Agro met Advisory Bulletin for the State of Himachal Pradesh

Bulletin No. 059/2017 Dated28.07.2017

Issued onFridayValid For28.07.2017to 01.08.2017

Weather Summary (23rdJulyto 28thJuly 2017)
Rainfall occurred overfew placesover the state on20thJuly,on21st ,22nd & 24thJuly at manyplaces, on 23rd July at most places. Maximum temperaturesMinimum temperatures were normal.
(VALID TILL 08:30 IST of the next day)
Date / Plains/Low Hills / Middle Hills / High Hills
Today / Rain/Thundershowers at many places. / Rain/Thundershowers at many places / Rain/Snow at few places.
29th July, 2017 / Rain/Thundershowers at many places. / Rain/Thundershowers at many places / Rain/Snow at few places.
30th July, 2017 / Rain/Thundershowers at many places. / Rain/Thundershowers at many places / Rain/Snow at few places.
Outlook for next 4 days (up to 0830 hrs. of 01stAugust2017)
Fairly Widespread Rainfall likely to occur till 27th July Widespread rainfall thereafter over the state.

Rainfall forecast for the next five days (28th July-01thAugust,2017)

Standard Precipitation Index

Four Weekly for the period 11thMay to 07th June 2017

  • Extremely/severely wet conditions experienced in East Singbhum district of Jharkhand; Kannauj, Aligarh, Etah districts of Uttar Pradesh; Chamoli, Rudraprayag districts of Uttarakhand; Faridabad district of Haryana; Nawanshahar, Sas Nagar Mohali districts of Punjab; Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh; Ashoknagar district of Madhya Pradesh; Erode, Madurai, Virudhunagar, Krishnagiri districts of Tamil Nadu & Puducherry; Bangalore Rural, Bangalore Urban, Chamarajanagar, Kolar, Mandya, Ramanagara districts of Karnataka.
  • Extremely/Severely dry conditions experienced in Bongaigaon district of Assam; Ri-Bhoi district of Meghalaya; South Dinajpur district of West Bengal; Nawapara district of Odisha; Gumla, Simdega districts of Jharkhand; Sangli district of Maharashtra; Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh.
  • Moderately dry conditions experienced in few districts of Odisha, Saurashtra, Kutch & Diu; Goalpara, Kamrup districts of Assam; West Garo Hills district of Meghalaya; Jalpaiguri, Howrah, Kolkata districts of West Bengal; Garhwa, Koderma, Palamu districts of Jharkhand; Mahamaya Nagar, Pilibhit districts of Uttar Pradesh; Rajsamand district of Rajasthan; Ahmedabad, Baroda districts of Gujarat Region; Thane district of Konkan & Goa; Sholapur district of Maharashtra; Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh; Kasargod district of Kerala.
  • Rest of the country experienced moderately wet/mildly dry/mildly wet conditions.

Crop information and Agromet Advisories

(Crop stages of major crops and state as collected from AMFUs and State Department of Agriculture, Himachal Pradesh)

Mid Hills Sub Humid
Districts / Fruit Crops
Apple and stone fruits / Vegetables / Agro-forestry
Shimla / FS/BF / V / S
Solan / FS/BF / V / S
Sirmaur / FS/BF / V / S
Districts / Kharif Crops / Fodder Crops / Vegetables / Horticulture / Agro-forestry / Tea / Poly house Agriculture
(Tomato, Brinjal, Chillies, Cucurbits) / Floriculture / Mushroom / Poultry / Fisheries / Apiculture
Pulses / Cauliflower / Oil Seeds / Radish, Turnip & Peas / Ginger,turmeric,colocasia,eggplant and other leafy vegetables / Potato
Hamirpur / S / S / S / V / M / V / ICOs / V / H / S / - / V / FS / H / CB / SS / HE
Bilaspur / S / S / S / V / M / V / ICOs / V / H / S / - / V / FS / H / CB / SS / HE
Una / S / S / S / V / M / V / ICOs / V / H / S / - / V / FS / H / CB / SS / HE
Kangra / S / S / S / V / M / V / ICOs / V / H / S / FA / V / FS / H / CB / SS / HE
Chamba / S / S / S / V / M / V / ICOs / V / H / S / FA / V / FS / H / CB / SS / HE
High Hills Temperate Wet
Districts / Apples & Others / Vegetables
Kullu / WOs / W&H
Mandi / WOs / W&H
High Hills Temperate Dry
Districts / FruitsApple / Poly house
Kinnaur / BP / V
LahaulSpiti / BP / V
Crop Stages Index
NP / Nursery Preparation / G / Grafting / G / Germination
DS / Direct Sowing / V / Vegetative Stage / St / Storage
GF / Grain Formation Stage / S / Sowing stage / FD / Fruit Development
P / Planting / PF / Potato Formation / TP / Tea Picking
V&F / Vegetative and Fruiting stage / TS / Transplanting Stage / R / Rearing
SC / Seed Collection / CB / Chick Brooding / HE / Honey extraction

