Ms. Livesay’s Language Arts


Materials needed daily in class:

·  Smile and optimistic attitude

·  Agenda book

·  Interactive Reading Notebook (IRN)- 9.75” x 7.5” Composition book

·  Engage NY Student Workbook

·  Novel/book we are currently reading in class

·  Tracking folder with prongs for Language Arts standards

·  Blue Language Arts folder with prongs

·  Notebook paper- always keep loose leaf notebook paper in blue Language Arts folder

·  Pencil Pouch with the following items included

o  Pencils, hand held pencil sharpener, zip drive (flash drive), colored pens (blue/black/red) colored pencils, glue sticks, scissors, tape

Grading Scale:

Tests/ Projects (Grammar/novel tests, special projects/reports)…………………50%

Daily Grades (individual assignments, group work, quizzes)…………………..….40%



Rubrics for specific projects/essays will be given throughout the year. These rubrics will always be located in your IRN.

Website Information:

My website is available via the Houston Middle School webpage. I will update my website weekly with assignments, homework, projects and anything else that needs to be communicated to parents and students.

·  Email:

·  Website:


Bellwork will be completed in your tracking folders on a daily basis upon entering the classroom. You will use the clickers to complete bellwork with a passage and a “clicker/tracking” question. ***Therefore, it is extremely important to come to class with your tracking folder every day.


Text @livesayela to 81010


We will be using a testing program called ‘Socrative’ to take tests, quizzes, and various daily grades/work. Each student will be given a unique username and password to log into the website-

Ms. Livesay will provide the usernames and passwords for your records. Each student will keep their personal login information in their IRN.

Ms. Livesay’s

Rules & Procedures

Below you will find a detailed outline of the rules and procedures of this class. Please review all of the information and sign at the bottom stating your understanding.

Classroom rules:

1.  Respect- treat peers and staff with respect

2.  Attentive Listening/ Follow directions the first time given (listening and paying attention while the teacher is talking and not talking to others while a lesson is being taught)

3.  Arrive to class on time with all necessary materials (refer to materials needed on a daily basis on syllabus)

4.  Participation (working to your fullest potential and seeking help when needed)

5.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

Classroom Procedures:

1.  Students must be prepared for class both academically & physically (class materials in hand)

2.  Students must be in their seat and ready to begin class, working on provided bellwork. When finished, sit quietly until given further directions. Do not leave your seat once seated, unless given instruction to do so.

3.  Students must raise their hand to speak or to leave their seat.

4.  Students must remain silent when others are talking.

5.  When absent, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed information. (before or after class)

6.  Before leaving class, students must clean their work area. Be sure to look under desk and throw away any trash and straighten desks.

7.  During fire or other emergency drills, students will follow the teacher’s instructions and the emergency procedures. Absolutely NO TALKING during drills. This is a school-wide rule.

Attendance/Make-up Work:

Regular attendance is an important element for success in this class as many concepts build on each other and missed time in one area will significantly affect student achievement. Students must check the absent binder in the back of the classroom for any worksheets or notes that may have been missed. Please check the weekly agenda on the board for daily classwork/homework assignments. Ask for clarification on any assignment that you do not understand before or after class. Do not interrupt a lesson to ask about make-up work. I will not ask for make-up work. It is your responsibility to get this turned in. You will have 1 full work day for every day missed to get the missed work turned in. (For example: if you were absent on a Monday, you are able to turn in the missed work on Wednesday).


Homework is assigned as needed. When assigned, homework will be checked at the beginning of the class period the following day. Late assignments will result in student’s grade being lowered.

Consequences for Not Complying with Classroom Rules and Procedures:

1.  Verbal warning

2.  Conduct mark

3.  Conduct mark & parent notification

4.  Conduct mark & detention

5.  Conduct mark & parent conference

6.  Conduct mark & office referral

All of these items discussed are intended to create a safe learning environment that optimizes and enhances learning for all students. If you have any questions on the aforementioned items listed on this form, please feel free to ask at any time. I look forward to an excellent school year as your 6th grade Language Arts teacher!


Student signature ______

Parent signature ______

Date ______

I am very excited to be teaching you this year for Language Arts! It will be a fun and exciting year. Please ask anytime if you have questions or need anything at all. J