Field of Practice: Hydrogeological Science


A person may not practise in any of the fields of practice recognised by the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) unless he or she is registered in that category. Only a registered person may practise in a consulting capacity.


The objective of having the hydrogeological science field of practice recognised by SACNASP is to provide those wishing to employ a hydrogeologist a measure of confidence that the person being employed has appropriate and adequate training and experience in hydrogeology. Registration does not attest to the performance of the registered hydrogeologist.


While there are technical differences in the terms hydrogeologist and geohydrologist, in South Africa these terms are used synonymously.

A hydrogeologist is principally and primarily concerned with the occurrence, properties, flow and quality of groundwater i.e. water found below the water table or piezometric surface. It is a branch of the natural sciences that deals with natural processes as well as with changes brought about through anthropogenic impacts; and requires the application of sound scientific principles.

The science may be applied inter alia to groundwater resource development, groundwater quality, groundwater contamination, environmental matters, agriculture and mining; and in instances clearly overlaps with other recognized fields of practice. Hydrogeology differs from other fields of practice in that the training, experience and application of a hydrogeologist is focussed principally and primarily on groundwater.

It is recognised that a degree of specialisation in the field of hydrogeology is possible, either through academic training or experiences. Specialisation may include resource development, management and monitoring, contamination, surface – groundwater interaction, geochemistry, mining, numerical modelling and the like. It is difficult to provide a comprehensive list of all specialisations in the field of practice, but all share a common focus on the scientific study of groundwater as addressed above.

Categories of Registration

The following categories of registration are recognised by the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP):

·  Professional Natural Scientist – Pr.Sci.Nat.

·  Candidate Natural Scientist - Cand.Sci.Nat.

·  Certificated Natural Scientist – Cert.Sci.Nat.

Any person who holds an appropriate qualification in hydrogeology (see below) recognised by the SACNASP Councils Qualifications Assessment Committee may apply for registration. A minimum of three years full-time appropriate work experience in hydrogeology is required after qualification.

·  A longer period of work experience may be deemed necessary in instances where the candidate has less than four years of hydrogeologically-focussed study.

·  If the applicant was in a full-time occupation and obtained a M.Sc., Ph.D. or recognised M.Tech. or D.Tech. degree in the hydrogeological sciences while studying part-time, work experience in hydrogeological sciences gained during this period may be taken into consideration. Research or experience gained while studying full-time, however, will not be considered.

A Candidate Natural Scientist is a person has satisfied the academic training requirements of SACNASP and who intends registering as a Professional Natural Scientist after meeting the experiential requirements. Applicants who are unemployed, have recently completed an Honours degree or do not meet the work experience requirements may apply for registration as Candidate Natural Scientists. No work experience is required.

A Certificated Natural Scientist is any person who holds an appropriate three year degree or diploma in hydrogeology from a South African university, university of technology or technikon (or similar institution) recognised by SACNASP Councils Qualifications Assessment Committee and who has performed work of an appropriate nature for a period of at least one year.

A Candidate Natural Scientist or Certificated Natural Scientist may only perform work in the natural scientific professions under the supervision and control of a Professional Natural Scientist and must use his or her title in all natural scientific reports and other documentation relating to his or her work in the natural scientific profession prepared by him or her.


Any individual applying for registration with SACNASP must meet the requirements for registration as a natural scientist.

In principle, the qualification of a hydrogeologist is founded in the fields of hydrogeology and geology; and supported by fields of study such as chemistry, computer science, environmental science, geochemistry, geography, geographic information systems, hydrology, mathematics, physics and the like. It is a characteristic that hydrogeology includes many different, but interrelated scientific disciplines that contribute to any improved understanding of groundwater.

As with all of the SACNASP fields of practice, hydrogeologists are required to have sound training in science as part of their education. Unlike many of the other fields of practice, hydrogeologist can originate from a wide variety of different base disciplines, and many of these would not have specific majors in hydrogeology at undergraduate level. One exception to this is the emergence in recent years of specialist hydrogeology courses at some South African universities. In such instances, a three year undergraduate degree in hydrogeology and a one year Honours degree in the same disciple will satisfy the academic requirements of SACNASP.