Crop Advisories and Plant Protection

Rabi crops: Advised storage of the grains at appropriate (12 % ) moisture. Before storage, grains should be properly cleaned and it should be dried to the recommended level of moisture content. Godowns should be properly cleaned by removing all the grains and other storage matter of previous crop. Cracks and crevices of the walls should be cleaned and repaired and whitewashing should be done. Those who can afford are advised to spray 0.5 % malathion solution and keep the chamber closed for 7-8 days. The gunny bags should be dried in the sun so that eggs and pupating stages of insects as well as inoculum of diseases get destroyed. Storage of grains should be done in morning hours

Kharif Crops: Sowing stage:Paddy nurseries sowing is advised and ensure proper soil moisture before nursery sowing and treat the seed before nursery sowing with bavistin @2.5 gm per kg of seed and maize sowing after 20th May.

  • Maize sowing may be done after rains . For weed control in maize spray recommended dose of atrazine 50 wp 1.75-2.25 litres per hectare in 800 litres of water within 48 hours of sowing.
  • For control of cut worms and white grubs in maize spray 2 litres of chloropyriphos 20 EC mixed with 25 kg sand per hactare

Kharif crop preparation:

  • Do deep ploughing of fields after harvesting of Rabi crops. It helps in destroying the eggs and pupating stages of insects and weed seeds.
  • After harvesting of rabi crops farmers are advised to test their soil from certified agencies and to do laser leveling in their field if required.
  • Sowing of green manure crop is advised where harvesting of rabi crop is over. For green manuring cluster bean, daincha, senai, lobia etc may be sown and ensure proper moisture for proper germination and growth of the crop.

Pulses: Sowing Stage: Advised to intercultural operation and weed free in moong and mash in irrigated areas advised. In rainfed regions ensure proper moisture.

In High hills regionscomplete sowing of peas, French bean and Ogla and phafra can be done Sowing of palak, raddish, turnip and carrot in addition to transplanting of cabbage , Cauliflower brocloi and exotic vegetables Advised to complete sowing of Clover and fescue grass. In high hilly intercultural operations and urea dose to peas, turnip, carrot, palak etc advised.

Fodder crops& Grasslands/pastures : Sowing: Advised to sowing of fodder maize alongwith cowpeas and soybean in irrigated areas. Directed to spray glyphosate 1% solutions in the grasslands/pastures having lantana bushes with 2-3 leaves stage. For Ageratum, erigeron, bidens andparthenium in grasslands, spray 2-4-D @60ml in 30 litre of water in one kanal.Ensure spary during morning and evening in low wind conditions. Avoid spray near to crop lands where crop ready for harvest. In mid hill regions one cut of berseem can be taken.

Vegetable crops: Advised light irrigation in Vegetables crops after ensuring the rains.High temperature expected, farmers are advised for harvesting of mature vegetables at morning and evening and after harvesting of crops keep it in the shade.

