Consul will then counsel the person who brought it.
Drinking on the first floor
- Tell the person with alcohol to either take it upstairs or remove themselves from the party.
- If the person persists, contact Risk Manager, and Consul if necessary.
- Remove from party
- If the situation escalates, call campus security.
Drugs are brought into the House
- Contact Risk Manager and Consul, immediately remove the person from the premises.
Contact Campus Security and fill out an incident report.
Violent Altercation
- Find the Risk Manager and House Director immediately.
- Diffuse the situation verbally. Peaceful resolution of conflict is the ideal mode.
- If a weapon is involved, immediately evacuate the area.
- If the condition is life threatening, call 911 and campus security at 517-607-2535.
- The police will assume command of the situation.
- If the victim is transported to the hospital, notify security.
- The Consul and Dean of Men contact the family of the victim.
- Victim should be advised on his right to file charges.
The Consul, in conjunction with the Associate Dean of Men, works with counseling to attend to the chapter’s concerns.
- If a fight should occur between a brother and a non-brother, attempt to defuse the situation verbally. If unsuccessful, protect your brother and the house.
- If between two non-brothers, split them up and call campus security, quell the situation if at all possible. If they want to leave the house, do not restrain them.
- If between two brothers, split them up and do what is necessary to alleviate the dispute.
Deadly Weapons
- Call 911.
- Evacuate the area.
- Identify assailant, if possible.
- Isolate yourselves away from assailant. Lockdown the area.
- Call Security, Consul, Risk Manager, and House Director.
Rape/Sexual Assault
- Should this be perceived, STOP IT FROM HAPPENING.
- If the perpetrator can be restrained, restrain him until Campus Security or 911 can be called. Get him out of view of the victim.
- Remain with the victim until help arrives. Provide her with a blanket or something to cover up with.
- Encourage the victim to contact police, if not already contacted.
- Encourage the victim to go to the hospital to treat injuries, prevent STD’s, and to gather legal evidence for possible future use. Recommend that the victim not shower, douche, or change clothing.
- Encourage the victim to talk with police; the victim can choose later whether or not to press charges.
- The Consul contacts Dean of Men that rape/assault has been reported, but the name of the victim should not be revealed without specific permission of said victim.
This activity would qualify as a crisis if the victim were threatened by unknown assailant or if the theft was of Alpha Kappa resources or property valued at $1000.oo or more – artwork, computers, science equipment, or other office equipment, books or cash could be among the property stolen. If the individual property was stolen, advise the victim to call the police and the Dean of Men and make an inventory.
Contact 911 and Security, then the Consul and Risk Manager. Hillsdale Police assume on-site command of scene and advises on matters of evacuation of scene for review of evidence. The Risk Manager makes an inventory of stolen property. If the campus community could be endangered, the Consul should work with senior administrators to issue a campus and community alert.
The Pro Consul may work with counseling services to advise on counseling needs for the victim and the chapter. House Manager will coordinate clean up and installation of new locks or lock changes.
- If caught in the act, stop them immediately.
- Contact Campus Security, and file a report. Contact 911 if necessary.
- Contact Consul, Risk Manager, House Director, and House Manager.
- Fill out a Sigma Chi incidence report.
- Pull Fire Alarm. All of the fire alarms automatically alert Hillsdale P.D. and Fire Dept.
- Use fire extinguishers only if the fire is small.
- Evacuate the Chapter House and move a safe distance away. A safe distance is 200 feet. Paul house.
- During evacuation, close all possible doors to contain fire, but do not lock them.
- Once a safe distance has been established, call 911 and Campus Security.
- Until Fire Dept. arrives, First Aid personnel are to care for the injured.
- Should the need arise, a triage area is to be setup.
- Fire Dept. will assume control upon arrival.
- Public Relations Officer prepares communications to internal and external audiences.
NOTE: If you become trapped inside the house, stay near the floor where the air is less toxic. Seal the bottom of the exit door and break out a top and bottom window to release smoke and bring in breathable air. Exit through window if possible. Place a marker (piece of clothing) hanging out the window for rescue personnel to see. Shout regularly to alert rescue personnel of your presence. Be Calm.
Fire Alarm LocationsFire Extinguisher Locations
Outer HellInner Hell
Main Floor Front EntranceGreen Room, Laundry
2nd Floor Main Hallway2nd Floor,Top of Front Stairs
3rd Floor Brothers RoomBrothers Room
Loss of Electricity
- If electrical loss is discovered contact Maintenance (day) or security (nights and weekends)
- Responders will assess if the outage is long-term or serious in nature and will take care of necessary repairs.
Gas Leak:
- If gas is reported leaking, or gas supply seems cut off, immediately contact security and open all available windows as a precaution.
- Security/Maintenance dispatches staff whose first responsibility is the safety of those in the vicinity. Evacuation may be necessary and should be done on the advice of the responders. (If there is an evacuation, have the area ventilated).
