Name: ______

Expert Group #1 – Acoustic Guitar

Visual Characteristics

The acoustic guitar has a curvy, hollow body made of glued pieces of wood with a large hole in the center. It has a long neck with tuning pegs, a fretboard and frets (metal strips). Most have 6 nylon or metal strings that run from the tuning peg to the tail on the body.

How Sound is Produced

A guitarist uses the fingers of one hand to hold down certain strings on the neck. They use the fingers of the other hand or a pick to pluck, tap, or strum the strings on the body of the guitar. The sound waves vibrate in the hollow body to produce the sound we hear.

How Sound is Changed

The sound on an acoustic guitar can be changed by tightening or loosening the strings using the tuning pegs. This will change the pitch produced. The frets are used so the guitarist can change the notes being produced. The amount of pressure applied to the strings will change the volume of the sound produced.

Similar Instruments from Around the World

The acoustic guitar is in the string family of instruments. The rebab from Persia, the sitar from India, the balalaika from Russia, the gu zheng and pipa from China, and the bouzouki from Greece are string instruments from around the world.

Interesting Facts

Timpani are also called kettledrums. Unlike other percussion instruments, the timpani can produce different pitches when struck with a mallet. There are 3 or 4 timpani drums in most symphony orchestras.

Name: ______

Expert Group #2 – Flute

Visual Characteristics

The transverse (side-blown) flute has three parts, the head joint, the body, and the foot joint. The body of the flute has 16 tone holes. Most flutes are made of silver but they can be made of platinum, gold, or wood

How Sound is Produced

The flutist holds the flute horizontally (to the side). It is held steady against the lower lip. The flutist blows air across the small hole in the head joint to allow air to vibrate through the tube.

How Sound is Changed

The sound on the transverse flute can be changed by covering or uncovering the tone holes. This will change the pitch produced by increasing or decreasing the length of the tube. The amount of air blown across the hole in the head will change the volume of the sound produced.

Similar Instruments from Around the World

The flute is in the wind family of instruments. The Irish flute and bombard from Ireland, the nagaswaram and bamboo flute from India, the didgeridoo from Australia, and the bagpipe from Scotland are wind instruments from around the world.

Interesting Facts

The first wind instruments were made out of animal horns. Flutes were originally made of wood. The transverse flute we use today has been used since 1847.

Name: ______

Expert Group #3 – Kazoo

Visual Characteristics

The kazoo is made out of metal or plastic. It can be many different shapes but it is a tube with both ends open. One end is flattened, the other end is circular. The most important part of the kazoo is a hole with a wax membrane that oscillates (turns).

How Sound is Produced

The player hums, sings, or speaks into the end of the kazoo. The vibration from the lips creates air that causes the membrane to vibrate. This creates a humming, nasal sound.

How Sound is Changed

The sound on kazoo can be changed by covering or uncovering the membrane hole. This will change the pitch produced by increasing or decreasing the length of the tube. The amount of air hummed into the kazoo will change the volume of the sound produced.

Similar Instruments from Around the World

The kazoo belongs to a group of instruments called mirlitons. The mirliton from Africa and eunuk flutes from Europe are mirliton instruments from around the world.

Interesting Facts

The kazoo is also known as a singing drum. The Kazoo is the only instrument created in America. The first one was made in 1840 and kazoos became mass produced 1912.

only instrument created in America

Name: ______

Expert Group #4 – Tambourine

Visual Characteristics

The tambourine has a small round wooden frame with jingles or snares shaped like disks. They may have a skin, like a drum, or be open across the top. Most tambourines are made of wood but they can be made of plastic too.

How Sound is Produced

The musician holds the tambourine in one hand. They shake, hit or tap it on their leg or hand to the beat of the music. As it is hit, the snares move to create the sound.

How Sound is Changed

The sound on tambourine can be changed by the how it is held, vertically or hoizontally. The speed and force of tapping or shaking will change the volume of the sound produced.

Similar Instruments from Around the World

The tambourine is in the percussion family of instruments. The bendir from Africa, the bodhran from Ireland, the pandeiro from central America, and the riq from the middle east are percussion instruments from around the world.

Interesting Facts

Tambourines have been used since ancient times. Modern ones have not changed very much since ancient times. Mozart, a famous composer, used tambourines in his music in 1782.