May 1 or May 4, 2008 – Ascension of the Lord


My friends, today we remember the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven. Jesus left the disciples, promising what must have seemed very strange – the Holy Spirit as guide and comforter. The disciples were understandably confused, anxious, even grieving. We know the end of the story – and yet we, too, are often confused, anxious and grieving. Let us renew our faith again in the promises of Jesus and remember that we are not left alone in this world, that we are baptized into a community of faith with Jesus as the head and the Holy Spirit as our Guide.

We suggest that the Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling Holy Water replace the Penitential Rite and Kyrie during the Easter Season.

Scripture Readings

Acts 1:1-11 Jesus was lifted up.

Eph 1:17-23 May the eyes of your hearts be enlightened.

Matt 28:16-20 Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.

Prayers of the Faithful

presiderMy friends, on this Feast of the Ascension let us remember the promise of Jesus to send the Holy Spirit and pray to be open to the Spirit’s action in our lives.

ministerJesus commanded us to preach the Gospel: for the courage to witness to the Gospel by our words and by the way we live … we pray,

Jesus commanded us to baptize in his name: for faithfulness in living out the promises of our own baptism and to raise our children in the faith …we pray,

Jesus commanded us to receive the Holy Spirit: for hearts and minds open

to the Spirit’s promptings … we pray,

Jesus commanded us to love one another: for the grace to do the loving thing …

we pray,

Jesus commanded us to pray for what we need: for the poor, the sick, the burdened; for those in the path of war and all those whose lives are threatened … for those who most need our prayers this day … we pray,

presiderCreator God, hear the prayers of your people this day. Help us to know your son, Jesus; to do as he would do; to be like him; to preach his Gospel; and to live out our lives faithful to all of his commands. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen.

May 4 – Seventh Sunday of Easter or Ascension of the Lord


My friends, in today’s readings we meet the disciples living in the same place we live: between the time when Jesus was risen and before we are raised with him. How did the disciples occupy themselves? Today we hear that they gathered together and prayed. Let us do as they did.

We suggest that the Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling of Holy Water replace the Penitential Rite and Kyrie during the Easter season.

Scripture Readings

Acts 1:12-14The disciples devoted themselves to prayer.

1 Pet 4:13-16 You are blessed to suffer for Christ.

John 17:1-11a Jesus prays for the ones given to him.

Note: In some dioceses the Feast of the Ascension is celebrated today.

Prayers of the Faithful

PresiderMy friends, let us claim the privilege and the duty of all the baptized and intercede for our world, our neighbors and our loved ones.

MinisterWe pray for the church ... for all those charged with the responsibilities of leadership: for bishops and pastors; for preachers and teachers; for confessors and counselors; for missionaries and ministers to the poor ... for all to whom others look for guidance, we pray,

We pray for the nations ... for nonviolent means of settling disputes; for diplomats, peace-makers and all who seek the ways of peace, we pray,

We pray for members of our community ... for those whose decisions affect the lives of all of others; for those who are struggling financially and all those who come to this church seeking assistance, we pray,

We pray for those who are graduating this year ... for bright futures for all our young people and for all those whose lives they will touch in the future, we pray,

We pray for those who are sick or suffering in any way ... for healing, comfort, courage and patience for them, we pray,

We remember those who have died ... (names). For all who are grieving the loss of someone they love, we pray.

PresiderGood and gracious God, hear the prayers of your people this day. Send the Holy Spirit to inspire and strengthen us this week as we strive to live according to your Gospel. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

May 11 – Pentecost


My friends, it is Pentecost Sunday — the 50th day of Easter, the day we remember that Jesus did not leave us when he rose to the Father, the day we remember and celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit moving through this world. Today let us pray for the ability to perceive the work of the Spirit and remember that we received this Holy Spirit when we were baptized.

We suggest that the Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling of Holy Water replace the Penitential Rite and Kyrie during the Easter season.

Scripture Readings

Acts 2:1-11 They were filled with the Holy Spirit and understood each other.

1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 To each the Spirit is given for some benefit.

John 20:19-23 Jesus greets the disciples with peace and breathes on them.

See also readings for the Vigil Mass.