  • Cucurbits: Vegetative Stage:In lower regions, start sowing of cucurbits crops in this week. Cucurbitaceous crops, if attack of red pumpkin beetle is found than, spraying of Diclorvos 76 EC (DDVP) @ 1 gram per litre of water is advised. Optimum moisture level should be maintained in cucurbitaceous crops by light and frequent irrigation as dry conditions may lead to poor pollination and thus drop in yield of the crop.
  • Farmers are advised to give light irrigation in the mature onion and garlic crops one week before digging.
  • Shoot and fruit borer in brinjal and tomato crops expected , infested fruits and shoots should be collected and buried inside the soil. If pest population is high, spraying of Spinosad 48 EC @ 1 ml /4 litres of water is advised.Installation of pheromone trap @ 2-3 traps per acre of crop field is advised for monitoring the borer. For damping off disease in seedling raising of tomato, brinjal, chilles and capsicum etc treat seed beds with formalin 5 litres/100 litres water before 15-20 days of sowing . Drenching os seedbeds with solution of 25 g Mancozeb and 5 gram carbendazim in 10 litrs of water.
  • Constant monitoring of the chilli crop against attack of mites is advised. Irrigation should be done in the morning hours or in the evening hours.
  • Cauliflower and Other vegetables: Vegetative Stage:For Leaf feeders in cole crop Spray of Spinosad @1 ml \ 3 litre of water when sky remains clear.The downy mildew is expected in cruciferous vegetables, for control spray redomil M-Z @ 25 g per litres of water at 15 days interval.
  • French bean and okra: Sowing Stage: Advised sowing of bhindi and frenchbean in the field. Pre-emergence spray of Lasso (Alachlor) @ 3 lit. or Stomp (Pendimethalin) @ 4 lit. per 750 litres of water per hectare can be done for effective weed control in Okra and French bean (within two days of sowing).Monitor of lady finger crop against attack of mite is advised. Spraying of Ethion @ 1.5-2 ml/litre of water is advised.

Potato: It is optimum time for sowing of Potato in field.

Poly house Agriculture:It is optimum time for nursery sowing of Tomato, Brinjal, chillies and capsicum crops in poly house. Cucurbits plantation may be done inpolytubes under the polyhouse..Sowing of green coriander, radish turnip is advised.

Livestock: Cattle, Sheep and Goat etc. : To protect animals from high temp stress splash water on their body 2-3 times a day. Milk the animals during cooler place Monitor the animals for FMD and advised Protect calves against parasites, get them dewormed with piperazine liquid @ 4 ml/kg body weight, first at 10 days of age, then 15 days and then monthly upto three months of age and then quarterly upto one year of age. Vaccination. Ecto-parasite attack is expected in this weather for control spray Butox @ 2ml per litre in cowshed Give mixture of hay & green fodder

Poultry: Chick Brooding: Temperature is rising above 300C, so ensure proper ventilation in poultry houses. Make sure to deworm your older flocks every month against round-worms. Replace the poultry houses with fresh litter and keep the houses clean and ensure drinking water to the birds. For precautionary measures spray formaline 40% @ 1litre in 9 litres of water in outside or surrounding of farm.

Horticulture:If Mango plant hopper may attack, for control spray,BUPROFEZIN25%SC 1-2 ml per litres of water Or DELTAMETHRIN2.8% EC 0.03 to 05% solution. In litchi fruit borer is appearing for control spray cypermethrin 10EC @ 1 ml per litre of water at 15 days interval.Farmers are advised frequent irrigation to citrus, mango and Kino orchards.

Tea: Tea Picking Stage: Advised picking in tea at 8 days interval to maintain the quality and productivity.

Mushrooms: Continue harvesting and Maintain room temperature 18-22oC and relative humidity around 85% for successful cultivation. For fungal Disease use Bavistin @.05%

Agro forestry: Sowing Stage: It is Optimum time for sowing of seeds of babul, subabul, khair, amla and prosopis in polythene bags for raising nursery.The saplings of eucalyptus and bamboo may be transfer to polythene bags.

Apiculture : Honey Extraction Stage: Keep the colonies in shady places and sprinkle water if possible to reduce the heat as temperature rising high in the region. Insert the brood chamber without frame for ensuring aeration. Dust suplhur on sealed brood in the colony and not on larvae to control mites attack on honeybees.Also insert empty frame /combs for egg laying to the queen as the population starts builds up.

Fisheries: Rearing Stage:Maintain water level of five feet. Add supplementary feed (rice/wheat bran & mustard oil cake and rice/wheat bran) @ 2-3% of total fish biomass on daily basis.

Floriculture: Flowering stage:Earthing up operation in gladiolus and disbudding in carnation can be taken up Transplant the bulbs of Gladiolus and Rajnigandha. It is optimum time for raising nursery of summer annuals like gladiolus,portulaca,gomphrina and china aster etc . Complete pinching and stalking in carnation.