Loss of Water Supply/Water Contamination:
- If water supply is cut off or water is contaminated by chemical or natural elements, call maintenance.
- First Aid personnel administer treatment to those affected by contaminated water as necessary; Risk Manger contacts poison control.
Collapse of Building, Floor, Walls, Ceiling:
- Assess the situation. If life threatening, contact 911 and security, then the Consul and Risk Manager. If not life threatening, call security. Evacuate the building.
- If rescue is required, the Hillsdale police will have control of the emergency.
- If necessary, establish triage area and administer first aid until further assistance arrives.
- Contact 911and security, then the Consul and Risk Manager.
- Immediately evacuate the Chapter House.
- Hillsdale Fire Department will assume jurisdiction for an explosion that causes fire or that could emit toxic fumes.
- Establish triage area and administer first aid.
Accidental or Natural Death
1.Call 911 and then security.
2.Consul works, in conjunction with Dean of Men and Vice President of Student Affairs, with the family to plan memorial service or other acknowledgement of loss.
- Pro Consul works with Counseling Services to help manage grief and help advise the Chapter on counseling needs.
Illness or Injury
This situation would be considered an emergency if the illness or injury were life threatening or if the situation involved several people.
1.Assess the situation. If the condition is life-threatening or if those who discover the situation are unsure, call 911.
2.If the situation is serious, contact security.
- Report to the Consul and the Risk Manager.
- If the victim(s) is/are transported to the hospital, contact security.
- Counseling may be called to attend to concerns of roommates, etc.
Infectious Diseases:
1.Immediately quarantine the victim(s) and contact the Health Center or the Emergency Room.
2.Contact the college physician or the Dean of Men if infectious, potentially fatal disease is reported.
- Counseling may be called upon to provide assistance to the victim’s friends.
Dangerous Emotional Breakdown/Irrational Behavior:
1.Contact Security who notifies the Dean of Men. The Dean of Men assesses the situation and decides on appropriate action. If the situation becomes threatening to the victim or others, call 911.
- Security # 517-398-1522
2.Notify the Consul and Risk Manager.
3.The Dean of Men or College counseling staff monitors follow up.
Threats of Suicide
1.Assess the situation. If the threat is serious, seek assistance from professional staff (Counseling or Dean of Men) even if the name of the student remains confidential .
2.Consider the nature of the threat. Has there been any previous suicide attempt? Does he have a plan? Are the means available? Is the person feeling hopeless? Has there been a recent radical change in his lifestyle? Has there been a recent traumatic event?
3.Take the threat seriously. Contract with him for time. When the threat is serious, do not leave him alone.
4.If other members of the Chapter have been involved, the Pro Consul coordinates follow-up care.
Attempted or Actual Suicide
1.Contact 911 then security immediately, then the Consul and Risk Manager.
2.Administer First Aid as required until further help arrives.
3.Public Relations officer works with the college’s Vice President of Student Affairs, Dean of Men, and Public Affairs office.
- Consul works with Counseling, in coordination with Dean of Men, to develop a follow-up plan for the Chapter.
Hazardous Material
A.Hazardous materials are those chemicals or substances listed by the EPA as being subject to special inventory, storage, and disposal requirements.
B.In general, any material that is inflammable, corrosive, reactive or toxic is hazardous. If you are uncertain about a substance, consider it hazardous.
1.Flammability: Anything that has a flash point of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit or which burns readily. Such material is usually marked with a red diamond shaped label. On campus, paint thinners, gas and oils and acetone are common examples.
2.Corrosives: Anything with a pH of less than 2 or greater than 12.5 or which corrodes steel at a rate greater than 1/4 an inch per year. Such material is usually marked with a black and white diamond shaped label. Acids in the science departments and strong cleaners in physical plant are common examples.
3.Reactivity: Unstable compounds, compounds that react violently with water, and compounds that give off toxic gasses when mixed with water. Such material is marked with a yellow, diamond shaped label, and most likely to be encountered in the science departments.
4.EP toxicity: Any material from which certain toxic substances will leach when the material is soaked in water under a standard set of conditions. Such material is marked with a white diamond shaped label. These are poisons or irritants and most common in the Science Departments.
Around the house, most notable are the cleaning materials we use. Certain cleaning agents, when mixed, can have very harmful reactions. Exercise caution when using chemicals around the Chapter House; if there is any doubt as to whether or not chemicals will react, do not use them and ask for assistance.
Natural Elements
Snow or Travel Warning
- Officers monitor communications with the college about the cancellation of classes and alert the rest of the house. Encourage brothers to not go out. Keep paths salted and shoveled.
- If snowed in conserve food and heat.
- City Sirens will signal a tornado warning or sighting. A true tornado-warning siren will last a full three minutes.
- Take shelter immediately in the common area in basement.