
Duration: 5:26 minutes


The Malampaya Foundation’s Bridging Employment through Skills Training (BEST) programme trains people like Brenda in new skills that will help them gain employment or establish their own businesses.

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[Video footage]

Close-up of a rooster and a black dog cutting, as the rooster crows, to wider footage of the people and dwellings in a rural Filipino homes and village.


Rooster crowing, birds chirping, people chattering in a foreign language.


South of Manila in the Philippines, Brenda Anyayahan seemed destined to a life struggling to make ends meet, just like many underprivileged Filipinos do today. But she found a way to break the mould and trained for a job which set apart from most women in her community.

[Video footage]

Mid view of Brenda and other women sitting together on the porch, the woman seated alongside Brenda talking on her mobile phone as Brenda looks on.

More footage of the rural village – people gathered around the porch, talking, a middle-aged woman preparing food at an outside kitchen close to which the rooster is perched.

Footage of Brenda walking away from the house and approaching the camera.

[Background music plays]

Instrumental music, including strings and keyboard, at times soft, other times building to rhythmic and anthemic.

[Text displays]

Seizing the Dream: Gaining skills for a better life

[Video footage]

Text displays on screen in a yellow-shaded frame against a background of out-of-focus footage of Brenda walking past the camera and out of shot.

Interview with Brenda

[Brenda - subtitles]

Most of the women here work in the SM Mall in Laguna. I don’t want that. I don’t want a typical women’s job. I want something that motivates me – body and mind.

[Video footage]

Footage of Brenda riding a motorcycle down a street in the town. The road is paved and bustling with pedestrians, vehicles and other bikers.

Close-up of Brenda against the out-of-focus background of the village.


Brenda was lucky. An opportunity opened up, training for a job that’s pretty unusual for a woman in the Philippines.

[Video footage]

More footage of Brenda riding her motorcycle on a busy street in a more urban setting.

Wide view of the signboard denoting the pedestrian entrance to the Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corp.

Wide view of geese waddling down the road and a terracotta painted boundary wall in the background fencing in a collection of buildings, cutting to and then zooming to a close-up of the entrance to the property where a large poster provides information on the Malampaya Foundation, the BEST programme, and the courses for which scholarships are available.


Geese calls.

[Brenda - subtitles]

They posted it everywhere. So that’s how I found out about how to take a course in welding. I thought why not try and see if I can do it?

[Video footage]

Close-up of Brenda against the out-of-focus background of the village.


Over ten years ago, Shell and its joint venture partners set up the Malampaya Foundation which runs projects to support and encourage social, environmental and economic development in communities neighbouring the Malampaya Deepwater Gas to Power project.

[Video footage]

Wide view of the larger vehicle entrance to the same group of buildings. A motorcycle passes in the foreground.

Cut to a close-up of the signboards posted at this entrance. The three signboards advertise the Malampaya Foundation and Shell’s other joint venture partners.

More footage of Brenda’s village – Brenda and others gathered on the porch of a house, others walking past, the middle-aged woman preparing food in the outdoor kitchen, a close up of a child.


Motorbike engine sound. Rooster crowing, people chattering in a foreign language.


One of these, the BEST project, is specifically designed to give opportunities to young people.

[Video footage]

Close-up of water dripping from a palm leaf as it rains in the background.

Footage of a man walking towards the pedestrian entrance as previously described, his umbrella open above him.

[Unidentified Male Speaker 1]

BEST means Bridging Employment through Skills Training which focuses on skills training that leads them into the employment of different courses that we have. So this year we have 465 scholars and 85% of the scholars have their employment this time.

[Video footage]

Close up of a man seated in an office setting, a colleague to his left in the background, cutting to a wide shot of the table around which he and three colleagues are seated.

Close-up of one of the women at the table paging through documents, cutting to a close-up of a laptop screen displaying images below the wording, Best Graduation 2015.


But Brenda had to work hard to convince the board that she was right for this course.

[Video footage]

Footage of Brenda on her motorcycle, approaching the shot.

[Unidentified Male Speaker 1]

They have to be 21 to 35 years old. They have the high school diploma. And after that, they have to pass the examination, interview and orientation.

[Video footage]

Close-up of the speaker outside the premises previously described, holding an umbrella above his head.

High angle view of the documents also previously described as the woman pages through them. They appear to be applications, with a passport photo attached to each stapled set of pages.

High angle view of the four people seated around the table, all with documents and a laptop in front of them on the table, cutting to a close-up of a multiple choice question paper.

[Unidentified Female Speaker]

We need to choose at least ten best qualified and you’re going to ask them to come over for the interview later.

[Video footage]

Close-up of the woman previously described as paging through the documents, cutting to close-ups of the others around the table while she speaks.

