Quick Reference Guide

Creating a Successful Fall Prevention Community Coalition

  Determine community readiness for a fall prevention coalition/ partnership.

o  Use the "Readiness Assessment".

  Identify and recruit fall prevention coalition members.

o  Identify a core group of organizations that are ready to form a coalition./ partnership.

o  Identify lead organization (s). Use this core group to get started.

o  Identify and recruit other organizations from the potential member list.

  Develop a preliminary strategic plan for the fall prevention program.

o  Develop a preliminary vision, mission and set of aims. Lead (s)/ core group should take the lead on this preliminary draft.

  Convene coalition members.

o  Plan and hold the first meeting.

o  Have each coalition member describe who they are, their interest in fall prevention along with their current goals around fall prevention and services/ programs that they offer.

o  Review and revise draft vision, mission and strategic aims with input from members.

o  Define the coalition structure, including meeting frequency, location, and structure, membership parameters, decision-making approach, and participation and communication between meetings.

  Implement the coalition/partnership and strategic plan.

o  Define and implement strategies and a detailed action plan, including resources needed to implement the plan.

o  Establish clear roles and responsibilities of coalition partners.

o  Define how working together will benefit each coalition partner.

o  Establish an effective communication process for coalition partners.

  Promote the coalition and its work.

o  Make community aware of the coalition and fall prevention programs.

o  Promote broad and active participation within the community.

o  Use the eight -step guide for conducting a successful campaign for fall prevention. 1

  Evaluate coalition and fall prevention programs.

o  Establish evaluation procedures and activities as you get started.

o  Refine on an ongoing basis.

o  Use established evaluation tools to guide your evaluation process. The following resources contain helpful guides. 1, 4, 5

  Sustain coalition and fall prevention programs.

·  Create a written sustainability plan. Use Appendix K as a template.1

·  Incorporate results from your evaluation to make ongoing changes and improvements.

·  Secure ongoing funding.

·  Celebrate accomplishments and successes.

Resources: The following resources were used to develop this checklist, are available for your reference, and download.

1.  National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Preventing Falls: How to Develop Community-based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults. Atlanta, CA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008.

Available at: www.cdc.gov/HomeandRecreationSafety/Images/CDC.Guide-a.pdf

2.  Cohen L, Baer N, Satterwhite, P. Developing effective coalitions: an eight step guide. In: Wurzbach ME, ed. Community Health Education & Promotion: A guide to Program Design and Evaluation. 2nd ed. Gaithersburg, Md: Aspen Publishers In: 2002: 144-161.

Available at: www.preventioninstitute.org/tools/partnership-tools.html

3.  The Collaboration Primer. Chicago, IL: Health Research & Educational Trust, 2003. Available at: www.hret.org/upload/resources/collaboration.primer-pdf

4.  Community Tool Box, Available at: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents

5.  Thompson NJ, McClintock HO. Demonstrating Your Program's Worth: A Primer on Evaluation for Programs To Prevent Unintentional Injury. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 1998. Available at: www.cdc.gov/ncipc/pub-res/demonstr.htm