Many professional hydrogeologist develop their specialist skills through post-graduate studies (either based on course work or through research-based degrees). In such instances an Honours degree (or equivalent) that focusses exclusively on groundwater and supported by undergraduate majors in earth science (geology, physical geography) would also satisfy the academic requirements of SACNASP.

Where postgraduate degrees in hydrogeology form the academic basis for the intended Pr.Sci.Nat. registration, these are to be supervised and examined by registered Professional Natural Scientists or individuals sufficiently qualified and experienced in hydrogeology such that they satisfy the criteria of SACNASP. Where course work is involved in these postgraduate studies, courses are to be presented by similarly qualified persons. All theses are to demonstrate a knowledge and application of scientific principles.

In reviewing any application for registration as a hydrogeologist, the SACNASP Councils Qualifications Assessment Committee may appoint a panel to review the credentials of any academic institution presenting hydrogeological qualifications. Such a panel shall comprise at least three Professional Natural Scientists registered in the field of practice of hydrogeological, have been registered with SACNASP for a minimum of ten years and have Ph.D. degrees.

Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience

SACNASP acknowledges that, for various reasons, certain individuals did not have the opportunity to obtain the level of tertiary education required by the Council for professional registration. Such individuals may, however, have contributed significantly to the scientific community and may continue do so for many years. The Council hence decided to give such persons the opportunity to register as Professional Natural Scientists under certain conditions. Applicants must be revered by their peers for their expertise in their particular fields of practice. Any person who does not hold a qualification recognised by the Council may apply for registration, subject to laid down procedures and requirements.

In reviewing any application for registration as a hydrogeologist based on prior learning and experience, the SACNASP Councils Qualifications Assessment Committee will appoint a panel to review the application. The panel shall comprise at least three Professional Natural Scientists registered in the field of practice of hydrogeological sciences, have been registered with SACNASP for a minimum of ten years and have Ph.D. degrees.

Areas of Knowledge and Expertise

Listed below are areas of knowledge and expertise required for registration as a hydrogeologist. It is difficult to succinctly summarise the characteristics of a field of practice, but can be expected of any hydrogeologist to have sufficient knowledge and experience in most of the following areas:

·  Remote sensing and interpretation

·  Geology and geological mapping

·  Collection, storage and interpretation of hydrogeological data by means of a hydrocensus (groundwater levels, quality, usage)

·  Application and interpretation of geophysical information

·  Borehole siting

·  Drilling control, and in particular air percussion and mud rotary

·  Construction of boreholes and specification of materials

·  Development of boreholes

·  Borehole and aquifer testing analysis of data

·  Understanding groundwater flow and behaviour

·  Design of wellfields and the management thereof

·  Providing recommendations pertaining to the equipping and use of boreholes

·  Understanding and assessing groundwater quality and its fitness for use

·  Application of isotopes in hydrogeological studies

·  Identifying and assessing groundwater contamination resulting from various land uses (waste disposal, forestry, mining, urbanisation, agriculture, etc.)

·  Surface – groundwater interaction

·  Saline intrusion

·  Relationship between groundwater and the environment

·  Mathematical modelling (aquifers, wellfield performance, chemical, contaminant transport, mine dewatering and rebound, mine decanting, etc.)

·  Groundwater monitoring and management

·  Data analysis, reporting and information presentation


Registration with SACNASP as a hydrogeologist is to be done according to the procedures and requirements of SACNASP, as set out at

Those individuals already registered with SACNASP and who wish to have their field of practice changed to hydrogeological science must apply to SACNASP by submitting a short motivation and a curriculum vitae demonstrating their hydrogeological training and experience.

SACNASP will appoint a panel of registered hydrogeologists to review registration applications, and any registered hydrogeologists may volunteer to assist with this process. As an interim measure, SACNASP will appoint a panel of registered individuals who - in their opinion - qualify as hydrogeologists