[Brenda - subtitles]

They asked why I chose this job even though I’m a woman. So I said I know I’m tough. I can do this. I can do this.

[Video footage]

Footage of Brenda riding her motorcycle on a busy street.

Close-up of Brenda against the out-of-focus background of the village.


The interview went well.

[Video footage]

Footage of Brenda riding her motorcycle on a busy street.

[Unidentified Male Speaker 1]

I think Brenda is doing her everything. She has the courage and she has the fire of doing that. It’s, like, her passion.

[Video footage]

Close-up of the speaker outside the premises previously described, holding an umbrella above his head.


After being selected, Brenda had to go through a four-week course, learning new and challenging skills.

[Video footage]

Close-up of Brenda approaching and walking through an entrance sign-boarded as MHPS-PHL.

Close-up of Brenda putting a protective covering over her head, a mask over her nose and mouth, a safety helmet on her head and safety goggles over her eyes.

[Unidentified Male Speaker 2]

Brenda is very determined to do what she wants to do and push the limits beyond limitation.

[Video footage]

Close-up of Brenda pulling a welding helmet down over all the other protective items.

Close-up of the male speaker in the training environment, also wearing a safety helmet.

Footage of Brenda and an instructor as he trains her in welding technique.

[Unidentified Male Speaker 2]

Brenda is very precise in movement with her welding technique so I think she’s going to go far.

[Video footage]

More footage of Brenda in the training environment, welding pipes.

Close-up of the male speaker in the training environment, as previously described.

[Brenda - subtitles]

Sir, what’s this? Is this the edge where metals are attached?

[Unidentified Male Speaker 3]

Yes, this is the edge designed to be formed like this then metals are attached to it. It should look like this.

[Brenda - subtitles]

It’s small, should be thin.

[Video footage]

Footage of Brenda and her instructor discussing technique.


Brenda is nervous as the course draws to a close.

[Video footage]

Close-up footage of Brenda and her instructor.

[Brenda - subtitles]

We’ll be graded to see if we pass. It was difficult, but we saw it through to the end.

[Video footage]

Close-up footage of Brenda and her instructor, cutting to an extreme wide view.

Close-up of Brenda against the out-of-focus background of the village.


Rooster crowing, dog barking.


Her passing grade in her welding technique will allow her to find well-paid jobs in the Philippines or overseas. Some of the best graduates have found work on the Malampaya project. Others have chosen to go abroad.

[Video footage]

Footage of the training environment where Brenda and her fellow students, all dressed in safety gear, work on their welding and inspect parts for welding.

[Unidentified Male Speaker 2]

Some of our best students were dispatched in Australia and Japan and also we had dispatched them in Malaysia.

[Video footage]

More footage of the students in the training environment, cutting to a close-up of the male speaker.


It seems likely that Brenda will pass and this will change her life forever.

[Video footage]

Footage of Brenda’s village and home, as previously described. Brenda is seated on the porch with friends and lifts a little girl onto her lap as she talks with her friends.

[Unidentified Male Speaker 1]

When we come here, they give a chance, they give an option, they give a choice.

[Video footage]

Close-up of the male speaker seated at the table, a colleague in the background, as previously described.

[Unidentified Male Speaker 2]

It’s not about gender anymore. So as long as they have the will to do what they want to do, and then they would be good in that skills.

[Video footage]

Close-up of the male speaker in the training environment, as previously described, cutting to close-ups of Brenda as she pulls her welding helmet down and works on the pipe she is welding.

[Brenda - subtitles]

Even though it’s hard, I’m going after a better future because I know it’s going to be easier to support my family if I work in welding.

[Video footage]

Footage of the students in the training environment, welding in their cubicles, cutting to a close-up of Brenda listening to her instructor.

Close-up of Brenda against the out-of-focus background of the village.


The Malampaya Deepwater Gas to Power project is bringing change to the Philippines, not only through the clean burning natural gas now helping to provide around 20% of the country’s energy needs, but through the employment, training and skills opportunities now benefitting people like Brenda.

[Video footage]

Footage by day and then by night of the Malampaya Deepwater platforms and support vessels against the background of the ocean.

Fast motion footage of city streets, buildings and bridges by night.

Close-up in profile of Brenda welding the pipe.

Close-up of Brenda as she talks and laughs with her instructor in the training environment.

More footage of Brenda’s home in the village.

Close-up of a smiling Brenda against the out-of-focus background of her village.


Rooster crowing, people chattering in a foreign language.

[Text displays]

Following filming, Brenda passed the course and found work locally as a welder.

Over 80% of graduates have now found work both locally and internationally.

[Video footage]

Text displays in a white-shaded frame against the out-of-focus background of a city street by night.


Shell Pecten centred on a white background.


Shell jingle.