/ Overhead Contact Systems (OCS) Subcommittee
Rail Transportation Standards Committee
Vehicular Technology Society
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
Minutes of Meeting 44
January 24-25, 2017 / Rock Region Metro Offices Training Room
901 Maple Street
North Little Rock, AR 72201 USA
Paul White / Sub-Committee Chairman /
Stephen Norton / Vice Chairman /
John Schlick / Secretary /
Peter M. Bartek / Honorary Secretary
Recording Secretary

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 24, 2017:

8:30 AM: OCS sub-committee (hereafter committee) members met at Rock Region Metro Betty J. Wineland Training Room, 901 Maple Street, North Little Rock, AR.

Administrative Business:

Committee Chairman, Paul White, HNTB Corporation, hereafter (Chair); called the meeting to order with a welcome to Little Rock and review of safety instructions - where to meet in event of building evacuation and rest room location.

Attendees introduced themselves to the group and attendance roster was circulated.

Rock Region Metro Presentation:

The Chair introduced Becca Green of Rock Region Metro (RRM). She welcomed the committee to Little Rock and gave an overview of the system. Some of the points were as follows. They are launching their new brand or Rock Region Metro, formerly Central Arkansas Transit Authority. 30th anniversary of RRM, streetcar running since 2004. 26 bus route that comprise 94% of their ridership; 3% paratransit, 3% streetcar. There will be a streetcar study this year reviewing older studies and studying new areas. The Streetcar does not connect to the main bus terminal or the airport. Streetcar is more of a tourist line than a commuter line.

Attendance, Travel Policy, Upcoming Meetings:

Tuesday, January 24, 2017 16 signed attendees

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 15 signed attendees

The Chair reviewed travel reimbursement policy and procedure. IEEE policy allows for certain travel expense reimbursement to certain agency personnel who are members of IEEE and our Society - Vehicular Technology Society, including retired members with tenure. David Thurston was in attendance and available to assist with any questions regarding this or working group activities. Expense report forms and instructions are available on the OCS web site:

Expense Report File Ref: http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/railtransit/ocs/OCSarchive2015/2015%20IEEE%20Expense%20Report-Charlotte%202015--.xlsx

Travel Expense Policy File Ref: http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/railtransit/ocs/OCS%20Reference%20Documents/VTS%20Travel%20Expense%20Policy.pdf

There were no objections to the previous meeting’s minutes.

The Chair reviewed IEEE policy regarding meetings and committee work, to refrain from competitive discussion and maintain a professional approach to all standards work.

Dinner will be at the Doubletree Hotel. Cocktails and Conversation starting at 6:00. Dinner and presentation provided by Michael Kaz of Raychem (TE).

Lunch for today will be provided by HNTB.

The Committee’s next meeting will take place during May. Locations discussed were Calgary (previously discussed), Cincinnati and Kansas City. It was decided that we’d go to Cincinnati the week of May 15.

The Committee discussed a fall meeting. Memphis was suggested.

Committee was reminded of InnoTrans in Berlin, Germany September 18-21, 2018. It was once again discussed to hold a subcommittee meeting there. Committee will present the idea to their employers to discuss the likelihood of approval. The Chair will send out an email regarding this. Plans will be discussed at the next meeting. The Committee was reminded that international travel for agency employees needs to be pre-approved by IEEE. Speak with Dave Thurston, if you have any questions.

Dave Thurston expressed IEEE’s thanks for our committee’s continued support.

IEEE correspondence was discussed. LinkedIn cannot be used for committee business. INeat was suggested.

The Chair encouraged the use of our committee’s and all IEEE standards in our work.

Joe Williams has retired and will no longer serve as the committee’s Recording Secretary. John Schlick will be the acting Recording Secretary for this meeting. The committee is looking for a volunteer to become the new Recording Secretary. No volunteers were found at this meeting. Position is currently vacant.

John Schlick to handle meeting, host and hotel arrangements.

Meeting adjourned for 15-minute break.

Meeting called to order.

Carl Wessel spoke about the University of Wisconsin – Madison Traction Power and Overhead training course April 3-4 in Madison. Carl is one of the instructors. The course gives an introduction to everything, TP, OCS, Ops, Maintenance, pantographs, etc. UoW-M website has a course list.

The Chair reviewed the PatCom slides.

Working Group (WG) Status Reports:

Standard P-1629 – Performance of Overhead Current Collectors for Transit Vehicles – Little update on this standard.

Standard P-1630 – Supporting Structures for Overhead Contact Systems for Transit Applications – this standard is published.

Standard P-1896 – Identification of Contact Wire Used in Overhead Contact Systems –standard is available for purchase from IEEE.

Standard P-2406 – Draft Standard for Disconnect Switch – Little update on this standard.

Draft Guide P-1833 – Design Criteria – discuss with Moises, if you want to help. Draft will be emailed out to the committee before the next meeting for comment. It will be reviewed at the next meeting in May. Moises will reapply for a PAR. Should be complete by fall.

Discussions on pole corrosion in salty areas or areas that use salt to de-ice roadways were held.

Break for Working Groups

Break for Lunch.

Continue Working Groups

Potential Standards

Testing & Commissioning Guide: This was discussed previously and now decided that it is a good idea to prepare this standard. It was decided that John Schlick will chair this standard going forward as he had the time to devote to it. If you are interested in supporting as a vice chair, please contact John.

Wednesday, January 25, 2016:

Next meeting will be in Cincinnati on May 16-17. Arrangements to be made and finalized.

No lunch planned today. For dinner meet in the lobby at 6:00.

Break for Working Groups

Potential Standard Testing & Commissioning Guide: discussed again. Will be just OCS and factory Productions Tests, Factory Acceptance Tests and Field Installation Tests. Will not include Field System Tests, like loop resistance testing. Will encourage other committees to develop a T&C standard as well.

12:30 Tour: A tour of the Rock Region Metro Streetcar Maintenance Facility and ride along the line.

John Schlick, Secretary