DATEJuly 6 2017

The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Fred Brezel called the meeting to order at 6:05 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

In attendance were Supervisors Fred Brezel,Brian McMurdy,Secretary / Treasurer Shari Kreutz, Ed from SCA-Pennsic

Minutes of June 6, 2017 Regular Meetingwere reviewed. Brian McMurdymade a motion to accept theminutes.Fred Brezelseconded the motion. Vote was taken on the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report was read by Shari Kreutz.Fred Brezelmade a motion to accept the report.Brian McMurdyseconded the motion. Vote was taken on the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Guest Speakers: Ed from SCA-Pennsic presented a donation of $4,000.00 was given to Worth Township. SCA-Pennsic wanted to thank the Township for putting up with all those that attend their event at Coopers Lake.

Public Comments:

Subdivision and Land Development.

Planning Commission Report:


Auditors Report:None

Tax Collector:

Road Crew Report:Mowed berms, patched holes, Double Sealed Reichert Road and mowed berms in West Liberty

Supervisor’s Reports:

Old Business:Fred Brezel made a motion to award the concrete/radiant heat bid to Heckman Builders of Stoneboro, PA. Brian McMurdy seconded the motion. Vote was taken. Motion carried unanimously.

Pending Business:Fred Brezel made a motion to take no action on the agreement with Plain Grove Twp. regarding Corry Road. The Supervisors would like more time to review the agreement. Brian McMurdy seconded the motion. Vote was taken. Motion carried unanimously.

New Business: –Love’s presented a letter for a 90-day extension on the plans submitted for their pending truck stop. Fred Brezel made a motion to extend the plans for Love’s. Brian McMurdy seconded the motion. Vote was taken. Motion carried unanimously.

Paying of the Bills: The bills were reviewed. Fred Brezel made a motion to pay the bills. Brian McMurdy seconded the motion. Vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously.

Adjournment: Fred Brezel made a motion to adjourn. Brian McMurdy seconded the motion. Vote was taken. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:45pm.


Frederick J. Brezel,Chairman Board of Supervisors


Shari Kreutz, Secretary

August 1, 2017
