
The Executive Management Committee of Wanstead RFC are committed to safeguarding the Health, Safety & Welfare of all of its members, young members, employees, volunteers & hirers as well as any visiting people or property affected by the clubs’ operation.

In order to organise and manage this commitment a Health & Safety committee is established. With RFU guidance, It consists of various volunteer representatives from adult, junior and mini sections of the club and has nominated Health & Safety Officers providing technical advice and a Chairperson reporting matters directly to the Executive. The Management Committee provide leadership by engaging & training all staff, coaches & other volunteers in the achievement of a safe & healthy environment at the club and the management of Health & Safety is promoted through consultation & involvement.

To reduce risk of accident or injury, Wanstead RFC seeks to provide an environment for a variety of activities that, as far as is reasonably practicable, is safe and preserves the health & welfare for those that work, play & socialise within it, and any others that may be affected by these activities. It is the duty of all duty managers, coaches & volunteers in a position of authority to prevent injury & ill health as far as is practicable.

It is expected that club member’s, young members, volunteers, employees & visitors to the premises have a responsibility for their own health and safety and must act in a manner which supports the health and safety of themselves and others.

In particular they must:

  • Take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves, and of others that may be affected by their acts or omissions whilst on our premises.
  • Co-operate with others in the operation of the club in fulfilling their statutory duties and provide risk assessments when called for.
  • Not interfere with, misuse or wilfully damage anything provided in the interests of health and safety.

The Health & Safety committee has developed Policies and Procedures in compliance with current H&S legislation, In particular:

  • The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 – requiring the provision of information, instruction, training and supervision.
  • The management of Health Safety and Welfare at Work Regulations 1999- identifying situations where H & S training is particularly important and includes assessing risks at work and to any other people affected.
  • The Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations.  The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations.
  • The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety)Order 2005.

Key underlying WRFC Health & Safety documents include:

  • WRFC First Aid Policy.
  • WRFC Fire Safety Risk Assessment.
  • WRFC Clubhouse, Playing Areas & Surrounding Areas Risk Assessment.
  • WRFC Emergency Procedures.
  • WFRC Safeguarding Policy.
  • WRFC Coaching Policy & Procedures.

Roding Lane North, Woodford Green, Essex IG8 8JY Telephone: 020 8550 1561