Prayers of the Faithful

PresiderMy friends, as Jesus breathed on his disciples and said, “Receive, the Holy Spirit,” so does he offer this same gift to us, freely, as the gift from someone who loves us very much. All we have to do is ask. Let us pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

MinisterWe pray for inspiration … for those charged with making decisions that affect the lives of many people … for leaders in the church, governments, business and the media, we pray.

We pray for courage … for those with a vision to share with others … for those who must stand firm in their convictions … for those who are challenged, tested, persecuted, we pray.

We pray for wonder … for the gift to perceive the beauty of the world around us, the loveliness of each person we meet, the divine in everything that is created by God, we pray.

We pray for reverence … for respect for others, gentleness, kindness, patience and self-control, we pray.

We pray for those who are suffering, those for whom we are especially concerned, those who have asked for our prayers … (pause) … for those for whom we have promised to pray, we pray,

We remember those who have died … (names). For all who mourn the passing of their loved ones, we pray,

PresiderGood and Gracious God, hear our prayers this day for your Holy Spirit’s activity in our lives. We pray always in the name of Jesus, our risen Lord. Amen.

May 18 – Holy Trinity


My friends, today we celebrate the great mysterythat our God is both One and a community of Persons. As we are created in the image of this God, we find our true identity in the community — thiscommunity that worships and serves together. Let us come before our God today and worship.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you are the Son of the Most High: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you came to be one with us: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you promised your Spirit to inspire us: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Exod 34:4b-6, 8-9 Moses worshipsGod as merciful and gracious.

2 Cor 13:11-13 Paul greets the church in the name of the Trinity.

John 3:16-18 God sent the Son to save the world.

Prayers of the Faithful

PresiderMy friends, we are called to community in the Lord, to unity of purpose, to harmony in our life together. Let us draw together and pray for that harmony among ourselves, within our families and communities, among the nations of the world.

MinisterFor peace among the nations … for nonviolent solutions … for the end of war, we pray,

For unity among Christians … for ways to come together to serve the poor, offer dignity to the sick and elderly and inspiration to our young people, we pray,

For harmony within families … for gentle speech, kind actions, loving gestures and all that makes family life sweet and nourishing to the spirit, we pray,

For calm within our schools … for places of quiet where our children may have room to think and learn and consider what is truly best for them in this world, we pray,

For serenity for each person here … for time to pray, to meditate, to appreciate the beauty of this world and God’s many blessings, for hearts of gratitude, we pray,

For healing within our hospitals and nursing homes … for quiet care and nurturing of those who are suffering or scared or lonely, we pray,

For comfort for those who are mourning the loss of a loved one, and for those who have died … (names), we pray,

PresiderCreator God, you who formed us and made us and know the thoughts and motives of our hearts, mercifully fill your people with the spirit of your unity, that we may cast aside our differences and serve you in all that we do. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
May 25 – Body and Blood of Christ


My brothers and sisters in Christ, today is Corpus Christi, the Solemnityof the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Today we give thanks for the gift of the Eucharist: the bread of life and the cup of salvation, that food which we share and which makes us one. As one body, let us join believers throughout the world and pray to live as brothers and sisters.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you are food for the journey: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you are nourishment for the hungry: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you are refreshment for the weary: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Deut 8:2-3, 14b-16a God gave the manna in the desert.

1 Cor 10:16-17 We, though many, are one and partake of one bread.

John 6:51-58“My flesh is true food.”

Prayers of the Faithful

PresiderMy friends, let us join with those gathered throughout the world and pray for those who are hungry and all who most need our prayers.

MinisterLet us pray for the church …for those faithful members of our community who are not Catholic and who accompany their families to worship; for those who are anxiously waiting for the completion of the annulment process … for all those who long for Communion, we pray,

On this Memorial Day weekend, let us pray for and end to war …for the growth of trust among all peoples and for the deepening of the foundations of international peace, we pray,

Let us pray for those members of our community serving in the armed forces …(names).For the safety and well-being of those in harm’s way; for those who benefit by their efforts; and for those who wait anxiously for them to come home, we pray,

Let us pray for those who are sick or suffering … for those who live with illness due to war trauma, violence and fear, we pray,

We remember those who have died …(names). And let us rememberall those who have died in service to our country and those who mourn their passing … for all victims of war, we pray,

PresiderGood and gracious God, watch over and protect us all. Strengthen the love that unites your people and grant that our community may know the peace and unity that is a sign of your presence among us. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord.Amen.